Marshal Francisco Solano López, Ne'eman MOKÔIVE
Ohai: David Read Vikipetâ
Galeano Olivera (click) in: http://gn.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francisco_Solano_L% C3% B3pez
also read (click) in: http://dgaleanolivera.wordpress.com/1% C2% BA-de-marzo-guaranime /
also read (click) in: http://groups.google.com.py/group/guarani-nee/web/1-de-marzo-de-1870-muere -the-hero-of-hill-kora-and-ends-of-war-of-the-triple-alliance Francisco Solano López
jasypokôi heñóikuri 24 1826-ie, Manor, Paraguaýpe. Itúva karai Carlos Antonio López Juan Pablo Carrillo kuñakarai isýkatu. Irundy Oguereko joyke'y, hérava: Innocence, Venancio, Rafaela was benign. Francisco Solano Lopez was born on July 24, 1826 in Manor, Asunción. Son of Don Carlos Antonio López and Juana Pabla Carrillo. His brothers were innocent, Venancio, Rafaela and Benigno. Oñemoarandu'ypýkuri
Mbo'ehára Juan Pedro Escalada ndive Parés has UPEI Pa'i ndive Bernardo. Nane ojupírô Itúva ruvichárô challenges Dr. France Omano rire, Francisco orekókuri ary 15. Heta Omoñe'ê has opaichagua aranduka. UPEI oñembokatupyry AVEI France England Ne'eman. Guarini has oikóma Imitârusúpe chugui 1845-pe suck ojehupi Colonel Bouquet. He started his studies with maestro Juan Pedro Escalada and later with the Jesuit Bernardo Parés. When his father agreed to public life after the death of Dr. Francia, Francisco only had 15 years. I read a lot, learned French and English. Very young he joined the Army in 1845 and 1853 was as Colonel-pe
oiko ichugui brigadier general has ohókuri Europe-pe nane oikuaaukávo hérava Paraguay isâsomaha challenges. Rehehápe mba'e upe oĝuahêkuri rekávo has jekupyty Britain, France, Prussia has Sardinia-pe. Nane AVEI tetâgui Umi ojogua guar yga tuicháva broom has opaichagua Mboka. Paris Oîroguare oikuaajepékuri Elisa Alicia Lynch-pe, Irlandaygua, oguerúva'ekue hendive, hembirekóramo. In 1853, with Brigadier-General went to Europe with the aim of establishing diplomatic relations with Britain, France, Prussia and Sardinia and the time to acquire ships and weapons. In Paris, he met the Irish Elisa Alicia Lynch, who from then on would be his companion and mother of his children. Ary
1862 MByte rupi ojeporavo ichupe omyengoviávo itúvape, oñembyaty Nane oiporavo'arâ peteî peve Amandaje ruvicha Pyahura challenges. 10 sittembre 1862 omanósapy'a Carlos Antonio López Francisco ojupi ita'ýra hendaguépe. Nane Uperiremínte Amandaje challenges oiporavókuri Francisco Solano-pe nane ruvichárô 10 ary pukukuerâ challenges. In mid-1862, appointed him to succeed his father in the government until a new Congress will convene to elect a new president. Indeed, on 10 September 1862, died Don Carlos Antonio López. Francisco Solano, his son, assumed temporarily, but the October 16, 1862 Congress elected him president for a period of 10 years. Guiver Ojupi
ruvichárô challenges Nane ary has mbohapy peve rire, Francisco Solano López ojapo heta mba'e Nane motenondevévo challenges, Peich: oipysove eg Piraju Railway has omoĝuahê peve; AVEI Tuvicharenda omoñepyrû Rogaguasu, Tupa has omopu'âuka Tupäsy Paraguay Paraguay Ñoha'ânga Roga. Mbo'ehaokuéra Ombohetave has omondo heta-pe oñemoaranduvévo mitârusúpe Europe. Omoheñói Campamento Cerro León, Pirajúpe, ombyaty Guarini has ombokatupyryhaguépe 5000. During the first 3 years, the government of Francisco Solano Lopez was characterized by intense activity in the public. Thus, extended the railroad to Piraju. Began construction of the Palacio de Gobierno, the Oratory of Our Lady of the Assumption and the National Theatre. I think new schools and provided scholarships to young people who went to study in Europe. Created the new camp at Cerro Leon, where he recruited and trained five thousand soldiers. Tenondeve
