Maite horyvéva David Galeano Olivera opavavépe
II Encuentro GUARANI
Posted by Mercosur
CPLP & Leer (hacer clic) en: http://dgaleanolivera.wordpress.com/ii-encuentro-guarani- 2011 /
More than a thousand Guarani arrived Wednesday to Pedro Juan Caballero (Paraguay) to attend the inauguration of the Second Meeting Guaraní, which brings together native "of that ethnicity-of the countries of the Southern Common Market (Mercosur).
The meeting, organized by the National Secretariat of Culture of the Presidency of Paraguay, will begin this Thursday and will end on March 26. The meeting, follows a similar meeting held in February last year in Parana, Brazil. Guarani
The Second Encounter, which opened borne by the community's spiritual leader Pai, coincides with the commemoration Bicentennial of Independence and the twentieth anniversary of the Treaty of Asunción (March 26), which gave rise to the Mercosur regional bloc comprising Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay.
For this opportunity, then focus on Brazil, Paraguay was chosen to be an ancestral homeland and a marked presence of the Guarani people, represented by the Ache people, Ava Guarani, Mby, Paà Tavyterâ, Ñandeva and Guaraní Guaraní Occidental.
In the South American country will discuss issues of territoriality, the free passage of the original Guaraní Nation and territories included within the Mercosur and the creation of an instance permanent, the Guarani people, within the regional bloc.
The annual meeting that made the original is part of the Cultural Mercosur.
The Paraguayan Minister of Culture, Titius Escobar, recently reported that the upcoming assembly Guarani is in line with the four central points of the bicentennial of the independence of Paraguay, to commemorate the 14 and 15 May.
axes are "heritage and traditional culture, the construction of citizenship, memory and project, and the constitution of ethnic groups and dialogues at the regional level," he said.
The Paraguayan Minister of Culture said that the given event, begin the major activities in celebration of 200 years of independence, and "is like a synthesis of all programs" of the festivities.
For its part, the participants hope that the second meeting of the Guaraní Nation constitutes an opportunity to discuss and coordinate actions that go beyond barriers and to arm themselves more equitable ways of living.
"We live here for over 500 years, we say this in the Bicentennial, because we are still here and we will continue to be," he said recently Ache leader Maria Luisa Duarte.
For the closing ceremony is scheduled to attend - yet unconfirmed Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo, as well as their counterparts in Bolivia, Evo Morales, and Uruguay, Jose Mujica
ooo000ooo II
Yvy marae'ŷ Teta mbareteverâ Guarani - not bad for the earth strengthening the Guarani Nation
WEDNESDAY 23 MARCH 19:00 Arrival of participants. Pai welcomed the tradition.
Registration of participants. Advice and logistical support.
19:30 Dinner. Advice and logistical support.
20:00 Meeting between inland councils.
22:00 Break. THURSDAY 24 MARCH
• Welcome and Opening of the meeting
5:30 to 07:30 Breakfast. Advice and logistical support.
7:30 to 8:00 Registration of participants. Advice and logistical support.
8:00 to 8:30 Opening and spiritual act by the religious leader of the Pai community. 8:30 to 9:15
words community leader, a board member
Paraguay Guarani and a representative from the cooperating institution National Secretariat of Culture.
9:15 to 9:30 Welcome, explanation and background to the II Meeting. Council Representative
Paraguay Guarani. (Angel Vera)
9:30 to 10:45 First Panel: Exhibitors
TERRITORIAL Paraguay, Argentina, Brazil and Bolivia
Moderator: Catalino Sosa
• • Autonomy and self determination. BOLIVIA
• • Boundaries-political recognition. BRAZIL
• • Legal guarantees: Implementation and / or enforcement of laws, international conventions and treaties, and customary law warranty. PARAGUAY (Alberto Vasquez and Angel Vera)
• • Guarani Aquifer. PARAGUAY
• • Rights to possession and use of natural resources: air, soil and subsoil. ARGENTINA
10:45 to 11:00 Moderator (Crecencio Cáceres, Maria Luisa Duarte). Explanation of the methodology and organization of work groups by PEOPLE. 11.00 to 11:15
Media morning.
