Around nine p.m. MOVISTAR called home and took him JAIME. JAIME suddenly it seemed that this was a call a little after-hours, showing a little the telephone dry. The telephone operator noticed a bit nervous and said goodbye: "And forgive apology ...." How cute ...
I met up with Jaime to go to lunch at LA MUSA Manuela Malasaña. There are always lots of noise, but eats well and is lively. JAIME
ordered a salmon salad first, I am a ham and cheese rolls with gazpacho and second ask a few skewers of beef with honey mustard they were delicious. JAIME
was Friday and was thrilled.
After lunch we went a second in the TIGER (crap store at the time), for see if they brought something new ...
bought a mug with stripes, a tropical fish stickers and a ball of wool to play ONI, our friendly cat.
The coffee went to tomárnoslo to REALITY, a meeting of the generations after WINDSOR. There
ask a couple of coffees and a brownie which was very rich.
And from there to El Corte Ingles supermarket, a food for us to lock ourselves in and bolted home. That night JAIME
prepared a brutal calzone with spinach, mushrooms and cheese ...
BUITONI Mass, Lisita with the roller. In a skillet, brown butter (not olive oil) Chinese mushrooms shii-take (150g) was put salt, pepper, peeled tomatoes (200g) with something that will be reduced juice, 4 cloves of garlic, fresh thyme and two handfuls of spinach leaves. 10 minutes over medium heat and place on top of the dough between layers of mozzarella cheese. Closes and gets pizza in preheated oven until golden brown.
A calzone that really made guttural sounds ... onomatopoeia. We ate
watching Big Brother, so excited that I cried.
Just after we started to see THE PURPLE ROSE OF CAIRO . One of the most beautiful films in cinema history ...
THE PURPLE ROSE OF CAIRO deals the healing power of cinema, the film as liberating show as escapism, as a lifeguard.
For those who have lived in the cinema feeling as real as real life, The Purple Rose of Cairo is a valuable film. JEFF DANIELS out
done a gallant, young, handsome, singing ... How time flies ...
A marvel.
In TELECINCO, MARGARITA Sixfingers subjected to a polygraph in DELUXE Save me.
"Is it true you've boycotted every one pair of your daughter?"
The story of THE PIANIST Haneke, Madrid underground version.
also There was a moment that he snapped at Seisdedos LIDIA LOZANO, "You'll see ... that God punishes without stone or stick ..."
The next morning breakfast toast with ham and cheese watching OT trials.
Bone avocado we had dropped a glass and roots. We have to be transplanted. Will we end up having avocados at home ...?
Just then I saw that right now is my favorite video of YOU TUBE.
is this .
A video that tells the story of love, spoiled people that just because it has everything to gain, who wants to tell Isabel Coixet in his films and do not get it.
A true masterpiece. The sample of the new Cinema is on You Tube.
We agreed to eat with PATI, TOMI, MIRIAM and Violet at his home in Pozuelo, and there we were. VIOLET
, my goddaughter, is high. In all two years old. Every time you say we JAIME Popy or melted. MIRIAM
is hilarious. Is seven Añaza. We talked about that sometimes, in her school, the off when you are late to class having to arrive earlier, what we said, "is punishment enough for me to be in class." Most. TOMI
PATI and pasta prepared with ajito gluttony and second a delicious roast chicken, made with oven bags are for that flavor. Then I took a
NESPRESSO chestnut very rich. In the TV movie cast a shirtless Matthew McConaughey and Blue Lagoon. MIRIAM
went to play at a friend's house and we went down to Callao, where we stayed with JULIO PABLO VAZQUEZ and go to dinner at Taco Bell and then to the cinema to see RED, by PROJECTIONS.
RED seemed like a funny movie and forgettable. BRUCE WILLIS and MARY LOUISE PARKER show great chemistry as a couple and John Malkovich and Helen Mirren are fantastic.
An action comedy perfect for an afternoon. JULY
and I laughed a lot because we said that Helen Mirren in the film looked like Cuca García de Vinuesa. The movie was
full of old and young, not average ... a rare thing.
Funny how fashion has become geriatric action film ... A real lack of actual action movie icons (VIN DIESEL JASON STATHAM and I love them, but they have grown into myths as at the time were Stallone or Schwarzenegger) We have decided to return to them in the new Rambo, the mercenaries and now in RED.
we caught the other day on TV Angel or Demon, we begin to see and we could not change channels. We hooked. MAR
SAURA making demon, every time you tune out sounds like a TWIN PEAKS ... funny thing is that it does SAURA MAR not so bad ...
A joyful mix between Buffy and Twilight cañí that, undoubtedly, is an important step forward in English television fiction.
The Angel or Demon scripts do not seem to be written by inept people that will list and be above the range for which they work, but people who seriously takes a little work.
There is a girl who is the devil and his family goes on to say "the girl is not very Catholic." Then there is a pilingui you get to swallow the lipstick ... A devil tells MAR SAURA "slut" and it responds "thank you", suicide, child abuse, an angel lover, a story impossible love ... A feast.
not miss it.
The protagonist, AURA GARRIDO, is my new favorite English actress. By the way, have nominated GOYA not know what movie ... It's gorgeous, and it does not seem actrizón English.
And Release Collation ANGEL OR DEVIL read on FACEBOOK as one of the "writers" of DOCTOR MATTHEW dares to say "Another series of white label Carrefour terror." Who is writing spoke MAD MEN ... How can a writer of a series so sad and so white label roll SAVE MORE HOUSE dares to criticize another series? Be thought that any day give The Emmy for writing a truño as MATEO DOCTOR ...
Finally, a speck in your neighbor's eye.
And here we finally have the video of the ZOMBIE KIDS GP BOYZ, the Mamajuana ROCK, directed by Costa that is gaining attention both in my FormSpring.
the generations after WINDSOR again on everyone's lips, that if a video is very cool, if it is sexist and demeaning to women, that if such that if that ...
I look sexy and fun. And the time
VEGAS Chiri with € 20 bill is priceless.
And on Wednesday, 23 this month ineffable EBONY BONES! in Zombie. Tickets are on sale, if they remain in TICK TACK TICKET.
The great show of the month that I would not miss.
The White Stripes have been officially disbanded. I thought that had already been separated for some time ... Well, better do it now, when have not defrauded anyone.
The White Stripes are separated to be a legendary group of the decade of double-0. A guitar and drums played by a fat. Red, white and black.
"They've never seen the pyramids of Egypt so little traffic, hopefully soon to end the revolt." David Bisbal.
"I hope that promise fulfilled." PILAR RUBIO in OT 2011.
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