Gotye, 1 Oktubre 1865-eg, Karai Elizalde, Argentina-ygua; karai Octavian, Brazil has ygua Carlos de Castro, Uruguaygua; omboguapy herakuéra hikuái kuatiáre ombojoaju mbohapy Place cheap breast umi mbaretekue ojeitývo Paraguay arid, Norair guasúpe. Nane uper Amandaje challenges ojapókuri Francisco Solano López-Mariscal gui omotenonde Place cheap broom Nane Norair upe guasu aja. Francisco Solano López upémarô ova Humaita, Nane porâvévo oisâmbyhy Ñe'êmbukúpe ñorairôharakuérape challenges. Tit mbohapyve Mbeguekatúpe imbaretevéva ñandehegui oñemotenonde ñanderehe has ñanemboguevi Uruguay has Corrientes-gui. Parana has oikémakatu hikuái OHASA Paso de Patria, Ñe'êmbukúpe. On 1 May 1865 the Argentine foreign minister Elizalde, the Brazilian representative Octavian and the Uruguayan Carlos de Castro signed the Treaty of the Triple Alliance. Following the events, Francisco Solano López was appointed Marshal of the Armies of Paraguay and almost immediately he moved his headquarters to Humaitá. Rapidly advancing Allied forces. As a result, they evacuated the territory of Corrientes and the Paraguayan troops settled in Paso de Patria. UPEI
oñepyrû eg mokôiha vore. Umi Norair opytáva mandu'arâ apytépe heard: Humaita, Pikysyry has Las Cordilleras. Jajokókuri Kurupa'ytýpe-yguápe Triple Alliance. UPEI jaikejey Ambue ñorâirôme Corrales, Estero Bellaco Tujutî, Jataity Kora, Boqueron has Sauce. Humaita Ho'ávo ipoguypekuéra, Henda oguerova San Fernando López-pe, Tevikuary rembe'ýpe. San Fernando-pe, Francisco Solano López ojukauka heta Nane Nane retâyguápe oje'égui hesekuéra omotîha retâme.Umi ojejukava'ekue apytépe, haimete 400 TAPICHE rupi, has Bening oîkuri Venancio Lopez, Francisco Solano hikuái ha'éva joyke'y. Then at the beginning of the second stage of the war, which were the most memorable campaigns of Humaita, Pikysyry and mountain ranges. The victory of the Allied offensive Kurupa'yty slows. The Paraguayan army fight Corrales, Estero Bellaco Tujutî, Jataity Kora, Boqueron and Sauce. Humaitá falls and Francisco Solano Lopez moved its headquarters to San Fernando Tebicuary north of the river, where due to reports coming from Asuncion were accused of conspiracy and collusion with the enemy several fighters who are killed, among them the brothers of Mariscal, Venancio and Benigno. From June to December 1869 almost 400 people were shot. Heta
Norair oiko upe rire (Pirivevúi, Acosta Nu has ambuéva). Jepémo upéicha, Francisco Solano López noñeme'êi. Peich, 14 ferraghju 1870-pe nane ñorâirôharakuéra challenges oĝuahê hikuái peve Cerro Kora, has peteî brasilerokuéra aty, omotenondéva Gen. Correa da Camara, Concepción-gui osê'akue ipiarikuéra. Primer 1, 1870 jasyapy Brazilian has 200 Paraguay Ñemoñare Cerro hikuái oñorâirô Korápe. Francisco Solano López-pe ojekutu hu'ýpe hyeguýpe has kysepykúpe oñembovo Iñak. Ha'e Vaivaípe oĝuahêkuri Aquidabán rembe'ýpe. Ohupytyjeýkuri Upépe suck Correa da Camara ojerureva'ekue ichupe oñeme'ê Place cheap. Francisco Solano López Upépe oñembo'yjey has kysepuku iPop oñorâirôjey ndive Brazilian upe. He'i Ho'ájeývo chupékura "Amano che challenge" has upépe Brazilian peteî ojapi ikorasöme has ojuka ichupe suck. Then followed numerous other battles (Pirivevúi, Acosta Nu, others), without But the Mcal. Lopez and his army surrendered to the Allies. On February 14, 1870, the retreating army reached Cerro Kora. A Brazilian company Conception output under the command of Gen. Correa da Camara faces on 1 March 1870 with the army of 200 men of Marshal López. He was wounded with a spear in the belly and with his sword on the forehead. With difficulty he manages to reach the river Aquidabán, which is reached by the General Correa da Camara, who ordered him to surrender. Mariscal Lopez fought sword in hand until the end, falling then and uttering his famous phrase "I die for my country!". By refusing to deliver his sword, he was shot by another soldier that the last of a shot to the heart. CAMP HILL
Ohai: Félix Fernández
Ombopurahéi: Herminio Giménez
Camp, Camp, Cerro amoite Korápe
pyhareve ko'êtî rire ñande opa war arid Henda Place cheap
Mariscal, ij-sword-mi okápe
Victory or death! Umi ohuĝuaitî He'ihápe Kamba. Jey Mariscal Mariscal rire
mamópa oime nderahasaharâ
nembochyryry nereñe-ntregá-i
Ndeke mombe'upyrâ Paraguay. Upe Osyry
Aquidabán maidenhair-mi apytépe iñe'ême
ru ñande omombe'u omanohague
has yvyra pirutîmíre, human Hill Pa'u mbytépe
ysyrýpe omoirûvo ojahe'o ĝuaiĝuingue umi.