11:15 to 12:15 Working group on the subject by people. 12:15 to 13:15
Summary of proposed country.
Lunch 13:15 to 14:45 14:45 to 15:45 Presentation of findings by country.
15:45 to 16:45 Plenary and questions (Writing Team-synthesis).
16:45 to 17:20 17:20 to 19:20 Tea Different cultural activities.
Dinner 19:30 to 20:30 20:30 to 22:30 Break 22:30
cultural Nights
FRIDAY MARCH 25 5:30 to 7:30 Breakfast 7:30 to 8:00 Opening
and spiritual act by the religious leader (BRAZIL)
8:00 to 9:00 Reading and approval of the document the day's session above.
Moderator: Alba Duarte
• • Political recognition of the MERCOSUR countries to the Guaraní Nation and across borders.
PARAGUAY (Mario Rivas)
• • Compliance with the principles of the treaties, declarations and international agreements BOLIVIA
standards • • Recognition of the identity of the Guarani people in each country for the free movement of persons, personal possessions and traditionally used and craftsmanship. BRAZIL
10:00 to 10:15 Chair: Filomena Portillo. Explanation of methodology and Workshops organized by PEOPLE.
Mid Morning 10:15 to 10:30 10:30 to 11:30
Group work on the subject by people
11:30 to 12:30 Summary of COUNTRY proposed
12:30 to 14:00 Lunch 14: 00 to 15:30 Plenary and questions (Writing Team-synthesis)
Reading 15:30 to 16:00 Statement on Bicentennial
Snack 16:00 to 17:00 Sponsored
17:00 to 19: 00
Moderator: Peter Guaino
talk. Final proposal. 19:00 to 19:30
Youth Statement
Dinner 19:30 to 20:30 20:30 to 22:30 Break 22:30
cultural Nights
SATURDAY MARCH 26 5:30 to 7:30 Breakfast.
7:30 to 8:00 Opening and spiritual act by religious leaders of all representations
closing ceremony only. 8:00 to 9:30
Moderator: Ricardo Mbekroróngi.
Reading and approval of documents in the previous session.
9:30 to 11:00 Guarani women Dialogue with the Minister of Women, Mrs. Gloria Rubin
Topic: Identifying Interests and abilities to work together.
11:00 to 15:00 time for other integration activities.
15:00 Closing Ceremony in Commemoration of the twentieth anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Asunción.
Welcome by Master of Ceremony Opening Remarks
. Minister Escobar
Ticio Reading and delivery of the Declaration of the II Charter
Guaraní words of a representative of the Second Meeting
Remarks by President, Don Fernando Lugo
closing words of His Excellency the President of Bolivia, Evo Morales
spiritual act
tour of the complex of traditional architecture Guarani OGUASU. " Toast
Pai menu Tavytera
End of act.
the important work done by Mr. Leo Rubin, who is attending the meeting and daily from 16 to 18 hours, transmitting the alternatives of this great meeting through Radio Guarani Ñanduti, Asuncion, and also Radio Mburukuja of Pedro Juan Caballero , and also achieving the solidarity of other national and international media also disseminate the details of this second meeting Guarani, which takes place in Jaguatî (Amambay Department, Paraguay). Here are two videos hosted on the site of Radio Ñanduti:
Second Meeting of the National Bicentennial Guaraní Under the assumption without exclusion: http://www.nanduti.com.py/v1/videos/video_ver.php?id=5319&buscar =% 20II% 20Encuentro% 20of% 20the% 20Naci% F3n% 20Guaran% ED% 20Bajo% 20to% 20postulado% 20Bicentenario% 20sin% 20exclusi% F3n
Guarani II Meeting begins today in Amambay: http://www.nanduti.com.py/v1/videos/video_ver.php?id=5318&buscar=Inicia% 20Today% 20Encuentro% 20II% 20and% 20Amambay 20Guarani%
Read Ultima Hora: http://www.ultimahora.com/notas/414739-Comienza-II-Encuentro-continental-guarani-con-debate-sobre-territorialidad
Read also on Pedro Juan Digital: http://www.