"but the choice between blue and red pills is not really a choice between illusion and reality. Of course Matrix is \u200b\u200ba machine for fictions, but these are fictions which already structure our reality: if we take into our reality these symbolic fictions that regulate it, we also lose reality itself.
I want a third pill!
So what is that third pill? Definitely not a kind of transcendental pill which allows a "false religious experience fast food ', but a pill that allows me to perceive not the reality behind the illusion but the reality within the illusion itself "
(Extract from the documentary. at which point Zizek explains a passage Matrix).
I want a third pill!
So what is that third pill? Definitely not a kind of transcendental pill which allows a "false religious experience fast food ', but a pill that allows me to perceive not the reality behind the illusion but the reality within the illusion itself "
(Extract from the documentary. at which point Zizek explains a passage Matrix).
imagine that virtually everyone at this point in life, know who is Slavoj Zizek (if anyone wants to delve into his mind, do not hesitate to visit the blog friend "Snoring in Nostromo" ) .
Hegelian philosopher and theorist, the Lacan and Marxism, this Slovenian, radical leftist, born in 1949, has contributed to critical thinking with their particular political theories, cinema and psychoanalysis.
One of the strengths on which bases its work and makes it attractive and affordable for everyone is that, for its digressions, uses popular culture to do so.
Zizek does in this documentary, a review of the best movies in film history, and does so with his unique point of view, opening new paths and unexpected perspectives, thus speaks of films as The Birds, Psycho , The Testament of Dr. Mabuse, Alien, The Great Dictator, Mulholland Drive, The Red Shoes, Fight Club, Blue Velvet, Vertigo, Solaris, Person, Frankenstein, Death on the heels, city lights ...
One of the many successes that shows when you talk about these films is that, for example, when we try to explain the meaning of the two pills Morfeo he shows Neo in "Matrix" , Zizek tells us sitting in the same chair that Morfeo, when we talk about Psycho, so from the chair in which sat the mother of Norman Bates ...
Hegelian philosopher and theorist, the Lacan and Marxism, this Slovenian, radical leftist, born in 1949, has contributed to critical thinking with their particular political theories, cinema and psychoanalysis.
One of the strengths on which bases its work and makes it attractive and affordable for everyone is that, for its digressions, uses popular culture to do so.
Zizek does in this documentary, a review of the best movies in film history, and does so with his unique point of view, opening new paths and unexpected perspectives, thus speaks of films as The Birds, Psycho , The Testament of Dr. Mabuse, Alien, The Great Dictator, Mulholland Drive, The Red Shoes, Fight Club, Blue Velvet, Vertigo, Solaris, Person, Frankenstein, Death on the heels, city lights ...
One of the many successes that shows when you talk about these films is that, for example, when we try to explain the meaning of the two pills Morfeo he shows Neo in "Matrix" , Zizek tells us sitting in the same chair that Morfeo, when we talk about Psycho, so from the chair in which sat the mother of Norman Bates ...
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English Subtitles (1):
http://www.mediafire.com/?rmt3yazytnk English subtitles (2): http://www.solosubtitulos.com/q/The+Perverts+Guide+to+Cinema/p1
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