Maitei horyvéva opavavépe
David Galeano Olivera
cultures that refuse to disappear
For Modesto Anibal Velasquez - Posted in ABC Color: 6/3/2011
Read (click) in: http://dgaleanolivera.wordpress.com/las-culturas-que- be-resist-a-away /
until shortly before the conquest, were the absolute owners of these lands. The deception, however, led to cede to the claims of the West, to the point that they realized, they were entrusted. It was the beginning of the long marginalization and dependency of "high culture." They are the indigenous people of Paraguay, in the perspective of the respected doctor and anthropologist Sinforiano Rodriguez, whose rights are trampled as the time of the conquest. This paper argues: "There is much to give back to them."
In his story, Rodriguez argues that when the conquistadors arrived to "paragua'y" of the mortgage loans, there was a sedentary tribe, growers, collectors, peaceful, who saw them as excellent partners for their struggle against the Pampas Chaco: the Laughing Falcon. Took them as tovaja (brother), gave their wives and gave them food. This alliance, however, did not last long because they soon realized that instead of being tovaja, were to be slaves, people subject to English rule. So, two years ago, a Maundy Thursday, and there was a great rebellion. Rose some 8,000 indigenous willing to end English rule. India's famous Juliana betrayed the conspiracy to the English and were executed in retaliation leaders and was crushed first rebellion. According to scholar, this rebellion was not until 1660 only because there were other indigenous uprising because they wanted to be slaves.
Rodriguez said that for the great Brazilian anthropologist Darcy Ribeiro, the only nation in the Paraguayan mestizo Latin America, because the English arrived without women, came together and gave birth to the mestizo. Forty years later, the young men of the earth were the majority population. Domingo Martínez de Irala differentiated the Paraguayan mestizo of English and Indian father and descendants of the natives. So much so that a year before he died, as did the first assignment: 20,000 Indians were operated by 300 English.
Asked if there was any contribution of indigenous peoples to the events of Independence, said there was no way it was done by the new Paraguayan gestated. At that time, Aboriginal people were excluded from politics, as is the case today.
stressed that at the time of independence, the fate of indigenous peoples varied widely governed by the Franciscans and Jesuits. Jesuit
The great republic, for example, with more than 30 villages, had a much more prosperous and lasted almost 150 years. The best moment was when they were in the Jesuit, until they were expelled and left the ruins. Today, however, said that the Franciscan misionalización was more influential in the way of people from rural Paraguay, the Jesuit misionalización.
In the era of Lopez
During the government of Carlos Antonio Lopez-Rodriguez said, "there was a great persecution of indigenous peoples. Villages were closed. They took English surnames and authority over their lands. "They had a collective use of land that the Republic of Paraguay recently recognized a century and a half later in 1981 when it adopted Act 904, the Statute of Indigenous Communities," he said.
Referring to another period history, said that when the Colonel. Parapití Franco was moving, she found the Guarani Indians of Chaco and promised land. Fell at 18 months and could never keep his promise. These Guarani Indians were paraguayófilos during the war with Bolivia. They felt more Paraguayan Guarani Bolivians because they spoke and helped the troops to overcome the rugged Chaco. They were the Guarayos. Persecution
The persecutions were endured the drama that always Indians. In that regard, he stressed that in the case of Ayoreos, they were brave, jealous of their territory, defending death. Thus, the soldier who killed a Muslim until 1960 the floor was given as a reward.
The Ache, however, in its wildlife, considered natural and cultivated fruits were of all. Like cassava stealing fruit of nature. And they were hunted like wild beasts killed harmful. Not because he fought back, but because they were stealing the products of farmers. In their minds, they believed that they were fruits of the earth. "They did not have the aggressiveness of the Ayoreo and the only way to seize their land was exterminated," he said.
Turning again to the period of conquest, mentioned that some were of ethnic groups such as mortgage loans, and Guaicurú Payaguas, those who survived were adapting. For example, Last Payaguá was Payaguá Petrona, who lived in the Chacarita.
The Payaguas, for example, were considered pirates of the river and were killed by dangerous. Gaspar Rodríguez de France had no contemplation of them, because not only defended their lands, but also came with raids to steal women in the Eastern region. His present
Referring to the current legal situation, said winning the Statute of Indigenous Communities in 1981. Advanced legislation is considered, then managed the constitutional postulate in Chapter V, which is recited. For example, recognizes indigenous peoples as pre-state formation. It is very nice, but when you see asking indigenous land or occupying places, obviously not satisfied note.
"There is much to restore them. When there was the invasion of the soy fields, the Ava Guarani mbya and had land to live. However, with the expansion of mechanized agriculture and immigration policy in Brazil, whose banks were given money to buy land across the Paraná, the Indians felt invaded and moved, as well as farmers, who feel invaded by the soy fields, also fled. "El Alto Paraná and its surroundings are now a part of Brazil", he said.
