PREMONITION cast on TV, film SANDRA BULLOCK (a genre in itself) that is like Groundhog Day but that the husband will die a traffic accident every morning. Perfect for napping on Sunday.
PREMONITION, incidentally, is the last film screened at the infamous CINE AVENIDA disappeared before it unnecessary to become a H & M (there is another right in front).
And when we went over a chapter in the friendly SHERLOCK, while merendábamos BARILLA rich biscuits, and wheat, sand to the base of a cheesecake with fig jam.
After an episode of MAD MEN. By zapping
we were petrified at the teleshopping LOUD 'N' CLEAR, a kind of giant sonotone people a little deaf and neighbors to gossip talks. A masterpiece. The announcement appears
a female character very well built, it is an older woman, American, you need the LOUD 'N' CLEAR to hear the bingo numbers and to hear the sermon of mass.
I have seldom seen Western double standards as well portrayed as in this masterful teleshopping. On the one hand the greed and vice and the other the sign of the cross. Most.
That night we saw a little OT. Naxxar
My favorite is the rocker, and the fat fag before going into OT was a transvestite called PINEAPPLE Pastori Chueca.
I also like how does the smile mulatto, although it has a little thought. PILAR RUBIO
presenting more than a mistake and ANNE SEVILLA CARMEN Igartiburu together, but I love it. Awakens in me a great tenderness. JAVIER MONTES
I called the phone and spent some time talking about whether BLACK SWAN was a remake of Suspiria (which ultimately is not), on Annette Bening, on Tarantula (the novel on which it is based SKIN HABIT) and about the mother of Siegfried.
In Siegfried's funeral her mother gave a moving speech that left the audience speechless. After the speech said
- "And my son has finally been answered fundamental questions we all ask, what we are, where did we come from ... what we get today?". Wonderful
Siegfried's mother.
That night we ate a tasty lentils with chorizo \u200b\u200band all, seeing 11 Hour documentary, which say that as humans do not change the social model and begin to consume less and less resources exhausted, we will be extinguished before we think.
Earth will rotate around the sun, but before it was destroyed will defend us ...
Funny how human rights we grant ourselves and how we give rights to animals and, instead, how we can not give any rights the nature ... It is as if nature were there for us to explode ... Very good documentary, presented by LEONARDI DICAPRIO.
not miss it.
The next morning, open my laptop, I learned that Macaulay Culkin has been bundled with a English porn star's ex GUY (more info clicking here) that Alex de la Iglesia will resign by the ACT SINDE (often irresponsible, accept a position as president of Academy fire the minimum change) and that Parliament has given birth to the son of BARDEM in a hospital in Beverly Hills in which costs a hundred thousand euros to give birth ... Then go to communist meetings to raise his fist ... PÉ
's son going to give an unborn GOYA.
Jaime and I met up with ELI in the bohemian BETHLEHEM COFFEE for coffee.
JAIME gave a green tea was water and asked that it be changed.
I got a coffee which was very rich.
We took the subway to El Carmen Martínez Alonso, who that evening had RADIOSHOCK. That
Wednesday with us: the unparalleled MIRALASILVIA and Brays SILVIA EFE.
We were talking animatedly about what Catwoman, the Oscars, the invasion of China (which have already opened up a Chinese bank in Madrid, the NBCH, Ellen DeGeneres ...
To listen to the program, click here .
After program went to dinner at VIPS Sales, which had millions in cash ELI VIPS.
The cafeteria is like VIPS Sales ORIGIN film, with a mirror that makes it look all crooked, a very high ceiling ... Everything as lying, and nightmarish.
FRENCH I ordered a hamburger rare. He was rich, not like other times I give it dry. Brays
told us that Tiger (crap store at the time) to pronounce AUNT.
I love. JULY
ordered a bottle of sparkling water but said that did not open the bottle before him who did not want. JULY
told me that the next collection MARY Scot (my favorite English designer) will present at CIBELES will be entitled HONOLULU DARK ...
There can be a better title. I want to see a movie, a comic, a television series and a board game with that title so mysterious and as tiki.
Since the nominations came out last week, do a good look at the career of OSCARS 2011.
