generation of young English artists is renewed. The English art boom of 2000 has given way at last to new artists who are developing their careers in the era of social networking. For this breed there are two key names, Bubi and PABLO PEREZ CANAL Sanmartin.
know in depth the latter, the author of the brilliant series of photographs THE LAST DAYS OF DISCO, who dazzled in his last INFAMOUS TYPES exposure.
- Displaying your work could be said to have received a disturbing element behind the disco lights, something that not everyone has seen ...
In fact everyone at some point we have noticed, the disco lights are lights that do not serve to enlighten, but to sift and dye color space club, like mirrors, a labyrinth of mirrors are not to provide faithful reflection, but more exaggerated traits of oneself. That way lie with both mirrors and lights, you can learn many things ...
- What was your exposure LA YOUTH DANCE?
tried to the notion of "ideal youth" with the idea of \u200b\u200bwhich is traded none have really lived the way ... It's a little what I call the "effect Tarradellas" by the publicity that would have us believe this idea of \u200b\u200b"the pizza as I prepared it your grandmother," when, at least my grandmother, has not touched a pizza in your life ...
also spoke of a generational issue that I consider quite decisive: we are the generation that has lived more diverse range of leisure in history just before the notion of "welfare society" as we understood blow .
A generational effects, it's like suddenly falling of that eternal plastic wave Californian surfer to be face to face with new rules ... The exhibition was essentially a recreation in the remains of the "summer of love" of youth consumption through confetti and other debris, but also driving a set of values \u200b\u200bmore abstract and less descriptive ... Also symbolically rescued several stanzas of Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana, one of which "Here We Are, now entertain us" appeared written in a light typeface which was made from balloon twisting balloons ... I think it is the work best sums up the show in reality.
- Who do you say you look like?
By number of times and tell me of a time now to HEATH LEDGER. Then there who looks like me with Joseph Gordon-Lewitt. Even then you were in July and you with that theory that he was the son of proto Dark Crystal, which is what I most feasible. Not really anything the matter convinces me Lookalike, luckily I have a peculiar body language that thwarts any hint of connection with nude movie heartthrobs.
- Your latest exhibition, THE LAST DAYS OF DISCO, in KINDS INFAMOUS, I was really surprised. I felt terrible and beautiful. Tell us about it ...
I'm glad you liked it! I am very pleased with the reactions of people who have come to the expo, mostly because of language change, drawing the picture, is pretty hard. In the picture you do it all on the fly so ultra-intuitive and a picture as I raise them requires careful planning set. The expo unified
part of the original series YOUTH DANCE, with the last thing I did, THE LAST DAYS OF DISCO, a little "sequel" (I'd love to run for sequels, now that I think) updated. In time The best way I could think of to describe the images in the series was like "Vanitas disk, because that is what they are: still life and vanitas located under disco lights. I've always been interested in gender still life, and the mechanism that put on the table is the same take an everyday object from its context and come up some time "the abyss."
- Can a living as a contemporary artist?
From the middle class substratum from which operator will reluctantly say that if you can, but bleeding your immediate family and becoming a kind of quixotic monotema you just believe scholarships be imagined to blow all day oppositional. .. For better or for worse the type of work I present often operates in a very imprecise between the artistic and extra art. See if columpiaré me out there a catalog of injuve where you get to say it finely Mine is "an exercise in deception" (it was a result of a piece that had its own ad formats they download ringtones to wallpaper to foot exhibition hall)
What I mean is: moonlighting come to me . I have no complaints, I have been enriched in many ways has helped me to question certain types of work that was truly urgent need to review and ultimately has helped me grow and know what I want. So now, of course, because I had work to survive miserable like everyone else. But I'm not complaining. I also think it seems interesting to apply part of the methodology of a communications agency to work. I think it would work much better than a gallery use.
