Christ Child. A man cat repeatedly humiliated. A quadriplegic mime. A wrestler whose fists have their own life. A dysfunctional family. Penguin mafia. Putokrio. Charles Manson ...
This is the hilarious, bizarre black and fauna that populate the great artwork on Darius Adanti, an Argentine pro we all feel as ours, because to have Adanti among us is an honor and a privilege available to very few.
Adanti is one of the key figures in the comic and the current situation (that blending with Indispensable Jordi Costa is enviable and a must-have ) and the underground a few years ago, years in which political correctness and censorship was not as present as they are today, and thanks to that we enjoyed last gags as thugs and thread as those published in On Thursday and now, in a beautiful hardcover collection name " All that Caspa Radioactive " brings Glénat.
If you enjoyed the Radioactive Caspa at the time, do not make the same mistake now, because you rarely see a mood so deluded as lucid as brutal as cynical as sublime as it is this "All that Caspa Radioactive" .
And if you do not read that Baby Jesus have mercy on you and the Cat Man relieve your instincts on your leg, vagabond.
This is the hilarious, bizarre black and fauna that populate the great artwork on Darius Adanti, an Argentine pro we all feel as ours, because to have Adanti among us is an honor and a privilege available to very few.
Adanti is one of the key figures in the comic and the current situation (that blending with Indispensable Jordi Costa is enviable and a must-have ) and the underground a few years ago, years in which political correctness and censorship was not as present as they are today, and thanks to that we enjoyed last gags as thugs and thread as those published in On Thursday and now, in a beautiful hardcover collection name " All that Caspa Radioactive " brings Glénat.
If you enjoyed the Radioactive Caspa at the time, do not make the same mistake now, because you rarely see a mood so deluded as lucid as brutal as cynical as sublime as it is this "All that Caspa Radioactive" .
And if you do not read that Baby Jesus have mercy on you and the Cat Man relieve your instincts on your leg, vagabond.
unpublished page of The Whale Tattooed " |
DARIO ADANTI: What a tough question! I think, actually, I'm a reader who is due to too many loyalties, phrase not mine but Borges, and I've discovered that trying to do things that can be enjoyed much as I enjoy me as a reader, is a fairly entertaining and decent living. And all this with a mixture of "fascination with what out of the norm ", and an internal contradiction that is absolute disbelief of the man and the continuing surprise of what we are capable of making human beings.
TBYNPG: How to get to become a cartoonist and the choice of this medium to tell your story and express your ideas?.
DA: I owe my job to dystrophy. The story briefly in the prologue of "All that Caspa Radioactive" : when I was in preschool, about to enter first grade at school found there was a problem with me, I refused to draw, and when he did, drew the opposite. That is, if you put an item to the left and one on the right so that will copy, I copied inverted, mirrored. I was sent to the speech and was diagnosed with "dysgraphia" that is dyslexia in the field of writing. Mirror writing, you have complete inability to detect misspellings, and confused, graphically speaking, words like have and open, you change the letters of the words, and you incapacidd to remember the order of the numbers of more than 3 digits. You can write 1,034 3,104, 4,130, etc. So to me, rebates, or I will not come to me because I am unable to warn the offer. As the drawing is the first step to writing, speech therapist gave me homework to copy comic strips, which eventually became my profession. Luckily, my house, my parents were always very readers and had stacks of Mad Magazine (Argentina Edition) Mafaldas, Snoopys, Olaf the Viking , etc. And I ended up living in what was my handicap: drawing and writing.
TBYNPG: When you sit at a blank page, hoping to promote in the reader?.
DA: depends on what you ask me occurrence that has been so excited to let what I like to do it is to read, to do what I like to do is draw the background and thinking stories. I could say I'm looking for the surprise, but sometimes what I want is simply reproducing the same thing that caused me the idea, this can be: shame, fear, anger, pathos, pity, frustration, or simply "grace "understood not as" that which make people laugh, "but rather as" what you find when looking for something that is proper "if the idea occurred to me that is powerful enough to expire the inertia and I into action, first attempt to see what feelings are contained in this idea and cause the same to the reader, always looking for ways to come from personal descubrientos, although findings are due to people who have been in this much longer than me.
