Maitei horyvéva opavavépe
David Galeano Olivera
Pororoca? Read
(click) in: http://dgaleanolivera.wordpress.com/% C2% BFque-is-the-pororoca /
Read original (click) in: http://www.playasdebrasil.net/2010/
12/que-es-el-pororoca.html Pororoca
The voice is the onomatopoeia of the Tupi-Guarani language Pororo-ka, meaning "big bang", and is used to describe a particular phenomenon which manifests itself as a kind of wave that travels upstream the Amazon from its mouth for tens of kilometers.
is a very powerful phenomenon and the high flow of the Amazon River, which occurs twice a year.
The "big bang" is irrelevant because the Sound waves above half an hour in the arrival of waves.
CAUSES WHY Pororoca? Read
original (click) in: http://www.playasdebrasil.net/2010/12/porque-se-produce-la-pororoca.html
The pororoca is produced by the action of the tides to penetrate the water marinas on the river at high tide or stream. The pororoca is more intense when the width of the river is narrow, so the Atlantic ocean water can penetrate more easily and with greater speed and length in the channels of the delta of the river, which gives rise to a flood that filled Saltwater many coastal areas.
Their sound, up to half hours prior to arrival, is a strong and continuous waves.
The fact that this wave of "pororoca" last as long in advance is a consequence of the enormous wealth of the Amazon: More than 100,000 cubic meters per second, causing sea water to form waves break over them, but these waves approach much to each other by the downward displacement of river water in reverse, which translates into strong opposition from both opposition that is causing the crash.
This natural phenomenon is caused by three factors: the phases of full moon or new moon, which give way to the rise of the strongest tides (tides Sizigia, which are produced when the three bodies, ie, the Earth, Moon and Sun are aligned), sea currents and the opposition of the ocean on the River.
successive waves of brown, that penetrate tens of kilometers upstream, reaching sometimes up to four meters high in some places narrow and confined to the banks and the central part of the channel itself (where the rate of river water is greater), are formed at certain intervals throughout the year, although the occurrence of unusually high tides "live" or intense is much less common. The maximum wave height is reached in time to break to build up the upper waters of the sea on the river below the curb.
The pororoca is used by surfers who come from all over the world to overcome these waves when entering the river, although not always so high that made the journey from the mouth for almost an hour. So this is not a record of surfing for the height of the waves, but in the course on a single wave.
The first world record time on a surfboard was obtained in the Amazon in 1999 Picuruta Salazar, Brazilian surfer of 43 years old at that time that he spent 37 minutes on the same wave and traveling a distance of just over 12 km.
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