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Maitei horyvéva opavavépe
David Galeano Olivera

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133,393 inhabitants
Ecoregion: Chaco
Department: Santa Cruz, Chuquisaca and Tarija
Province: Cordillera, Luis Calvo, Hernando Siles, O'Connor, Gran Chaco
Location: Lagunillas, Cuevo, Charagua, Cabezas
Several language families: Tupi Guarani
Main activity: Agriculture
Products: Corn, beans, beans, cassava, watermelon, banana, citrus, squash, cotton, sugarcane, rice, sunflower. Vias
Access: Air: The Guaraní have a runway at San Pablo de Huacareta Land: A Guaraní communities are accessible by dirt roads, most precarious roads, paths and trails Railway: This way, through the area in the transition zone and Machareti Tiguipa, uniting the departments of Santa Cruz, Chuquisaca and Tarija. DEMOGRAPHIC SITUATION

Evolution: There is a significant growth rate of the Guaraní population. Migration: young people migrate to larger population centers in search of better living conditions, access to secondary education and a better paying job. HISTORY

Historical Summary: The story Guaraní in the Bolivian territory, begins with three known migratory flows, which came from the Mato Grosso. Chiquitano the territory, to the Rio Grande, which came through the Chaco to the Cordillera; and you entered from the Rio Paraná and entered the River Pilcomayo. The reason for these migrations might have been the mythic search imaraä ivy or land without evil, also noted the interest in finding metals in the highlands. Scholars estimate that this migration issue was made about two thousand d. C.. The English made contact with the Guarani in the year 1521, thereafter there were different types of relationships, from confrontation and war, to evangelism and sporadic alliances. The Guarani were famous for resisting the conquest, both to the Incas as against the English. They are also considered as extremely belligerent with the tribes and peoples that were not his and appeared in installments through their nomadic way of shifting to the north, which seemed directed towards the realization of the ancient myth. Large villages they found the first English who contacted them, they cultivated corn fields. Before the English Guarani had found the Chane, Arawak-speaking group, a mongrel who dominated their women there from the current Izozog Guaraní. Guarani, during the colonial and republican were constantly persecuted and driven from their native lands. Since its inception, the history of the Colony Chiriguano presented with a series of complicated facets, which together form continued inflows of the English military failed because it always faced with the responses of the warring Indians. The war against Chiriguano, methodically began to be implemented under the rule of Viceroy Toledo, who in 1574 led not only planned but punitive actions and removal of Chiriguano, in which the English were defeated. In 1854 Luis de Fuentes, founder of Tarija, aims to exterminate the Chiriguano, because they had been committing assaults, robberies and killings to the newly settled colonists in the valley. In December of that year the Audiencia of Charcas on behalf of Her Majesty, again declared war on the Chiriguano, putting the head of it to the Governor and Captain General of Santa Cruz, Lorenzo Suárez de Figueroa. Finot, says that in 1954, the Governor appointed one of the chieftains Chiriguano "Captain General" of the Chiriguano, who became the protector of the first entries of the priests, like Father Geronimo de Andión and Diego de Samaniego. There were many entries of the religious who wanted to pacify and convert the Indians and prevent military action by the English. In 1607, there was the attempt of the Jesuits Samaniego and Oliva, in 1609 colonial history records that a group of Chiriguano came to the city of Chuquisaca, asking to give them priests, to teach them the Catholic faith, which seems to have been more for articles made of metals and others. Only in 1631 he returned to have contact with Chiriguano, contact, which killed the priests, Gregorio de Bolivar, Juan Sánchez, and Luis de Jesus. During the seventeenth century, the Jesuits and the eighteenth century Franciscan Chiriguano filed with a difficult relationship, which at times were well received religious only to be banished or killed in some cases, or were simply shunned or sought and prayed to naturalization among Chiriguano. In the nineteenth century, Chiriguana history is full of serious incidents of killings of whites and Indian massacres. The cattle ranches began to spring up with the support of the military republican over Guaraní territories, even the English had done with respect. Chiriguano battalions participated in the war of independence, with the army of General Manuel Belgrano and the guerrilla groups Azurduy Juana de Padilla. One of the two great battles against the State as staged in 1875. The second and final in 1882, with the rise of Apiaguaiqui-Tumpa, chief Chiriguano most of all, considered "God-Man, the State sent the army, with guns, almost Chiriguano term with which they could "hunt" insurgents or not, decimating and scattering the indigenous population in a manner so brutal that just for no more than twenty years, is beginning to recover from this catastrophe racist. Since the defeat of the Chiriguano Kuruyuki social victims remained farmers and ranchers who began to debt bondage and enslavement. Chaco War caught him between two international fronts, being that they belonged to the same "nation" Guarani, with its roots in Paraguay, which term unstructured.