TBYNPG: They told me in our first contact, Brautigan is one of the founders of your work, but what else is at work concerning both the narrative and the visual aspect?.
DA: Brautigan I love, I think, in general, I keep coming very internal voices that were alternatives to academic imposing their own times. From Mellvile, Twain, Bierce Ambroce to the authors of the counterculture as Vonnegutt, Pynchon, Cuvert, Barthelme, DeLillo. In the current authors I like George Saunders, Jonathan Lethem or . I also like a lot of literature Argentina, Macedonio Fernández, Roberto Arlt, Rodolfo Walsh, Strawberry, Fogwill, Piglia , and English as Gómez de la Serna or Vila-Matas . Although, in adolescence, I started reading fantasy literature and novels, and always come back to writers like Frederic Brown, Hammett, Chandler or Jim Thomson. Leo, really, everything.
TBYNPG: As he told Forges on occasion, his father told him one day that to be a good artist, his drawings would have to recognize 15 meters. Undoubtedly, your drawings are recognized almost a mile, heh, heh, heh, but how would you define your style and how you found it?. When was the day he said: "There, that's how I draw?.
DA: The truth is that I never have arisen. I think my style is the sum of what I learned from the authors that I like passed through the sieve of my own limitations as an artist. In fact, I'm always changing my picture. Not for dissatisfaction, but need to play and narrative. On the game because I like to try things, because I enjoy and because there are times that what occurs to me, calls me a type of shapes or drawing that I have developed and that forces me to find how to draw what I want to tell. And yet, despite this constant search, my drawing is still some guidelines that make it recognizable, so I say that my style I owe much to my limitations that my virtues.
TBYNPG: you rather draw hand or by computer?. What do you think the debate is on this issue?.
DA: I come to suffer such a debate since 1998 when I bought my first computer. This is something that is clearly seen in the first pages of the collection of "Caspa Radioactive." I, as a good farmer in the underground of the '90s, wanted a tough draw, static graphic, but my pulse and my line is more raw, more uncontrolled and had trouble getting a mogollón inked to give him that hardness so endearing. And then I bought my first and I started spending ordenata sketches with the tools of photoshop and freehand, but the base, always, was a sketch done by hand. From there I began to drop criticism of a certain sector of the more conservative readers Thursday. In the letters from readers, who arrived talking about what I did were generally in line: "I do not know how to draw," is a graphic designer who wants to make comics ", etc. And I never went graphic designer, studied film but I quit because I began posting my cartoons in Argentine media from quite young, so my job is purely editorial. Or as it says that subject Lou Reed "I grew up in public" . So the debate ordenata or by hand, I've lived it firsthand for more than 10 years. There is always a more conservative public sector, but for that there is variety, and because it exists. The fact is that at some point in my career, it's been 4 or 5 years, I realized that young people who had grown up with computers, would use much more accurate and creative than I, more natural, at least, and then my courage would not be new technologies but the history of trade publishing houses in the past to the computer that I lived, so I returned to the pen and brush. Anyway, I think the computer is a tool, so expressive brush or limited as it depends on the juice that will remove one of this tool or that has it. Believe that a drawing is not art computer is the same bullshit to think that a painting with acrylic is less "art" that one oil painting. The term is always through other paths and can use a tool and another time for your body and voice.
TBYNPG: How an Argentine like you is so fixated on Mexican culture of skulls and devils?.
DA: My fascination with Mexican culture is a direct result of my fascination with its history, and his art. I was always interested in Mexican history, pre-Columbian cultures, the revolution, Cristiada Mexican artists from Posadas and skull prints, to the muralists like Diego Rivera or Siqueiros. addition, I have always been fascinated with the place Mexico some literature from the disappearance full revolution of Ambrose Bierce, to Mexico to "Under the Volcano" of Lowry, make the different sides of the richness of Mexican culture that extends far beyond Mexico itself. Furthermore
Who does not like the skulls, death rituals, wrestlers, and series B films, or large plots of the twentieth century as the assassination of Trotsky ? All this is also Mexico and it's fascinating. I can not help.
