Read original (click) in: http://dgaleanolivera.wordpress.com/reunion-mensual-del-ateneo-marzo- de-2011 /
On Sunday March 6, 2011, the ATENEO LANGUAGE AND CULTURE GUARANI held at its headquarters, "Guarani Roga, located in the City of Fernando de la Mora-class REFRESHER COURSE GRADUATE CULTURE GUARANI ", which involved numerous directors and teachers of the Ateneo. Heta has Mbo'ehára Sâmbyhyhára ATENEO-ko oñehekombo'e ygua mbo'esyry rupive oikuaaporâvévo Guarani Reko (Tekove Ypy, tekoha, teko reñói, teko rembiasa, teko ñe'é kuaa has Guarani).
then held the monthly meeting of the Directors of the Athenaeum to discuss the regional situation and its activities. Ndaipóri pytu'u. Heta Jepiveguáicha tembiapo tenonderâ heard Gotye has maymavánte oñeha'â omotenondeve Avañe'ê ikatuha peve Nane.
was reminded everyone that on Saturday 5th March, LANGUAGE AND CULTURE ATENEO GUARANI began HUNDRED AND MORE LANGUAGE COURSES GUARANI in all its regional (country and abroad): Elementary, Teacher, Post-Teacher, BA and Master. Mbo'esyry Ko'â Nane oñemoñepyrûkuri tuichakue javeve challenges has Ambue rupi AVEI tit. Heta TAPICHE Avañe'ême Nane has heard oñemoaranduséva rupive ATENEO ikatúta hikuái oñehekombo'e itávape voi.
also held the great work done by the ATENEO GUARANI LANGUAGE AND CULTURE, by national and international campaign "Stop the Guarani language excluding the third year of secondary education", which eventually cut short the MEC's \u200b\u200bintention to exclude and Guarani in the 2011 to the said course and level. The next stage aims to achieve equal number of hours between the Guarani and the Castilian, in all grades and courses of the education system national. ATENEO ome'ê Aguyje opavavete ojepytasova'ekuépe Avañe'ê rayhupápe Nane. Upe ndekakuaáva Mba'e ojehupytyva'ekue ko tembiapo rupive rupi upéicha MEC has been ohejajeýkuri oguevi Avañe'ême hendague tujápe Nane. Tekotevê eagles ñambojaja aravah oñeme'êva Guarani has Castilian-eg tekombo'épe.
On the other hand, invited all principals and teachers to participate in the Graduation Ceremony for the Degree in Guarani language, which will be held at Headquarters ATENEO, Saturday March 19, at 16 hours. 265 Guarani oñeme'êta Upépe kuatia'atâ mbo'ekuaahára pyahúpe, omohu'âva'ekue iñemoarandu hetaiterei távape.
also highlighted Graduation Ceremonies Guarani language teachers that took place in the cities of Corrientes and Itati Capital on Friday, February 25, and the remembrance of the anniversary of the Regional Ytûsâingo, and the graduation ceremony held in the city of Posadas, Saturday 26. The ATENEO expresses its appreciation to the students, teachers and directors of such regional application in the study of the Guarani language. Umi irundy távape ijatýkuri heta Mburuvicha ombojegua'akue umi umi aty oikova'ekue rupi tava (Walter Insaurralde, Girala Yampey, Vertinaldo Avalos Rojas, Asela Liuzzi, Gavino Casco, hetave apytépe). Heta oñembohasa Avei Aguyje ohova'ekue umi umi umi Place cheap távape ATYPE heard ATENEO rérape (Zulma Trinidad, Porphyria Orrego, Teresa Cardozo, Omar has Cibils Mary A. Rojas).
then proceeded to the presentation of two books of the writer Iris Van de Casteele. The first, entitled "I'll write" and the second, called "Calling the rain." Carlos Ferreira omomaiteíkuri Paublino Mbo'ehára umi aranduka Mokoia, ATENEO rérape. UPEI, Iris kuñakarai ome'ê jopóirô has reiete-opavavetépe-umi aranduka ohaiva'ekue Mokoia.
