CARLOS SAEZ is the perfect guy, handsome, sociable, intelligent, creative, funny, hardworking ... Defect will, right? You all know
SÁEZ work RIPOLL, Carlitos; their stop-motion videos (one of the last for The Cabriolets , BIMBA group), a successful and enjoyable collection of sweatshirts, his role as "nightshaker" their Facebook photos in which shows the world as the quintessence of eternal teenager ...
In this exclusive interview, CARLOS SAEZ RIPOLL is closer to their fans, offering a human portrait.
- Madrid're making, but were born in Valencia. Tell us about your stage Valencia and sport gear ...
In Valencia my life was completely different from what it is today. You are not wrong at all as the "sport gear." I was not looking much as usual. From very beginning I spent chiquitajo THE FACE, and then BARRACA PUZZLE. I remember there was a strong club culture around me. We lived by and for the party. Also my friends were very into the night, so they knew how to organize it so that the party never ends.
I was never much of a movie, read, study and long story. He spent entire afternoons in the street. My friends and I had our bikes aparcábamos site and did what they do most of those between 14 and 18 years, smoking and talking about "Valencia moved." The truth is that fact very much the time in general and my then friends in particular.
- Who do you say that you look like? JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE
, Doraemon, a GIZMO, Orlando Bloom, a monkey (I guess the Pygmy monkey or Emperor) or a rat.
- You are one of the few creative stop-motion made in Spain. How did you there?
was by chance. During my second year in FDI had to do a job that was to describe "My perfect day." The presentation format was free and therefore scored as exercise. I thought a perfect day was a day made by hand. A few days before I discovered that if he reduced the size of the images on line WINDOWS MOVIE MAKER time could do "what they were doing in WALT DISNEY. I created a story that evades reality me for a day. The cuts represent all with papers and a passport photo of mine. The result was HAND-ME DAY, my first stop-motion.
- How was the filming of the video you did with BIMBA? Meanwhile
great. Takes one to know to be impeccable. On the contrary, I am working on group chaos and worse in one study. I'm used to working alone in my house and small pieces of paper ... and Bimbo is very high. I have to thank the entire band for your patience.
- Have you ever felt to be using your physique to thrive socially?
not something specific directory. But who does not get cute on special occasions ...?
- At your funeral will sound ...
FIDDLE AND THE DRUM CIRCLE A PERFECT . I hit an a capella so for a funeral.
- Do you consider yourself very demanding on yourself?
great deal, sometimes silly. Defect or virtue courtesy of the German School in Valencia.
- Your animal-based sweatshirts have been a success, right?
The truth is that they have worked very well! Both commercial and media. I risked everything without producing little shops selling and me disappeared almost everything! I am delighted to know that there are people out there disguised as a bear or a bat ...
- Is it true that Colette has bought your hoodies?
No, not true. I sent an email to the buyer at the store. He replied quickly and very concerned about prices and times. At that moment I understood the expression "It makes me PEPSI-COLA ass." I replied instantly easier putting it impossible, but she never answered me. He played with my feelings. Then I understood what "My happiness in a hole."
- What does a man have to conquer?
A beautiful voice and attitude. I do not care what you spend, but whatever, that is to be the best. If it is trash, it picks up the most shit in the world.
- What idols carried in your folder on the school?.
remember my brother inherited a ALEJANDRO with players of Valencia Football Club and one of my other brother, William, with Barca players and the NBA.
- What songs do not stop to listen to your MP3? KINO
and YOU MAKE ME LIKE CHARITY The Knife or ROSES AND TEETH FOR LUDWIG WITTGENSTEIN Matmos are songs that I've always liked.
- When was the last time you cried and why?
not remember.
- you do not know anyone alive that you'd like to be your friend.
Dreijer KARIN ANDERSSON, The Knife. Always, always work with your background music, whether FEVER RAY and THE KNIFE.
- Your favorite movie.
is GUMMER , Harmony Korine. LUIS VENEGAS taught me and from that day takes on the No. 1.
- Choose a superpower ...
is very "mainstream", but need to fly now.
- Why did you break with Xevi Muntané?
not broke as such. The best relationship was evolving into what it is today. Xevi is like that brother that when there is want to come on and when it comes it would throw kicks. Xevi Muntané is one of the most original people I know. It is simply true.
- Your bedside book.
not read much. I would say this "I have no time", which is quite true, but otherwise each ordered their own priorities. Probably if I'd like to read you dedicate the time I spend on making a collection or video, but it is not. I've really tried to like it, but I can not. Most of the time I anticipate what I read and I ride my own film in his head. Halfway through the book does not fit me anything that I read it and leave. Long ago I accepted and live happily in my ignorance.
- Someone dead return to life to go with him to MEAT ... Undoubtedly
VERGES ALEIX aka Sidereal. I would love to meet you and I think if he lived would have had the opportunity.
Because it is the coolest city in Europe. I do not rule out a time to leave, but I know that Madrid always return. I fell in love on the first day I arrived.
- What projects are you around?
I am preparing to launch MULTI , a platform dedicated to the production of music videos, fashion and product together with my good friend Patricia Binaghi.
For any questions or requests, please click here .
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