- Who are your favorite foreign contemporary artists? Many people MURAKAMI
seems weary, and has gone from ultracomercial, but apocalyptic mind that I recognize a lot. Is the anime version of THE BOSCO! Only he can speak of the entropic destruction of the world while working in an editorial BRITNEY SPEARS IN SHIBUYA GAL tuned for POP magazine magazine.
also really like the paintings of FEI CHEN pearls and masses of flesh open channel to the Society, Brian Yuzna, JOHN RRAFMAN of Tumblr 9 EYES, and painter Thomas Kinkade Style aka "the painter of light" .
- And the English?
I am delighted with the pictures of UFO ARMANDO SUAREZ, Gijón late painter who was the surprise of this year arc.
Then, as always, CARLES CONGOST, Manu Arregui, JOAN MOREY, Txomin Badiola, Bubi CANAL ... De Galicia, which is my land: CIDR SALVADOR, JORGE VICENTE BLANCO and PERIANES.
- At your funeral will sound ...
THE DEVIL'S DANCERS, from OPPENHEIMER ANALYSIS seems like a good alternative to the priest's sermon. And once completed, would drop the disco ball, it would sound GOOD TIMES CHIC and imagine the rush ... I wish: if I can not qualify for a housing I imagine much less a decent burial.
- Are you in love?
Yes, and also when I'm so happy I turn to superstitious, so I avoid talking about it.
- What does a man have to conquer?
I have no type, is more an accumulation of factors. The first detail that I usually set are shoes, because they often provide enough information about the person, so it fit well scored. I like people who naturally conveys the feeling of being completely comfortable in the living skin.
- What was that fear of the future? You have no fear of the future, right? FEAR THE FUTURE
was an action to THE WHITE NIGHT in which through the center of Madrid for the night handing out promotional material (black balloons decorated and flyers) with the text that gave title to the project. The logo and graphics remitted to the world club of Madrid and the idea was to treat this as something corporate apocalyptic message and see how it works in the context of the event itself, which, of course ... the reactions were very sleepless night: Parents who fought to get balloons "fear of the future" for their children and teenagers who have asked me "Where is this club" in Montera had a very GEORGE A ROMERO against the rail subway surrounded by outstretched arms clawing the air giving trying to catch one of the last balloon: another way of using the "fear of the future" which was formalized through the media, which was what I was talking the project. My friend Paul Cassidy made some incredible photos of the action which gathers all of these moments.
As to whether I have fears about the future or not, I hate to reply with quotes, but I've made this shot of the Marquis de Sade and here it is: "On my drives, this electrified me, do not fear the future: I hope the rest of my life even further than the ravings of my youth "
- Got cock?
No, but I have one of those whistles resalaos.
- you just design a bow to JARABOWTIE. How are?
The collection is called KILLER BOW TIE and is inspired by the murderer of the little bird this guy is a demon, I always thought it was a JOHN WATERS enough to claim children.
The collection is part of the line "+" of JARABOWTIE, and plans to collaborate with more artists. For now the elect have been ESTHER hare, and I Bubi CANAL. Having a joint project between the four has been a luxury, really. I came out happy experience.
- What idols carried in your folder on the school?. Popy
My God, the institute was so confused that I remember so crystal LIA take a photo at some point CHAPMAN 3 of bup ... After the folder was also SONIC the Hedgehog and later PATROL X. .. Longshot I was cool, seemed the most quedón. It was more visual references of idols, though.
- To break into the art world, should we have look of an artist or you can dress H & M and be an artist?
actually pose artist has more to do with "adorn with references" ... and the possibilities are many, but they all go for taking ultra-serious about your cut and paste conceptual with proper pints. So the question I think is if you suddenly can be an artist by buying the work material FESTIVALS PACO, as I do. And where you place me between those those two options, right?
take this question to give up, before it was over BURGER KING. I liked the furniture, the concept paper crowns and BIG KING XXL. But for now I prefer McDonald's and 1955. Also last week I went with a friend and had a bum with a box of fruit Frutaz pocha to clean the facility and their customers: For the same price, you eat McDonald's burger with a surplus of symbolic included. Buy
- What songs do not stop to listen to your MP3?
