Read original (click) in: http://dgaleanolivera. wordpress.com / successful-course-of-Guarani-in-the-college-de-sao-paulo /
At the time, at 17 hours, will be the third class GUARANI conversation courses at the University Sao Paulo - USP. The course was approved by the COUNCIL OF CULTURE AND University Extension of the institution. It is worth noting and recognizing the gesture of Professor Eduardo de Almeida Navarro, who brokered determined and positively to the opening of the course. Oîháicha
-pe internet has oñembo'eháicha Argentina, Bolivia, United States, Spain, Italy, Germany Ambue tit rupi, comb ko ka'arupytûme oñepyrûta AVEI peteî mbo'esyry Guarani ñe'é rehegua University of Sao Paulo-pe; akóinte herakuâporâva has ojehecharamóva hembiapo porâitáre.
From this first experience involving the following persons: Adam Felipe Cunha, Do Carmo Adriano Faria, Almir da Silveira, Bruno Schultz, Cintia Dos Santos Pereira Da Silva, Conceicao Aparecida Camargo, Deborah Stucchi, Beck Donizete Ferreira, Edson Martins Collares, Eli two Santos Costa, Eliana de Jesus Bueno, Eni Mariana de Souza, Eric Vasquez Santana, Fabio Kiyoshi Sakata, Germano Camargo del Blanco, Helen Keiko Yamada, Jose Carlos de Souza Brandão, José Luis Ferreira, Leonardo Gonçalves, Luma Ribeiro Prado, Marco Antonio dos Santos Cruz, Maria Margarida Cintra Nepomuceno, Mirian Nobile Diniz, Oscar Curros Moure, José Rodolfo Barbosa de Souza, Rose Mary Grace Correa de Oliveira, Talita Miranda, Tawany Carolina Alves de Carvalho, Thiago Alexandre Chavez, Vera Lucia Takita Levy and Laura Strong. To these must add up to 12 bad people taking this course in character oyentes, and will also be certified cuando he concluya course. He
course, which is free, is dictated by the PROF. MARIO VILLALVA FILHO (mariocomunica@yahoo.com.br), a member of the Center for Culture Guarani: Paraguay Teeter, and ATENEO GUARANI LANGUAGE AND CULTURE. Prof. Villalva has the support of journalist Carolina Ramirez. Prof. Villalva
has a long history of promoting the Guarani language and culture in Brazil, particularly in Sao Paulo, where he resides, and is also teaching and academic institutions specializing in the area of \u200b\u200bcommunication (journalism).
The Guarani Conversation Course will run from the date to June 10, 2011. Classes are held every Friday, from 17 to 19 hours.
The organization of the course rests with the Department of Arts and Vernacular Clássicas FFLCH / USP, and has the support of ATENEO GUARANI LANGUAGE AND CULTURE, and support the Center for Culture Guarani: Paraguay Teeter. ATENEO
LANGUAGE AND CULTURE GUARANI ombohasa heta vy'apavê Villalva Mbo'ehára Mario Filho-pe ko ohupytýre mba'e guasuete tuicha oipytyvôtava ñe'é myasâime Guarani. ATENEO oñemoî Mbo'ehára Villalva ykére omombaretevévo hembiapo rayhupápe Guarani. Añetehápe has ha'e he'iháicha: oñondive ñanembareteve. Rehechasérô
Marandu ko-pe mbo'esyry rehegua USP, ehesakutu ko'ápe: http://sce.fflch.usp.br/node/185
On Friday, March 11 this year, after seventeen hours (Brasilia time) kicked off the first class of "Conversation in Guarani" in the facilities of the Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras, Ciências Sociais e História (FFLCH) da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). The class began with the presentation of the teacher in charge, Eduardo de Almeida Navarro, who introduced me as a teacher of the subject and claimed to be taught the Guarani of Paraguay.
The students began with the presentation was each of them saying their names, occupation and because of interest in learning the language. Among them, some had some link with Paraguay (grandson of Indian Guaraní, Paraguay's daughter, or simply had passed through the country.) Most are professionals like lawyers, graduates of Arts, photographers, media professionals, federal civil servants, people working with Indian students graduate degree in the field of linguistics and sociology, among others.
continue the program on "Vocabulary of greetings and identification" and began with the phrase "nde Mba'éichapa RERA. We also addressed the members, where students could practice the pronunciation of "and" point of greatest difficulty, as most could not pronounce it, why not get into the vowel "and"
At the end of the class had several students requesting permission to participate as listeners, as they had not won more seats as regular students.
From this day, and for the next classroom, I have had and will have the help of Carolina Ramirez in the conversation classes, as in the practice we have to split the group now has 30 students, plus some listeners, " so that we can make a better language practice.
explained to the students an important characteristic that differentiates into English Guarani. To sum up my words, I said that Castilian is more rational and more emotional Guarani, sentimental, passionate ...
I discussed with the students that the organization of this short course "in Guaraní Conversation" is an initiative of the Cultural Core Paraguay Guarani Teeter and support of Language and Culture University Guarani.
inaugural Reflexões on a classroom course Conversação do na USP em Guarani inaugural do
A classroom course Conversação in Guarani given on March 11, 2011 at the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, University of São Paulo was very interesting and stimulating. Prof. Eduardo Navarro made his initial presentation and gave the floor to Professor. Mario Villalba Ramão Son and Professor. Carolina Ramirez, who presented the main objectives of the course, showing the relevance of the Guarani language studies in Brazil and its impact on the constitution of our identity, as well as political and ideological implications involved in the historical process of its prestige and social devaluation, both in Brazil and Paraguay.
During the session, students introduced themselves, justifying his interest in the course and showing some traits of their subjective relationship with the language and the Guarani culture, a quest for understanding its roots, and the rescue of an Indian identity erased and deleted by a language historically imposed, the other's language, the language of the colonizer. Thus, it would not be an exaggeration to note that the wordings of students (both Brazilian and Paraguayan) pointed strongly to a sense of the Guarani language learning as an instrument of struggle and reaffirmation of identities, political space of deconstruction and reconstruction of various power relations .
was in this very promising area of \u200b\u200broom lecture that Prof.. Mario, assisted by Prof. Carolina, began his linguistic descriptions about the Guarani language, presenting some introductory sentences of a basic function of communication in any language: greetings and identifications. Personal pronouns and other topics alphabet were taught and practiced by students, who were surprised especially with the challenge of pronouncing vowels y and y. One of the phrases was carried on collectively Mba'eichapa rera nde?, Making possible a minimal communication between the students on the first day of class.
Students left the class very enthusiastic about the course, some of which have a unique experience and, above all, live in the Guarani language. Congratulations and good luck to everyone involved in this wonderful initiative! Laura Strong
(student of Conversational Guarani)
Maite horyvéva opavavépe David Galeano Olivera
(ATHENS Motenondehára)
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