The OSCAR is my favorite award, that of movie stars, Hollywood awards. I'd rather win an Oscar
the NOBEL.
can see the complete list of nominees clicking here, which gives me a tremendous lazy writing.
The award for best film is between the social network, the king's speech and BLACK SWAN.
BLACK SWAN I have not seen yet, but I would give to the social network.
the Oscar for best actor this year will go to Colin Firth for his heartfelt and charming stammer interpretation of King George VI, but precious would it should give to JAMES FRANCO. BARDEM is also nominated. Behold, I do not get Javier Bardem, so common and so to go then give birth to one of the world's most expensive hospitals, but I'm happy for her nomination. For me it is much more important than a English actor to win an Oscar that Nadal wins a tennis match, do you want me to say.
The category of Best Actress is livelier than ever. All indications are that it will take for BLACK SWAN NATALIE PORTMAN, but Annette Bening is nominated, one of the greatest actresses alive. I would vote for Bening, but not going to matter what you won THE PORTMAN, already should have known thirteen carried by the professional.
is also nominated for RABBIT HOLE NICOLE KIDMAN (autumnal melodrama I'm dying to see) and a new face, JENNIFER LAWRENCE by WINTER'S BONE.
Best Actor CHRISTIAN BALE will, he seems a bit wrong and I think that build good character is not to lose 40 kilos, but I want to give it simply because it is the child of THE EMPIRE OF THE SUN.
In the category of Best Supporting Actress HELENA BONHAM CARTER is, great in the king's speech by the Queen Mother (you have to see what a good actress who is this girl when combing), a super fat lady called Jackie Weaver and a new face which is the main character girl VALUE OF LAW, the new Coen Brothers film, Hailee Steinfeld, a girl with a lot of magic. It anyway my vote goes to Melissa Leo, which was nominated for Frozen River and is a truly marvelous actress. Three
unforgivable omissions in the nominations, Mila Kunis and BLACK SWAN, ANDREW Gardfield by the social network (which is the best in the movie by far) and Gemma Jones for his great part in KNOW THE MAN OF YOUR DREAMS.
Last Saturday, in the flesh (you know, the club on Saturday), he played WORST, who that day had left at home because it is also dj neuropsychologist. More than one
More than a GENERATION AFTER WINDSOR could do with a neuropsychologist, the truth ... there walked
For aspiring supermodel and caring for the elderly with her boyfriend JULIA LARA THE PRETTY, involved in a mythical picture of MEAT, she biting him above the pack underwear. THE PRETTY
is nothing left to take pictures of the face, but if left package. He knows what he has.
also had a mysterious girl redhead high (remember that redheads were burned in the Inquisition and some would be), which took pictures from above ...?
At about 4 am left CAYETANO Olarte, Manu's brother, of ISAACYMANU, break dancing. Sansano, it would fart and heels, almost broke my neck. At the forefront THE BUMBI (mistress of Retrocity) witnessed, among horrified and fascinated, as the dependent of his shop almost lost one of their nine lives.
And the great DOMINIK VALVO taking pictures left and right with the camera memory is full, every time I made a picture I had to erase the other.
the zombies have got new t-shirt collection for this spring and can be purchased online. You can find them
clicking here.
I stay with RONALD MCDONALD, why not? The bat, the ghost and THE ZOMBIE KIDS of red.
His is the unforgettable and iconic music of JAMES BOND. As stated by my friend FRAN, after the sad death of JOHN BARRY "and not just the diamonds will be forever."
To remind you, here are the mythical beginning of MEMORIES OF AFRICA . And the top ten.
My favorite soundtracks of John Barry.
1 .- Out of Africa. 2 .-
Diamonds Are Forever. 3 .-
4 .- Fire in the body. 5 .-
Dances With Wolves.
6 .- Cotton Club.
7 .- From Russia with love.
8 .- Peggy Sue Got Married.
9 .- You only live twice. 10 .-
Indecent Proposal.
For any questions or requests, please click here .
Songs for the iPhone 4:
- REVENGE ROMANS Nicki Minaj feat. EMINEM.
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