TBYNPG: Your characters are freaks delicious pure, why would that taste for rare, so that is out of the norm?.
DA: I guess something not choose, it's as you like meat pie more than tuna. Anyway, I can intellectualize it and I think, first, is something out of that childish spirit that we should not lose (last year I did an event in a special tent for kids, called Glück, which was to draw monsters with children: every child likes monsters!), and on the other hand, in my disappointment at the behavior of man and his handling of the "power" as the core of its development, those who have born with some type of disability or difference, are still generating a lot of empathy because they have to constantly tear down that wall that we all have seared a fundamental part of this culture "Winners", which I find much more interesting that those who succeed, a priori, without effort, but by convention the symmetry and the supposed "harmony" of their bodies or their minds. Eviarlo I can not, I like the meat pie.
TBYNPG: you ever been censured or has ceased to have a history of hand for some reason?.
DA: lately if I self-censorship, a little, but I do. There are jokes that I made for Radioactive Caspa do not know if I would make them again. I think in the time when I was beginning to feel the weight of the "Political Correctness" something that has always existed but did not have that name and became a policy of communication so dramatically until the end of last century. And what I fucked was that progress would be the main standard-bearer, I fucked it was the liberalism of ideological proximity. I rebelled think what would happen if Nabokov published "Lolita" or premiere Pasolini "Salo" in these times, what would Genet authors as if they were not supported by the time and intellectuals like Sartre , and tried to publish today? That made me seek the challenge as a way to stretch the limits. I knew I had a strong "principle of authority" laugh when immigration for my immigration position, which is a real hypocrisy because I think I have the same right to laugh at things without the stinging just "principle of authority" . The problem is that now, perhaps the age, I wonder what happens if instead of provoking the consciences of those who do not suffer, offend those who do suffer. And it makes me take an attitude that though may be less "vital" is far more "responsible." It is a autoncensura is not of morality but of reflection on what it wants to provoke and to whom.
TBYNPG: how concepts emerge as baby Jesus, Elvis Christ or small Manson?. Do you have caused a problem?.
DA: not really know how a character will emerge. Everyone has their story. In the case of Baby Jesus was reading the Apocryphal Gospels, in an annotated edition by Borges. In one of the chapters of childhood Jesus, had to The Baby Jesus got angry with another child and, by miracle, he broke it in half and ripped the arms (I can not remember exactly what was the anti-miracle.) After the Virgin Mary scold him, the Christ Child made his little opponent to regain its initial form of human being symmetrical. This gave me the idea of \u200b\u200bseeing the cruelty that children are being spent, if God made Man, with the power it has, as a child would be a piece of bastard. Instead
Elvis Christ came to me reading a book test Marcus Grail called "Dead Elvis" where review the cult of Elvis Post-Morten .
Manson, however, came after reading "Death Cult" a book on ritual killings edited by Jack Sargeant. Clearly Manson is a Pop icon and as such I am fascinated by all it that is dark and as representing our need to identify joint Evil outside of us.
In general, the characters come to mind reading and watching movies, or rather "appear" on paper and need to draw out what to read or see.
TBYNPG: How would you rate your humor, reminds me of the brilliant absurdism Faemino and tired, after a Z-series filter and a lot of bad milk.
DA: Well, I like your definition, I'm a fan of Faemino and Tired and Z series, so it seems very successful. If we add the humor of Vonnegut , of Macedonio Fernández, of the 3 Stooges of Glen Baxter, of Monty Python and Robert Crumb, I think we fairly close to a definition. With much of certain Argentina school of humor that runs from the bullets of Landru, Oski, Fontanarrosa or Langer, through television humor Pepe Biondi, the Uruguayan Hiperhumor, Pipo Cipolatti , or people "Cha-Cha-Cha" , and humor of the young cartoonist Fierro magazine of the '80s.
