horyvéva opavavépe
David Galeano Olivera
By Eduardo Quintana - Published by ABC Color: 3/6/2011
Read (click) in: http://dgaleanolivera.wordpress.com/astronomia-guarani-desde-el-sur/
Since the brilliant astronomer and scientist Carl Sagan's statement that "we are stardust," research in astronomy have advanced greatly. With this statement, the proponent of SETI (Search for Intelligent Life in Space) claimed that humans are the way for the cosmos to know itself. One way to reach this conclusion is closer to astronomy, one of the world's oldest science.
In Paraguay, currently with the National Observatory Boggino Alexis Troche, on the campus of National University Asunción, and the planetary Father Buenaventura Suárez, located in the Municipal Center Business Promotion. However, from 2010, with the undertaking of the National Secretariat of Tourism, Paraguay proposes scientific tourism in the south. In the city of San Cosme and Damian, known as one of the most famous Jesuit, which still houses the best preserved temple in all other missions and a sundial at the time, was opened in May last year, the Center Interpreting Astronomical Buenaventura Suárez, which brings together a broad scientific complex, housing both an observatory, a planetarium, a projection room and scientific research facilities, and a weather station and convenience of service areas.
The planetarium, with domed cover, projects the South American sky and the northern hemisphere. The system is compact and gathers GOTO Nex projecting complexity of fixed stars, the Milky Way, the Sun, the planets in our neighborhood and also has the projection scale solar, lunar, Ecuador and ecliptic. Seats 40 people. For its part, the observatory has a 11-inch Celestron telescope with German equatorial mount, motorized, so it has a sunroof. With it, you can see from solar system planets to distant galaxies. The observatory is primarily intended for disclosure, although there is an astronomical research project, which will be a restricted area within the boundaries of downtown.
The multimedia projection room is used for lectures, debates and conferences, plus a permanent exhibition of images of the universe and scientific documentaries about the big bang, planetary systems, stars, galaxies and black holes. There are also Internet-connected computers and whiteboards for some classes. The reading room and library center will be enabled shortly and will reference materials concerning astronomy and auxiliary sciences. Finally, you can also obtain weather information, with the local meteorological station, it will move its data processing to the National Meteorological System. Cartelito
Planetary scientist
The tour also offers a walk in the courtyard of the center, which has a nice view of San Cosme and Damian, and at each stop displaying a sign with a planet and its physical and chemical characteristics. Finally, you can buy souvenirs of the Centre for Astronomy. During his life reduced tourism, the center and made observations of lunar eclipses, comets and falling stars, and plan events planned throughout the year.
Outstanding debt in San Cosme is still the lack of infrastructure in terms of hotel and restaurant field. Still, the Interpretation Centre Astronomical Buenaventura Suárez is a major tourist attraction and also a scientist in Paraguay, for completeness, it should be further astronomical research. "If humanity knew what profound pleasure engulfs (...), who scan the sky half of Europe would be covered with telescopes instead of bayonets," said the French astronomer Camille Flammarion, apt phrase for a country where much remains to be done in science.
(Santa Fe, September 1679) was one of the first astronomers of the Southern Cone in the eighteenth century. Science manager for the reductions, built his own astronomical instruments, with the help of indigenous people and using local materials: cane, wood and assumptions quartz crystals found on the banks of the Parana River, which went to the manufacture of lenses for Paraguay's first telescope.
His first telescope, an observatory set up in the steeple of the church of San Cosme, consisted of a metal tube on wooden frames, supported and moved by belts and pulleys, has two convex lens with which he made the first observations of eclipses of the sun and moon. At the project was included, according to records at the time, a sophisticated pendulum clock, with its corresponding index of minutes and seconds, and an astronomical dial to adjust the same to the rotation of the Sun
Between 1720 and 1743 wrote a Lunario century, a scientific work of 200 pages, published five times and in different cities, which determined the dates of eclipses between 1740 and 1903. Besides astronomer, Buenaventura Suárez was geographer and mathematician. Their calculations and measurements allowed him to produce tables with the exact position of the thirty missions Jesuits of Paraguay and to provide the first map of the area. Also manufacture and celestial globes, build a sundial and measuring instruments, make accurate weather forecasts, develop a timetable and make a herbarium, classifying the various species in the region. He died at Mission Santa Maria, Uruguay, in 1750. ASTRONOMICAL CITY
The mission of San Cosme and Damian was founded in 1632 in the mountains of Tape (Brazil), but had to move to a safer place, as it was harassed by several Indian tribes. Six years later he moved to the south, becoming dependent on the mission Candelaria. The manager of the new move was Buenaventura Suárez. In 1740 the town returned to near Encarnación migrate and then settle in their current location.
San Cosme is located on a branch at 27 K of Route 1, about 345 km from Asunción, and 90 km from Encarnación, the departmental capital. Has a variety of accommodation and meals. The guide in charge is Mr. Rolando Barboza (0985-732956). ASTRONOMICAL GLOSSARY
The Milky Way was the Mborevi Tape (path of tapir) for some bias, a nocturnal animal threshing always the same road to his lair and a point where finding water and food. For other bias was kue Tape (old road) from where their grandparents came from space, a path where all will return sometime.
Cruz del Sur: Rhea Pysã or the mark left by an ostrich. Meteor
: tata Jasy repoti literally excrement star was a "bad omen phenomenon", which announced the death of a chieftain or Mburuvicha.
Venus: Mbija ko'e, the planet appears in the morning. Alpha and Beta Centauri
: Mendaro joayhu, the love of a newlywed couple.
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