SOCIAL ORGANIZATION The social organization of the Guarani is based on the nuclear family. Formerly performed marriages between cross cousins \u200b\u200band kin had mythical significance as headquarters lineages. Today the custom is preferred to maintain in force the extended family but in a more restricted. Your home is nuclear, but there is still everywhere family housing in the same house or best of several family homes clustered around a common courtyard, whether circumstantial or not consume the same foods, families together, place almost all their community activities, forms of solidarity within extended family and between families is very high, providing mutual security seal to all relations social and economic. The instruments of regulation of a maximum growth of the extended family are fluid, meaning that when a relationship formed deteriorates, the Guarani appeal to their natural sense of freedom and separate, to rebuild the bonds of communication again. CULTURAL ASPECTS

Religion and Mythology: The Guarani religiosity is expressed through the words of the prophets or shamans, religious specialists who communicate with the supernatural world with social, ritual manifests with different social behaviors and actions deployed in them a persistent experience of the sacred. The presence of Pentecostal faiths who wish to Guarani saturate the world, is that these cultural splicing with Guarani, insist on the "word" in "gift of prophecy" and quackery disguised gift of "healing" that could be psychologically similar to the experiences of ancestral religion that is lost in time, under the determination of a confluent collective unconscious at one point, the search for the land without evil and the encounter with the sacred ancestors, including the Liberator of all evil, Candire, the hero mythical, until now part of their beliefs, even if they are evangelized. So, the terms of the myth have rework currently adapted to modern conditions of social and national life. Most evangelists declare Guarani, which are generally fundamentalist. LAND AND LAND

Status of Access and Land Tenure: Regarding land tenure, in the case of Ava Izoceños Cordillera, possession of land available is less than one hectare of arable land per capita. The general aspiration of the Guarani, holds his lands, rather than individual parcels. A regrettable situation of some families Guarani, who live in different regions but especially Hernando Siles province, in communities NACHIP, Ipa IRender, Ukururenda, Buiter, Buena Vista, Machicoca, Takuya, Mandiote and Villa Esperanza, is that they are captive within fenced farms, their relationship with the owners of the land is typically feudal, since in return for a piece of land, have to work without pay and will is forbidden to hunt, fish or collect, they are also in debt bondage under the system of perpetual debt. State Indigenous Territory: Various communal lands have been titled in favor of captaincy and Guarani communities, now the INRA carries out processes and titling of other indigenous demands. INFRASTRUCTURE

The Guarani communities, have health posts and 1 Micro community hospital in Gap.

ACTVIDADES economic activity of the Guarani at different biases and fields is the same, predominantly agriculture and within it, the cultivation of maize, beans, beans, cassava, banana, citrus, squash, take advantage carob seeds usually to make chicha. In the case Izoceño crops are irrigated with ditch management technology, lead kilometers Parapetí River water. Practice small-scale farming, the goat is greater than the cattle. Agriculture is subsistence. They also carry out tasks of hunting and fishing to supplement their diet, if possible obtain permission Ava regional patterns that have taken over from nature. The sale of the work force is more widespread than Izoceno of Ava Before 1950, they moved Izoceño as sugar cane harvesters to northern Argentina, after the construction of sugar mills in Santa Cruz, heading north Santa Cruz annually, temporary migration, for 3 to 4 months, reaching up to 80% and more cases of the male population. Many of the cane harvesters stay for the cotton harvest, despite the danger that means for the maintenance of community integrity. Marketed products: corn, beans, watermelon, cassava, cotton, sugarcane, peanuts, sweet potatoes, wood. Subsistence activities: Production and Marketing Organizations: They have

Habitat: The environment and habitat Guarani dry forest, dominant throughout the northwestern Chaco physiography. The soils are alluvial and are considered very suitable for agriculture of maize, which is their main crop. Buffer zones, streams or slopes, agriculture is not possible, but the breeding of goats. The major resources are forestry, highlighting the quebracho, along with agriculture, livestock and oil. Only agriculture is within the scope of access to the Guarani. Others
Farm: cattle ranches, Petroleum Environmental Problems: Causes of environmental problems are due to habitat Guaraní: The uncontrolled deforestation, which degrades destructura forests and wildlife habitat and decreases the flora and fauna. Enabling land unsuitable for crops with the consequent burning of vegetation or slash is the key factor for land degradation. The failure to apply management techniques and soil conservation, crop rotation and incorporation of organic fertilizers, improved seeds or generate low productivity, which leads to unsustainable agriculture with the immediate consequences of impoverishment and degradation of soil resources. The lack of basic sanitation and sewage, causes pollution of groundwater is very significant. Contamination by organic waste is converted into sources of infection and affect the majority of the population. Oil prospecting, cause changes in ecosystems due to the fragmentation of forests, soil removal and indiscriminate hunting of forest animals by employees of oil companies. Selective logging causes degradation and affects the quality of timber forest resources, resulting in loss of gemoplasma, genetic erosion and ecological imbalance. LANGUAGE

The language family it belongs to the language of Guaraní, is the Tupi Guaraní. The Guaraní language has some differences between Ava, Izoceños and Simba. The particular characteristics that occurred in the current shape of the Guaraní language in Bolivia are partly due to the influence of a natural language Arawak speaking ethnic group Chane, and was absorbed by the Guarani on arrival at the Bolivian Chaco and on the other side to the meanings that arise from the regionalization of a matrix language. The differences between the Guarani of Bolivia and other dialects of the same family especially given some phonetic and prosodic peculiarities in grammatical morphemes and the syntactic system.

Some Terms in Guaraní
Man: aba - ava
Women: Wedge - Kuna
Head: cang - aka
Cheek: tatipi
Eye: tex - tesa
Ear: apizacua - Nambi
Hand: mbo - po
Sun: cuarací - Kuarahy
Luna: I lay - Jasy
Water: I - and
Fire: tata - tata
Hill: ibiti - yvyty


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