All that lives in my style, so I said that I owe to multiple loyalties.
TBYNPG: What should a comic strip to run?. What are the main pillars that sit on your stories?.
DA: Depends on the joke, try to find the form trasgreción classic "gag." I think if the humor, as I said Macedonio Fernández, intellectual surprise, but we've been bombarded for decades the same format of "surprise", then the intellect has ceased to be surprised and have to find other ways to surprise even the antithesis of sorpesivo. As for the stories, which can be funny but do not have to be "jokes" always fall to the structure of the paradoxes. I think the very fact that a hominid has developed thought is a paradox in itself. What makes you survive as an individual and as a species is the development of consciousness, but that same consciousness is what makes you know that you will die. That paradox signa our lives and from there our whole way of thinking the world is through the paradoxes.
I love an idea of \u200b\u200b Jordi Costa regard. Jordi said that the first joke that there was the laughter that caused them to other hominids to see that one of its congeners were put on two legs and then falling on his ass. That started it all and then all joke is the evolution of that surprise.
TBYNPG: Is the salvation of mankind in the laughter and humor?. Of course it is indisputable if many learn to laugh at themselves. What takes your mood?.
DA: For this reason the paradox does not think there's salvation for humanity, but not condemnation. In any case there is salvation and damnation in the same package as the supermarket offers 2 x 1. I think there are ways less bad than others, but we are slaves of the paradox: Everything we invent have consequences, some more desirable than others, but there is no heaven without a hell lurking in the corners of it and vice versa. I do believe in humor as an outlet to the routine, before the imposition of a single thought as an ethical fact that balances the scales in a world that has the reliability and impeccable value, and if you think about it, nobody did more harm to world that people serious and humorless. What sense of humor had Franco, Videla, or Hitler? None.
Beware of those who tell you that you have no sense of humor.
TBYNPG: Now reissued in deluxe format Radioactive Caspa those stories, how you remember those years working in "Thursday"?. How did this take and why?. And why this "or" radical (or) active?.
DA: took many years, many things, were first turbulent years: removal of countries, cities and floors. The constant effort to adapt, which will twenties is happy and novelty, now I seem unbearable. I remember the economic difficulties, all "trasnplante" has a very large share of happiness for what you bring to the vital level, and pain, so it requires you to sacrifice. I spent four years in a row without a trip to Buenos Aires to see my family because my economy gave me to buy a ticket. Most self-employed living hand to mouth, and I remember the triumphs, as Vacaláctica and Elvis Christ, which was making good money, and I remember those years when I dropped several jobs at once and did not reach ends meet. In many years, my grandfather died, I left, I fucked up so many times and I hit a good number of them. It is more or less what happens to anyone in over a decade. Only that Radioactive Caspa, oddly enough, there are obsessions that arise from these experiences. There is a very black joke on disconnecting your grandfather in a coma, the devices that keep you alive, and is a joke that did the days when I traveled to Buenos Aires to visit my grandfather in a coma. The cartoonists, especially if we humor and publish daily or weekly, we are forced to think jokes even in the worst moments of our lives, and in my case, this is reflected in my work, albeit cryptic. But it is an obligation that fills your life in a particular direction, and I appreciate my job to be able to transform reality into a joke. This volume comes
talking with Felix Sabates , editor of Glenat and great friend. Radioactive Caspa was a learning experience for me, a search for limits both graphic and humorous, this phase ended, and there was only evidence of it in a selection of 60 pages I had edited On Thursday several years ago. I was surprised that I was always a reader, I mentioned to a character in the Caspa, even at the dentist, the type, to learn that I was the one who made the Baby Jesus , comment me "you are many" crazy " . Without knowing it or without intending to, even without characters that are so dear they were published, many people who read On Thursday still remember those times and remember these characters fondly. So we decided to put everything I had saved Caspa Radioactive in one volume. And I believe that such collections are the best way to get into the author's head and go following their evolution through her work. So I put all that Caspa Radioactive , because every time someone reminds me of one of my characters of dander , I remember like it was part of a past, and for me, also part of the past. However, the collection is not complete, I have around 100 lost in moving pages, and documents that I could not retrieve corrupt. It's like a metaphor for memory, though you want to remember everything, some things are lost forever.