Territory As for the current access to land, said there is still a huge debt with them, because being a little more than two percent of the population (110,000 inhabitants) and a unique cultural richness are still beggars on the street. "So we see girls of 12 years in prostitution. They have been stripped of their land, "he said.
Asked what he thinks of the current that wants to incorporate it into Western culture, arguing that it is not the time to live like savages, indicated that this is a misconception. So you have to incorporate respect for their culture and territory. The Paí Tavyterá have received their ancestral lands, but not sufficiently.
mentioned that the history of culture, 7,000 to 8,000 years ago, we said that culture is not static. Greece, the cradle of culture, had its brilliant days, today is a country full of problems, riots and an economic crisis. "The only thing real is that we have enslaved their rights and have not returned their part. That is, a minimum area in which to develop market-oriented culture current economic climate. Without land, they are doomed, "he said.
Over time, it believes that the natives are still rejected. Paraguay's most humble and modest is very superior to the indigenous. He added that when he worked with Indians and peasants, the latter demanded why he did so in preference to the natives, and in that sense, there is still a strong emotional racism.
Asked what the future might hold for the Aborigines to the fact that cross, he stressed that the future looks full of problems and difficult to predict because it is still in the minds of many people to be marginalized further. "There are ethnic groups that are disappearing. A German linguist married the daughter of a chief Angaite the sole purpose of preserving their language as a document of humanity, "he said. There are ethnic Tomárâho Chaco as composed of 70 people, that would slowly disappear and with them the language and everyone knows that when a language disappears also disappears one people, one culture.
At another point he referred to the ethnic groups are being incorporated into Western culture as Maka. They are pámpido Chaco. Belaieff brought in 1940 on the outskirts of Asuncion. It is an ethnic issue and are demonstrating that adaptation is a process. They maintain its unity, cohesion, and social insurance paid to organize themselves to sell their crafts. Retain their language, traditions and even their ethnic solidarity.
In that regard, he noted that there are many paths, but it is important that each ethnic group and its future work for the state to ensure the use of their rights. If ethnicity is a farmer, who has his land and make it produce items for the live market and their income. Finally
reflected the belief that the only way is to give identity is a crime. Just as species diversity contribute to the harmony of nature, cultural diversity also makes the universal harmony. Each culture has its wealth. There is no upper and lower, there are different cultures.
The Guarani culture heritage
The Paraguay Guarani culture inherited from the customs that are now entrenched in those born in this land. Rodríguez
first emphasized that the essential core of Paraguayan identity is undoubtedly the Guarani language that despite all the persecution he suffered under the influence of Sarmiento, after the Great War, remains the language of privacy and confidentiality of most nationals. Another aspect that lasted
is the reluctance to accept the majority opinion and does not hesitate to form a new group when they see who loses, and is observable in political parties. The Guarani were the aty guasu and lasted two, three, five or ten days, and if there was a majority, the minority would not let anyone break and withdrew to form another tent.
The search for land without evil is also in the very conscience of Paraguay. The migratory compatriot with relative ease in search of a better life.
According to Rodriguez, the rich wisdom Guarani regarding medicinal plants is another of the great legacies of our ancestors. In that regard, he stressed that, after the Greek and Latin, in the nomenclature of medicinal plants, Guarani was the main contributor to give names to plants, because the Indians were deep knowledge of nature and its medical application .
Other legacies were the strong spirit breviary in political and sports sympathy and respect for the priest because he has the charisma of the Guarani shaman. In contrast, abhors the defector.
For Rodriguez Paraguayan their present lives without much concern for its future. In Indian culture, gardening was part of their experience because they lived by hunting and fruit trees, so do not worry too much to accumulate. Living the present with ease, without worrying about tomorrow. So the Ache were hunted for stealing cassava to eat. Two great myths
With respect to the nationality said that there are two myths: the myth Guarani de León Cadogan, who says that is predominant in the Paraguayan identity. In contrast, the American anthropologist Service and his wife, who lived a year in Tobatí, studied how to be a farmer, and said there is a lot more of Hispanic Guaraní. Therefore, there is another Hispanic Guaraní myth. Both are true. The pillars of national identity, however, are the early fusion, the Guarani language and worldview strong Catholic Franciscan influence.
1 - The Ache, in its wild life, felt that the wild fruits were grown and all. Like cassava stealing fruit of nature. And they were hunted like wild beasts killed harmful.
2 - Ayoreos, they were brave, jealous of their territory, defending death. Thus, the soldier who killed a Muslim until 1960 was given the floor as a reward. Some hunters link to these natives to bring them out of the mountain.
3 - There are ethnic Chaco, as Tomárâho, composed of 70 people, that would slowly disappear and with them the language. Everybody knows that when a language dies also disappears one people, one culture.
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