also Power CD was introduced the educational point Guarani language, authored by Jorge Román Gómez, El Kunumi; Ytûsâingo Regional Director of the Ateneo. Ko mba'epu'apu'a tuicha oipytyvôta mbo'eharakuérape hembiapópe. Nane Marandu jajuhukuaa Ipype opaichagua Avañe'ê rehegua.
subsequently made a warm and fraternal recall the person's Mbo'ehára Osvaldo Ramon Veron, Director of the Regional Adrogue (Buenos Aires) of Athena, who was hospitalized for almost a month because of an injury. Ombyasy Opavavete Mbo'ehára Veron has ojerure hikuái jehasa asy Ñande Place cheap oñangareko Rupe hese has ikatúrô, pya'e Porâ tokuera has tomba'apojey Avañe'êre Nane.
On the other hand, reported the visit of Prof. Sady Acosta, Director Teofilo Acosta-with-the Washington DC Regional ATENEO Róga made our Guarani, on Monday 28 February. On the occasion, she donated to ATENEO a telephone with special features that facilitate direct communication and more fluid in the Washington DC Regional Headquarters ATENEO. Ko pumbyry rupive ikatúta jajoajuve ndive ñamyasâiporâvévo Sady has Teófilo, oparupiete Nane Nane Avañe'ê has rembiapo ATENEO.
then reminded everyone that it remains available on computer courses at GUARANI, under the direction of Fernando David Villalba (fer_achilles@hotmail.com). This course is for those interested in different aspects (typing, word processors, software to write in Guarani, preparation of power point and Internet access and use, among others). Peich, ATENEO oipykúi peteî Pyahu tape has tekotevêva, taha'eha'éva (mbo'ehára has temimbo'e) jaipurukuaava'erâ eg opaite ayvurenda rembiapópe Nane. AVEI Peich ñambopyahu has ñamombaretevéta ñe'é rekove Guarani.
Finally, a meeting took place but Research Center Term, Translation and Interpreter Guarani (CITTIG) - Avañe'ê Kuaareka Aty (AKA), under the chairmanship of Dr. Paublino Carlos Ferreira. Jepiveguáicha, AKAygua oñembyatýkuri ohesa'ŷijóvo ñe'ênguéra has omotenondevévo hembiapo rayhupápe Guarani. Maitei
horyvéva opavavépe
David Galeano Olivera
(ATENEO Motenondehára)
-Dr. Carlos Ferreira Paublino Quinonez (Regional Fernando de la Mora - Central Department),
-Dr. Zulma Beatriz Zarza Trinidad (Regional San Estanislao - Department of San Pedro),
-Dr. Zachary Nelson Ortiz (Lambare and Ita Regional - Central Department),
-Lic. Mirian Acosta Lisa Ortiz (Lambare Regional - Central Department),
-Dr. Drain Pedro Ernesto Franco (Regional Pedro Juan Caballero - Department of Amambay)
-Mg. Porphyria Orrego Invernizzi (Regional Paraguari - Department of Paraguari)
-Mg. Jungle Concepción Acosta Gallardo (Asunción-Central Regional),
-Dr. Maria Antonia Rojas Aranda (Regional Ka'asapa - Department of Ka'asapa)
-Dr. Angel Martinez Gaona (Regional Kapi'ivary - Department of San Pedro),
-Mg. Elvira Ferreira González (Regional Kapi'ivary - Department of San Pedro),
-Lic. Cibils Alfonso Omar Aquino (Bridge Regional Kyha - Department of Kanindeju)
-Mg. Ramona Ayala Colman (Regional Edelira - Department of Itapúa)
-Mg. Ayala Liduvina Esther Colman (Regional Edelira - Department of Itapúa)
-Mg. Juan Ramon Ayala Colman (Regional Edelira - Department of Itapúa)
-Mg. Colman Erica Ayala (Regional Edelira - Department of Itapúa)
-Lic. Ernesto Martinez Apodaca (Regional Asuncion Barrio Saxony),
-Dr. Antonia Sabina Ovelar Cabrera (Regional Arroyos y Esteros - Department of Cordillera),