TBYNPG: What is the method of work of Dario Adanti?. How come these jokes or what inspires you to reach them?.
DA: I explained in previous answers: there is plenty of free association of what I read or see, but there is plenty of personal experience as an experience imposed some special characters. There is also plenty of talk among friends, where ever if there is chemistry there is a healthy competition among participating humorous, and sometimes you get incredible points of humor, because as each friend tries to overcome the other funny comment, the joke is perfected without the need for you as you work through correction. And do not talk about spelling but "language" of the joke. The joke is very important "how" I told him. That search for the "how" to me has often led to give varis versions of the same page as the days passed, because after you deliver, I went to bed and I thought the joke would work better if you changed a word or alter the drafting of a strip.
TBYNPG: you working with background music?. What?.
DA: Most times yes, but I also really like working in silence. While all types of music I listen to when I need things to work in quiet and allow me to thinking. I often hear things like Pirma Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash, Ramblin 'Jack Elliot, John Hurt Mississippy, Bonny Prince Billy, Damien Jurado, Nick Cave or Atahualpa Yupanky and Jorge Cafrune. But Sunday, when we clean-up days with my girl, here we get more pop, from Pixies and Velvet Underground to Jonathan Richman.
TBYNPG: What about the comic industry?. Are you in crisis as they say?. Is there a favorite comic you want to recommend?
DA: I think the comic book industry is healthy. With good health, I mean that things are published very interesting and even without the massive it had in the '80s, the public has a more or less stable, although there are many who, after the youth, stop reading comics, are constantly new generations that are in a comic means the full. Not lived "boom" of comics, so since I started posting we talked about the crisis. In any case I believe that all media have risen and fallen, and neither are permanent states. I think it depends on the type of comics do. In my case, there are the most popular, as might be the manga and superheroes, and yet I live of mine since I have 19 years or so. I guess with the crisis these "booms" and "falls" are enhanced, but the industry survives and produces a very nitzscheano survive is not the best but at the greatest strength of will and fail to adapt, do not fall and if you fall get up. Anyway, the kind of comic I do born in the pages of the press, and, beyond the fashions that dictate whether utlize now more photo comics or vice versa, I like to be present in the press. I like to think the comics that I do as a means of expression parasite.
The truth is that lately I've devoted to buying and reading the classics that are emerging issues very carefully and completely. From all Snoopy and Charlie, to read fluently is really amazing, Schultz was really like John Cheever of comics, to Popeyes of Segar , Which were very hard to get, I was just a couple of booklets, collection of all Krazy Kat, of which I already had 5 books published in the 80s but, to me that I am a fan, really surprised me see its last pages, Dick Tracy or whatever is being reissued in Vázquez. generational level, I would recommend to all "Boil a bear" of Noguera and Millán, "I Anecdote" Guillem of Dolls. And I'm not talking Clowes, Crumb Burns and because I think that every new thing that appears to these authors is impresindible to any reader of comics.
TBYNPG: The world of comics, does it to feed himself or is it combining it with other illustrative duties?.
DA: depends on the kind of comic do. Luckily for me, humor is still room in the media, anyway, maybe because my style of humor is more minor than others, I also work as an illustrator for newspapers and make animations for television. But I take it as a sacrifice because I see parallel within the same group that is the story drawn. Are things that feed off each other, and I'm happy doing all three. I also
currado writing scripts like Space Ghost we did with friend Jorge Riera and it was really a pleasure.
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Tremble, Amenabar! |
TBYNPG: What book are you reading now and what you recommend?.
