we mourn original (click) in: http://dgaleanolivera.wordpress.com/fallecio-el-karai-guasu-felix-de-guarania-estamos-de-duelo/ Ko
Arapa jasyapy arakôi 14 2011, ojehekýi ñande apytégui Guarania Big Chief Felix. LANGUAGE AND CULTURE ATENEO GUARANI omoĝuahê hemimbyasy kuñakarai Rajya Clara Felix has Karai: Galia has Mimbi; ra'y: Augusto has Felix, has opavavete ipehênguekuérape. Nane ojaho'i ñembyasy Tuicha broom omanógui karai peteî Arandu has hekojoheipyréva. On the date, Monday, March 14, 2011, died Guarania Big Chief Felix. The ATENEO LANGUAGE AND CULTURE GUARANI extends its condolences to his wife Dona Clara, your daughters, Gaul and Mimbi; sons, Augusto and Felix, and all his family. The Paraguay lost a great intellectual and a person of a clear ethical path. Heñóikuri Guarania
Paraguarípe Felix, 20 jasypateî ára ary 1924-pe. Ha'ehína Heratee Félix Gómez Giménez. Guarani has ñe'êpapára ohaíva ñe'é Mbo'ehára mokôive Nane Ne'eman. Guarani heta Omoheñoiva'ekue rayhuhára aty, Institute of Linguistics apytépe umíva Guarani of Paraguay Mbo'ehára Decoud Larry Julian katupyry ndive Reinaldo. Avei omoheñói Paraguayan Linguistic Research Center, ojekuaavéva Cepail-field. Nane Oikundaha tuichakue javeve challenges has AVEI oikojepe ary Ambue heta Pegu tit rupi Europe. Hi'arambotýpe, 20 jasypateî 2010-eg, ATENEO LANGUAGE AND CULTURE GUARANI ome'êkuri ichupe Guarani ñe'ête has reko Tembikuaajára kuatia'atâ. Felix was born in Paraguari Guarania, 20 November 1924. His real name: Félix Gómez Giménez. Guarani language teaching and bilingual poet. Throughout his life he founded several institutions, developers and promoters of the Guarani, including the Institute of Linguistics Guarani of Paraguay with Dr. Reinaldo Julian Decoud Larrosa. He also founded the Paraguayan Centre for Linguistic Research, better known as Cepail. He traveled and lived throughout Paraguay en varios países del mundo, particularmente en Europa. En su último cumpleaños, el 20 de noviembre de 2010, el ATENEO DE LENGUA Y CULTURA GUARANI le entregó el título de Doctor en Lengua y Cultura Guarani.
Oujey guive ñane retâme, ary 1989-pe, omba’apo ha ombo’ékuri ATENEO. Heta atýpe, Guarani ñe’ê ha ñane ñe’êkôi reheguápe, oîjepe. Heta aranduka ohaijepe. Hembiasakue ha hembikuaa opyta techapyrârô opavavete Guarani rayhuhárape ha avei mayma ñane retâyguápe. Oujeývo ñane retâme, iñangirû teete Rudi Torga ombohasava’ekue chupe ipo ha omba’apo hendive. Upévare ja’ekuaa Guiver ára ko mokôiveva oîhajey oñondive omyasâi Nane has omoherakuâporâvo Avañe'ême yvága tuichakue javevépe. Since his return to Paraguay, in 1989, work and taught at the Ateneo. Participated in countless meetings (conferences, seminars, conferences, etc) on Guarani language and on bilingualism in Paraguay. Published nearly a hundred books. His life and his wisdom will remain as a legacy for all scholars and students of the Guarani, and in general for all our compatriots. Upon his return to Paraguay, after several years of absence, his father knew of the solidarity of his good friend Rudi Torga with whom he shared a number of years work, which is why today, both insurance and will be sharing together-in the afterlife, which continue to spread and prioritizing our sweet Avañe'ê. Ne
Anga topytu'u tapiaite Guarania Big Chief Felix. Rest in peace, Don Felix de Guarania ... Ne angirûkuéra
ATENEOpegua. ATENEO your friends. Maitei
ñembyasýpe opavavépe
David Galeano Olivera
(ATENEO Motenondehára)
Guarania Rehechasérô Felix, Karai Arandu; ehesakutu ko'ápe: http:/
/ vimeo.com/6948946
Remoñe'êsérô Ambue mba'e rehegua Guarani Felix, ehesakutu ko'âvape:
Guarania "Don Felix was awarded the title of Doctor of Guarani Language: http://dgaleanolivera.wordpress.com/2010/11/ 21/don-felix-de-guarania-recibio-el-titulo-de-doctor-en-lengua-guarani /
-About the graphics of the Guarani language: https: / / groups.google.com / group / guarani -nee/web/acerca-del-grafismo-de-la-lengua-guarani---flix-de-guarania? hl = en
-Felix presented his book N ° 87: https: / / groups.google. com/group/guarani-nee/web/felix-de-guarania-presento-su-libro-n-87? hl = en
-Flawless Arrow tribute Ricardo Felix Guarania: https: / / groups.google.com / group / guarani-nee / web / flawless-tribute-de-ricardo-arrow-a-felix-de-guarania? hl = en
"The ATENEO celebrate birthday Guarania Felix: https: / / groups.google.com / group / guarani-nee / web / el-ateneo-celebrate-birthday-to-flix-de-guarania? hl = en
- Felix continues to give valuable contribution to the culture of Paraguay Guarania: https: / / groups.google.com/group/guarani-nee/web/valioso-aporte-sigue-dando-felix-de-guarania-a-la-cultura- Paraguay? hl = en
-Félix de Guarania awarded: https: / / groups.google.com / group / guarani-nee / web / flix-de-guarania-decorated? hl = en
-Historical Felix translated into Guarani Guarani Don Quijote de la Mancha: https: / / groups.google.com/group/guarani-nee/web/histrico-flix-de-guarania-tradujo-al-guarani-don-quijote-de- the-spot? hl = en
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