-Mg. Nery Felipe Miranda (Regional Tovati - Department of Cordillera),
-Dr. Lorenza Marecos Morel (Regional Ambush - Department of Cordillera),
-Dr. Castorina Vecco Gonzalez (Regional Iturbe - Department of Guaira),
-Dr. Ovelar Rubén Olmedo (Regional March 1 - Department of Cordillera),
-Lic. Eulalia Leguizamón Benitez (Regional Coronel Oviedo - Department of Ka'aguasu)
-Mg. Celia Chaparro de Garay (Regional Sapukai - Department of Paraguari)
-Lic. Arévalos Javier Morel (San Juan Regional Nepomuceno - Department of Ka'asapa)
-Dr. Serafina Haidée Villalba Gómez (San Pedro del Parana Regional - Department of Itapúa)
-Lic. Baez Ignacio Benítez Gudelio (Regional Buenos Aires, Argentina),
-lawyer. Francisco Gabriel Diaz Borba (Regional Pilar - Ñe'èmbuku Department, and Corrientes, Argentina),
-Dr. Miguel Dominguez Arbe (Regional Villa Hayes - Department of Presidente Hayes),
-Prof. Jorge Román Gómez, El Kunumi (Regional Ytûsâingo - Corrientes, Argentina),
-Dr. Egidia Matilde Galeano de Aguiar (Regional Aregua - Department Central),
-Mg. Carmen Pereira Irala (Minga Regional Guasu - Department of Alto Parana),
-Dr. Gilberto Catalino Recalde (Villeta Regional - Central Department),
-Mg. Saturnina Díaz Molina (Regional General Resquín - Department of San Pedro),
-Mg. Edit Robertti María Benítez (Regional Repatriation - Department of Ka'aguasu)
-Mg. Pastora Leguizamón (Regional Karapegua - Department of Paraguari)
-Lic. Mariela Cabrera Gauto (Regional Eusebio Ayala - Department of Cordillera),
-Lic. Mary Cristina Escobar Arguello (Kapi'atâ Regional - Central Department) has
-Mg. Ramon Brigido Cáceres Vázquez (Regional Juan Manuel Frutos - Department of Ka'aguasu).
-Mg. Veron Miguel Angel Gomez (San Lorenzo II Regional - Central Department),
-Mg. Blanca Elisa Giménez González (Clean - Central Department),
-Lic. Maria Mercedes Ojeda Aquino (Assumption),
-Lic. Miguel Sabino Fernández (Asunción-Central Regional),
-Mg. Kang Wen Yueh (Kapi'atâ - Central Department),
-Mg. Florencia Fernandez Zarza (Villa Elisa - Central Department),
-Mg. Sabina de la Cruz Nunez Cardozo (Regional Fernando de la Mora - Central Department)
-Mg. Ivan Huber Marecos Morel (Regional Ambush - Department of Cordillera),
-Lic. Jorge Tadeo Galeano Nuñez (Headquarters),
-Lic. Sabina Núñez Norma Galeano (Headquarters),
-Lic. Wilma Benitez Ferreira (Headquarters),
-Lic. David Edgar Galeano Nuñez (Headquarters)
-Lic. Bush Nelson (Villa Elisa - Central Department),
-René Fernández (Headquarters), Galeano Mburukuja Anai
-Núñez (Headquarters),
-Manuel Enrique Dacunte (Asunción),
-Dr. Hugo Galeano Nicanor Baez (Luque - Departamento Central)
-Mg. Librado Silva Jose Cardozo (San Regional Pedro del Ykuamandyju - Department of San Pedro),
-Mg. Lorena Aguero Insfrán Victoria (San Pedro del Ykuamandyju - Department of San Pedro),
-Prof. Adrian Aguero Villate Insfrán (San Pedro del Ykuamandyju - Department of San Pedro),
-Mg. Favio Cabrera Duarte (Assumption),
-Prof. Nicholas Crisanto Costadoni (Regional Adrogue - Buenos Aires, Argentina),
-Lic. Olga Cristina Arriola (Regional March 1 - Department of Cordillera),
-Lic. Arriola Zunilda Cabriz (Regional March 1 - Department of Cordillera),
-Mrs. Iris Van de Casteele (Asunción), has
-Sr. Juan Carlos Aguirre (Asunción).
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