DA: now I just finished reading "The House of Rabbits" of Argentina a writer living in Paris , Laura Alcoba , and I thought it wonderful. It is the story of his childhood living in hiding because her parents were activists during the military dictatorship Montoneros. No doubt a great little novel, small only by the number of pages, and Great for what counts and how you account. There is a scene from her eight years in the house from the neighboring canyon that all the males in the neighborhood naked with his eyes, the neighbor showing her collection of shoes and hiding girl's name because that could mean the complaint and disappearance, I would have liked it to be a short story of mine: the violence of an era through the eyes of a child alone because of the danger of ideas, with the risk of torture and death, and an unexpected connection with a woman isolated by her beauty. In a world where violence and the worst of men are the law, the beauty of ideas and the beauty of the body can isolate a child and a woman, though in different degrees of risk, to turn them into unexpected playmates where , for one reason or another, some aspect of the "feminine" becomes hidden pleasure. It's just a chapter of the novel but I found really inspiring, as the entire novel itself.
Besides "The House of Rabbits" would recommend "millions" of Santiago Lorenzo. I would have loved the story of Lorenzo have occurred to me to me and was my first Graphic Novel. Lately I have given much
"Warlock" of Oacley Hall, West a novel I would have liked it to be a series of HBO directed by Sam Peckimpah with Bob Dylan now playing the role of "gambler" .
TBYNPG: Do you like Amenábar film?, Heh, heh, heh, you know why I'm asking, right?. How does a book as lucid and wonderful as "The Man Who Loved Amenábar?.
DA: Ha ha! No, the truth is that it is not exactly the most enjoyable film. The idea of \u200b\u200b "My problems with Amenábar" arises when we run out we had a joint collaboration with Jordi in the supplement "The Land of Temptation" , called "Life vacant " and then collect in a book. Working in that section we met and became friends and we fucked the need to continue our work routines without this small but important fraction of our working lives that bring us together and gave us so much pleasure. So, when finished, we decided to keep doing comics together for friends Mondo Brutto . That began "comics vacant" where our alter egos appeared vacant and Che-what-Loco . Jordi then he came to make a comic "verité" about his meetings with Amenábar and I thought it was a great idea. First because I knew the real stories I wanted to tell Jordi and because I shared that fear with him. I looked great blending autobiography with film criticism in comic format a kind of "making-off" cynical about this thing is so strange as the film industry and its relationship inbreeding with the media and political power .
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vacant and Che-what-Loco |
TBYNPG: Speaking of binomial "vagabond writer / Illustrator Che-what-crazy, "Where does friendship with Jordi Costa?. What gives Jordi Costa Dario Adanti and vice.
DA: Friendship with arises by Jordi Life vacant. Jordi published in the Temptations from the number zero, and I was on the list of illustrators who worked with the supplement, so when the director of the supplement at that time, Fernando Rimblas , Jordi asked a section on junk culture and offered to work with some illustrations of which we collaborated with the supplement, Jordi chose me because he had seen my book "The Tattooed Whale" and because we had done some work together for Cinemania, and he, Curran in the channel, had been My animation reel with my short "Vacaláctica" and "Elvis Christ" he did for the MTV Latin . We started together and we became friends. How would the character Robert De Niro in "Parents of it," the father former CIA agent causing nightmares Ben Stiller, Jordi, from that distant time, belongs to that small circle of close friends known as "circle of trust" .
TBYNPG: What are your favorite movies?. In your work are noted influences Series B, Z, the sexploitation if I'm wrong, but, what movies you enjoy and which hates Adanti Dario?.
DA: The truth is that I like everything. It is true that much I enjoy the series B, I think in many of the films of series B and Z, despite its clumsiness, its lack of resources or open-plan frustrated vocation as a "business , narrative and aesthetic are findings that escape from the academic and convert them into real gems Pop I love Zombie movies, from " I Walked with a Zombie " of Tourneur, even the current movies through Romero and Fulci . Like Russ Meyer and Gordon Lewis Hersher The Sci Fi of the '50s as "They Come from Outer Space", "Cat Woman of the Moon" , etc, but also I like great directors as Peckimpah, Leone, Argento, Lynch, The Cohen, Wes Anderson . I'm very open about it.
