Read original (click) in: http://dgaleanolivera.wordpress.com/vikipeta-o-wikipedia-en-guarani/
No doubts, our language Guarani significantly revolutionized internet presence. But the most significant was the creation of GUARANI VERSION OF WIKIPEDIA, in 2007 (see: http://gn.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ape). As we all know, Wikipedia is the largest online encyclopedia in the world. The ATENEO LANGUAGE AND CULTURE GUARANI also had and has a valuable contribution in building Vikipetâ (Wikipedia in Guarani) developing providing the interface and content of the current Vikipetâ (Guarani name for Wikipedia), with the valuable collaboration of editor from Wikipedia, Simkus Sarunas, Lithuania, who edited several Vikipetâ pages with content that we passed on several issues (grammar, literature, history, anthropology, folklore, etc.). Sarunas
Simkus peteî mitârusu niko, orekóva rasami ary 22, heñói Lithuania has oikóva broom; has upe Guiver oipytyvômbaretéva Avañe'ême Nane. Hese Vikipetâ ae-ha 'eva-oñepyrû Guaraníme Wikipedia RERA has iguatápe oku'e marandúma ombyaty heta. Upépe jajeporekávo jaikekuaa opaichagua marandúre: Nane rembiasa challenges, ñande reko, tekovekuéra rembiasakue, Avañe'ê (rembiasa, ñe'êkuaaty, ñe'êporâhaipyre) has Ambue mba'e. LANGUAGE AND CULTURE ATENEO GUARANI ombohasa heta-pe Aguyje Sarunas Simkus akóinte oipytyvôre Avañe'ême Nane.
Here is a list of new articles published in Vikipetâ-by Sarunas Simkus editing-with their respective links: 1 .-
Francisco Solano Lopez: http://gn.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francisco_Solano_L% C3% 2 .-
B3pez Arsenio Erico: http://gn.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arsenio_Erico
3 .- Epifanio Mendez Fleitas: http://gn.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epifanio_M% C3% A9ndez_Fleitas
4 .- Eduardo Galeano: http://gn.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eduardo_Galeano
5 .- John Lennon: http: / / gn.wikipedia.org / wiki / John_Lennon
6 .- Mario Vargas Llosa: http://gn.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mario_Vargas_Llosa
7 .- Pablo Neruda: http://gn.wikipedia.org/wiki / Pablo_Neruda
8 .- Rudyard Kipling: http://gn.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudyard_Kipling
9 .- José Mauro de Vasconcelos (ohai: Nelson Ortiz) http://gn.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jos % C3% A9_Mauro_de_Vasconcelos
10 .- French Revolution: http://gn.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revoluci% C3% B3n_francesa
11 .- Kapi'atâ: http://gn.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kapiata
12 .- Nane Arareñói broom (Navidad del Paraguay): http://gn.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arare% C3% B1% C3% Ary B3i Pyahu
13 .- (New Year): 14 .- yvyra
http://gn.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ary_Pyahu Ara (Arbor Day): http://gn.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yvyra 15 .- Tekoayhu
Ara (Friendship Day): http://gn.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tekoayhu_% C3% 16 .- Poyvi
A1ra Paraguay (Flag Day): http://gn.wikipedia .org / wiki / Poyvi_Paragu% C3% 17 .- Pumbasy
A1I Ara (Guarania Day): http://gn.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pumbasy
18 .- Kuna Paraguay Ara (Paraguayan Women's Day): http://gn.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ku% C3% B1a_Paragu% C3% 81st% C3% A1y_
19 .- Nu Mita Norair Acosta ARA (Day of the Child) : http://gn.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acosta_% C3% B1orair 91u_% C3% B5% C3% 20 .- Tuva
ára (Father's Day): http://gn.wikipedia.org/wiki/ T% C3% 81st% C3% BAva_
Marandu'asâihára ára 21 .- (Day of the Journalist): http://gn.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marandu% 27as% C3% A3ih% C3% 81st% C3% A1ra_ Karai
Oct. 22 .-: 23 .- Kurusu
http://gn.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karai_Octubre ára (Day of the Cross): http://gn.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurusu_% C3% 81st
Kurusurape'anduhára 24 .- (The Estacioneros): http://gn.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurusurape% 27anduh% C3% 25 .- Mba'apohára
A1ra Ara (Labor Day): http://gn .wikipedia.org / wiki / Mba% 27apoh% C3% A1ra_% C3% A1ra Mbo'ehára ára
26 .- (Teacher's Day): http://gn.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mbo% C3% 27eh% A1ra_% C3% 81st
Challenge 27 .- Paraguay ára upland (Independence of Paraguay): http://gn.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paragu% C3% A1i_Ret% C3% A3_% C3% 81ra_S% C3% 28 A3so
.- Marangatu Blas (San Blas): http://gn.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blas_Marangatu
29 .- San Juan Ara (Midsummer Day): http://gn.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Juan_% C3% 81st
Notably, the first book, written in Guarani, published in Vikipetâ is "Tava'i" Pa'i the authorship of José Fernandez and can be read at the following address: http://gn.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tava% 27i
Also, in the original and current language of "The Catechism of Fray Luis de Bolaños' first book written in Guarani: http://gn.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guarani_Hai% 27ymakuaaty
Moreover, by clicking: http://gn.wikipedia.org/wiki/% C3% 91emohenda: Ava% C3% B1E% 27 % E1% BA% BD can be accessed at a rate related to the Guarani: history, grammar, literature, etc.
And for those who do not know and want to know ... you can read about the history of Wikipedia in Guarani, by clicking this link: https: / / groups.google.com / group / guarani-nee / web / for-whom-no -I-know-something-of-the-history-of-wikipedia-en-guarani? hl = en
Maitei horyvéva opavavépe
David Galeano Olivera
(ATENEO Motenondehára)
ateneoguarani @ tigo.
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