I loop these days TEAR CLUB of Moullinex , VILLA BEATS OF LOVE and TAKE 'EM ROBOT SHIT UP. In basic classical plan frozen in the playlist is THE LOW GARY SCHOOLGIRL , TO AMERICA AS TWO MAN SOUND or and you know of sapphires . I tend rather to tropicalism
and maraca ...
- When was the last time you cried and why?
I do not remember, really. I could swear that in dreams, and for some time.
- what would you see? What are your favorite series? I'm not much of
series, more than anything for lack of time .... The latter have been UGLY AMERICANS, MISFITS, which I think is a masterpiece starting with the casting director.
- you do not know anyone alive that you'd like to be your friend.
I believe that friendships are forged without one of the all counts, I do not come out well for someone in particular remote. However, in plan-muso friend I could use a pearl Francois Sagat, for example.
- Your favorite movie.
a kid I was obsessed with the aftermath. If you had a "2" I loved it, not why. HOME ALONE 2, Back to the Future 2, THIS GUY IS A DEMON 2, DEMONS 2, which was the first horror movie I saw only once my parents left out there for dinner ... Since then I have not be able to call "favorite" to any film as did when I was little, so let us for example THIS GUY IS A DEMON 2 by collective vomit scene DEMONS 2, I saw her sitting on the floor in the dark in my underwear and shivering with cold, but without being able to take off the screen and that brand.
- Choose a superpower ... I remember a Marvel comics
showing an alternate reality in which KINGPIN, who is the king of the underworld in the Marvel universe, ruled by a stronghold of heroes and villains in a version of the land ravaged by a zombie plague. One of the characters asked the woman KINGPIN "as it has done, whether it is the only one left who does not have powers?" - With his strength of will, which is the only superpower that deserves penalty, she replied. Gemini good for my half would be left with the willpower of KINGPIN and the evil with the power of persudir people, it's like telepathy but more hygienic, because you have to go down the black hole of the thoughts of people.
- Your bedside book. HOMO
In recent plan SAMPLER: TIME AND CONSUMPTION IN THE ERA Afterpop, ELOY FERNÁNDEZ PORTA. Header more than I identify with the author. The teenager, who is the bill was "Sinuhe the Egyptian."
- Someone dead return to life to go with him to party. By ANDY WARHOL
I've always liked one thing: the party generating around, but always remained unperturbed on his couch in the center of the hurricane. Well, I could imagine perfectly ANDY route to Madrid. But I imagine in reality sketch plan to Bernie's THIS.
- Why Madrid?
"Why" is the question we should ask all now as things are in this city of ours. My friend Silvia said that the city is turning around in a gigantic moving here there is nothing to do "... not without reason. Still you continue to want to Madrid as well, much of Peruvian handicrafts stall to bring in all the places I go through on the way to my house.
- What I masquerade in a costume party? Step
pretty costume theme, I'm typically leave it to the end and stands at the party with some add that he has dropped the friend stylist. Curran costume I think I heteruzo farmhand disguise of dress girl, double corkscrew plan travesti.
- What projects are you around?
For now the group show MUSIC IS THE ANSWER (TO YOUR PROBLEMS), the FRESH GALLERY, which opens on Saturday, April 2 PLAY A project within the three bands. I have an ongoing collective touring the United States entitled YOUNG SPANISH ART: THE NEW GENERATION. In June will collaborate in THE BREAD a project in Barcelona, \u200b\u200ban art center that specializes in work "editable" ... otherwise I have pending a couple of collaborations that will be coming out these months, but I'm working yet and after a mini -vacation again locked in the studio to prepare new series.
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Songs for the iPhone 4:
- CHAINS of Kenna.
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