TBYNPG: How do you see the film industry in general and English in particular?.
DA: The truth is, though I have friends film professionals, I was never part of that industry, so my opinion is biased by the lack of experience in the middle. I can speak from what I know but, I guess, filtered by prejudice who do not know the reality of the environment. What I think is that it is a difficult industry torn between the expression and business, between the personal needs of narrating certain types of stories and needs of the industry to be competitive. And that is an almost dialectical struggle were it not that the balance is broken by having a limited number of spectators, as in countries with small populations, where the terror of not recovering the investment generates economic impositions that are not based stylish what the viewer wants but what those played such sums believe that the viewer wants. And it limits, I suppose, galore. Especially because the people who put the pasta and imposing their prejudices is itself majority alejadísima viewer, but thinks he knows what it wants. There is a phrase Denis Johnson's novel "The Name of the World" that says something like the artist who does his work without limitation to predict what others will think of that work. the contrary to an industry that is required to be productive first to ensure it is invested in it, and secondly because many jobs depend on it. And that's a difficult paradox to resolve.
TBYNPG: What was the experience in the world of animation?. How is this field in your future?.
DA: I always liked animation and remains an important part of my job. Only, as an independent animator, say almost kamikaze, I can not, nor want, to be part of an animation industry, so that work is reduced. Especially at a time when the economy is unstable, the budgets for vagaries such as my animations are reduced if not disappear. Yet I keep doing animation for Turner , bumpers and promos do with Jorge Riera to Adult Swim, which gives me great pleasure because, although the "model" of the blinds is imposed by the book Style of the American program is sufficiently broad to fit and aesthetic ideas I fill up. I can not talk about the field of animation in general because I work the animation does not use as an entertainer but as a comics artist, ie, in the solitude of my house, just the opposite to what is animation in general: a team more like the comic book film production.
TBYNPG: What will be the next thing you see?.
DA: Well, I have several projects, from a graphic novel that moves very slowly and no one has seen anything: bizarre memories of childhood in Argentina in the '70s, during the military dictatorship to torture and murder succeeding in the guts of that society, although my approach is rather similar to film "Amarcord" Fellini of a comic that complaint. I'm also making new cartoons Tattooed Whale, in order to re-release tomorrow which was my first book published in Spain and is now out of print. I just add the three pages of new material. And a new adventure in two books of vacant and Che-does-Loco that will be what will come first and that makes me loads of enthusiasm because I posed a new challenge graphic com. The New Adventures of vacant and Che-does-Loco see the light at the end of this year ... And in animation, we look to be issued at last in the television series PutoKrío, not mine, but the original Jorge Riera, which participated in the plot, animation, and editing along with the study design La Camorra, another joint project with Jorge Riera that adds characters from both called " Zona-K-scab" and that the demo did with the guys from La Camorra and animations of Fish Javi .
Many of these projects are already done for over two years and just need to see the light. Others are on the road, and others are just that, projects.
DA: I see a guy wanting to do great things but in constant struggle with their limitations, and now I see a professional type Queno lost that need transgress the profession by the need acusiante fun. The job changes you, and rightly so, because the office is training in the use of environmental Supplied tools, and improve the quality of your expression for the experience. Furthermore, it is what binds us with the working class, with the carving furniture or make bread. But always keep that rebellious spirit of the adolscencia in contrast to the trade. The constant struggle between these two poles, is of all the paradoxes, the most enriching.
TBYNPG: Dario Adanti If, as the blog title, had the mouth but I could not scream, what would you do?.
And is that the weekend is that I dedicate to my non-work projects, to be with my girl, to watch movies and series, to read, to rest and cook, and me two days ago. If God after working 6 days a rested, humans need more than double the time off. If we are unable to construct the world in 12 days, twice the time of God, who came up to twice the time off would be enough for us?
TBYNPG: Thank you for all your attention and your time. It was a pleasure.
DA: Thank you for the interview, the pleasure has been mine.
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