"I rushed back to the wagons. I hit a sweet hot breath. A human mountain, inert, horribly convoluted, but still smoked, filling the car halfway. "Ausiaden!" (Download!) Sounded the voice of the SS-Mann that emerged in the dark. The black silhouettes of the SS men roam calm and professional. The man with the notebook in hand puts the finishing touches, closes the calculation: 15,000. There are many, many trucks left for the crematorium. And will end. The corpses scattered on the ramp are collected by the last car, clothes and luggage and are also up. Civilians will draw enough smuggled out of the field, Silesia, Krakow and beyond. In return, they bring snuff, eggs, vodka and family letters. "
(Tadeusz Borowski: Spend you gas).
(Tadeusz Borowski: Spend you gas).

The relationship between cinema and the Holocaust is very close. Many feature films, comedies, dramas, documentaries, with their particular point of view, have tried to give us different aspects of the genocide that ravaged parts of Europe the last century. While, yes, there is a striking difference between the approach, how to get the message, the Hollywood film and some European film industry, perhaps, I imagine, due to the distance where each other lived the nightmare. I guess if we made a film about what happens in Haiti (it's amazing how oblivious we are as certain issues, the most important news, then pass a background so that unnecessary problems we did not hit too well) would be diametrically different from what people make their own or those of neighboring regions.
For humanity, Auschwitz has become the paradigm of what it means evil. It is a symbol that many writers, artists, journalists, philosophers have come to one or other period of his life to lay on the horror, the pain, your job.
The first images that exist (or at least I know they exist) of Auschwitz are the camp's liberation by the Red Army and anyone who has seen them, agree with me that yes, they are real but they are manipulated and do not truly represent reality. It was a first step to everything that has followed. The second, in my opinion, he gave the appearance the 1978 television docudrama, "Holocaust," which forced serial aspect, gives the act in question an everyday almost blasphemous.
not get me wrong, I think the fact of presenting images (or words) the subject matter is not only necessary, but mandatory, that no one should forget the sad past or pretend it never happened, but should, my humble opinion, be done differently (there are, for example Wilder or Pynchon to prove it), because the problem that arises from this, from the standpoint of film (and literature if you ask me) mostly U.S. I mean, is that it gives the abominable killing of mysticism and grandeur that has nothing to do with reality and should not be done at all, since the only intention is to produce an artificial drama not give way to natural (either because it distorts reality, or there are aspects of it that remain hidden and forgotten). And I say that this should not be permitted because, given our contemporary nature in which our collective memory of the youngest, is being distorted by certain images and beliefs in certain fast food messages that populate the mind of the great Most of them, can fall into error, terrible, insurmountable, of confusing fiction with reality, to finally, eventually, get rid of this last (and do not think I am exaggerating or alarmist, now there are certain sectors that have the firm conviction that things happened differently , like in the movies, and other wide range of population begins to ensure that this period of history has never occurred, only in film and literature).
rewrote the history at will and moved by the marketing (but not only in the Shoah before us, but in many aspects of the past), like that for years Catalan pretended to be a survivor of a concentration camp. And much rewriting, leading also to the emergence of inventions, licenses writers, not plausible, decontextualized and distorted. We are confusing, as the author, cowboys and Indians with Nazis and Jews , cinematically speaking, say, and as stereotypical characters, clarified that the issue of Holocaust seems to have become or gender film to use.
We reinvented every day and we want things to happen as we would like, and not actually occur. That is why in films that touch on the subject, most of Sometimes we tend to look for a movie hero comes out victorious, it is true or minimally credible, and a villain to redeem or be punished for almost divine justice. We want a happy ending for something that does not. It is impossible, even survive, emerge victorious from this horror. There are things that can not be overcome, even if you learn to live with them.
The book in question, mainly focuses on analyzing a film, "Schindler's List" of Steven Spielberg, which became a reference point when talking about films that deal with Nazism . But the analysis undertaken Alvaro Lozano , Nothing (or very little) has to do with what is cinematic, but in between racks, to analyze comprehensively and strictly moral, where, for the author, fails miserably.
even if some try to make up, the Shoah, the Holocaust (which not only killed Jews but were also killed gypsies, blacks, homosexuals, in short, people) was an absolute tragedy. Unfortunately, there has been or will be the last to commit or permit to be carried out. So humans. Mean and very forgetful. Too.
[Footnote: Since friend David told me (rather I wrote via email) about this book, my interest for me with it (with the book, I say, not David ) and read was in crescendo every day. Thanks for such a discovery.]
(No order concrete).
(No order concrete).
The gray zone.
Nuit et brouillard .
Okupacija or 26 Slika (1978)
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