Omomba'ete Guyra Paraguay jepeve ruguy
nokirirîvéi maymárô
oñembo'epa each pytumby Guyra.
Battalion has regiment Tenondé sea front ... cha! "
rretumba ka'aguýre o-Marshal-nte osapukái
has oikovéva has been umi hasýva Nure ikânguekue
opu'â Mboka iPop-defends-vo or Paraguay. Naman
rire jaikove jey
Ñahendu Vove Mariscal ñe'é
umi ysyry, Tuju Karugu, López ombyasyjoa
Camp, camp, amoite Korápe
Cerro Cerro-my Pa'u mbytépe, Amambay Cordillera, Mariscal Lopez tricolor Omano
non-upe ntregá-iri-i-flag or defensible v Paraguay.
generation deadline may be extended to-hese
toñembo'e every prayer has been Cerro
Kora, Lomas Valentinas
nacherendumína Sauce, Boqueron.
Rehendusérô "KORA CAMP HILL, Felix Fernandez mba'e Herminio Giménez, Oscar Gómez opurahéiva; ehesakutu ko'ápe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZZ-9qqTURc
Ohai MARCH FIRST: Emily R. Ko che Fernandez purahéipe hi'ânte
amombe'u PORAM
Paraguay has oiméva oikove ñande ru yma tojapysaka tambopu
target ko nane tohendu Oiva broom
mba'épa ha'e añatôi primer Mbaraka ko che che tapyi ambojeguapa
Comb-pe tricolor ribbon March
first amomaiteívo ko'êju pytá
iru che che Rovai diamond-viva-mi pe Solano López León flawless ohayhuva'ekue
challenges Paraguay
Ohua'îva'ekue mbohapy
launches tit ñanehundipávo bayonet-ita ipopekuéra hatiâirei
oñepysânga Norair oikévo Tujutîme rekávo
upépe ohecha mba'épa o-Guarani race it has
Solano López kuimba'e Anete heta ohayhúva
rovy'ava'erâ ndeichagua arid yvy oimérô Mokoia
Koine Purahéi py'a mbytépe ndéve che on March añongatu
nde ko tyvy heñói
arid this day combing asapukái Viva Paraguay ruguápe
Chaka Place cheap López rapekuégui puraheirâmi ajapa
opoi yvytúre oĝuahê Korápe
Hill Place cheap master arid burial oîharehína Ñande
Karai has one hundred and nine years omboty this day iko'êvo
the seventies in Kora Cerro López upérôje
ñorairôhague eg white Henda-arid or defensible heta
ij vo-sword has iPop-flag i dare
guýpe galloping Ocumpli Victory or death Ileia Tupi renondépe
Colonel ta'ýra ijykére Resquin ose
AVEI kambáre okopi tatatî apytépe rayhupápe
heta-i thought no life-no mbyasyivoi
ome'êtaha Hi'ânteva oĝuahê chev first of March each
che dare jurúgui ñe'é iporâva
to-pay iporavopyre Place cheap ñande must-ha umi
veterans ñande ñande tricolor ru-hare defends
Tujuti Kurupa'yty Estero
Bellaco lta Yvate
Ytororó Cerro Kora
upépe oime Solano López.
Rehendusérô "FIRST OF MARCH, Emiliano R. Mba'e Fernández, opurahéiva Generation Group; ehesakutu ko'ápe:
(Courtesy of Victor Hugo Dominguez)
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