The beloved Christmas day I woke up and Santa had left me SHORTS, THE MAGIC STONE (one of my favorite movies of Robert Rodriguez), KICK-ASS, a luminescent stars to paste ONI on the wall and our mischievous cat cuddly blond.
The morning of Christmas Day are strange, different ... It is as if vacuum-packed ...
We cherish, and went to eat at home parents JAIME. Jaime's mother had prepared his legendary paella.
were talking about how much people eat at Christmas.
"I is that to live, not live to eat, as many people, "said NIAC.
After dessert came the subject of the miracles of Christmas. Jaime's mother, Virginia when I was pregnant, she was told her daughter was coming the other way around, by foot, and possibly would have to make a serious sary. Well it turns out that one day, driving, NIAC had an accident. Crashed. He felt a huge pain and panic went to the hospital ... The doctor said, "your baby is fine and well, shock has turned around and exit through the head."
I told them the story of PONS RUTH, RUTH LA NEGRA, that working in a school for special children saw one of them opened his head to an autistic child with a stone. So as it stands. The autistic child's skull he looked and everything.
Parents were destroyed in the hospital while her son was unconscious when the child suddenly woke up speaking perfect ... It was not autistic, but a portion of the blood flow did not reach the brain and stroke of the mechanism that triggered stone . The parents did not know who they had to thank ...
That afternoon I was talking a good time fixed by RUTH UVE, which at the moment of his life in Barcelona. RUTH
told me who had become close friends with a girl of 7 years very pretty and very smart. Go together to buy, wrap gifts, make bread ... RUTH has reopened the holes in the ears of the girl.
"Oh, but that should not hurt much, right?" I asked.
"No," Ruth said, what hurts is not to wear earrings. "
A 7 year old girl has been filled with Christmas joy RUTH.
Another Christmas miracle.
Santa Claus is real. JULY
Speaking about the unbearable that people put on FACEBOOK with sarcastic moods of Christmas (narrow-minded people trying to imply that is over Christmas when, obviously, are well below it), we conclude that it would have to call the doctor mad THE HUMAN Centipede to sew them one mouth to the trunk of a tree and cosérsela the tree in the ass to another.
A Christmas Centipede.
SHORTS warm at home saw (I'm a fan of the character of SWISS), MAD MEN (which incisive scalpel) and MARIA JIMENEZ La Noria. So sexy it was this woman ... MARY JIMENEZ reminds me as a woman of Cro-Magnon, but with blonde wig ... Strong and fierce.
The next day we got up and went to buy the outfit to ONI. We found a very nice cat bed, blue corduroy, mullidita, with a brown cushion.
cat's bed would in the social network.
also bought him a toy that he went mad, a rope with two balls rattle on each side, fabric on both scratch and colored feathers on the ends.
has already broken.
Mealtime feline shopping caught us, so we went and we went into the nearest Burger. I ordered a XXL KING BIG menu and a snack which is a combo box with a thousand nasty, onion rings, cheese sticks, tenders ...
ONI We got home and went crazy with things. He loved his bed. JAIME
got a while to build cities SimCity 4 and after a while we were in July for a spin.
VALUE went to Callao for a chocolate with churros, but there was no way, had a tail like that of DA Manolito. In the cafeteria of El Corte Ingles as well in STARBUCKS three quarters of the same ...
At Christmas you can not leave.
saw a parent with a purple wig with two braids as La Bella Easo.
were lining up to enter the exhibition of Impressionist Gardens is in the plaza of The Nuns. People sympathetic to face to the tail for the sake of doing it. People who believe that an impressionist garden is a garden that impresses a lot. And it is.
People is going to shows and then go to work and say "I, in my spare time, just watching TV, I prefer reading a book, go to shows ...." Exhibitions ...
climbed to Cortylandia, looking for a SMALL PONY for ELI, but there was. This year we have taken small ponies ... Are not a classic like the Barbie or MISTER POTATO? Now that I think ... TOY STORY does not appear in the LITTLE PONY ... Just
year ELI wanted one ... turns out that small had many, but all cut their hair. It made them punks. Now he repents and wants his children, care for their ponies. WALKERS
grab a chocolate biscuit in the super El Corte Ingles and went to a Chinese for a couple of hot water bottles with prints of paintings DOCTOR IN ALASKA.
since I saw Ruth's mother and aunt in the village, getting into bed with hot water bottles, I can not remove the head ... What a pleasure. In
MEAT besides WORST and Taramona, another a DJ named Kid B which happens to be the one who reads the scripts of Desire, Almodovar's production company. Is this guy responsible for that rodase THE PRISON YARD MI ...?
On day 1, while poker-gay mainstream is divided between the GOA, the SPACE and ONE DAY, WINDSOR POST GENERATION began the year in the morning of ZOMBIE (with that mythical flyer if you want the grapes have to eat his tail to SANTI) and the flesh, the Crawford with cucumber, Bubi Canal with Ruby, Angie (envied bride Taramona) seeing how all the women present there drooling by a man dressed in skirts and sexy lingerie, BUMBI (queen and mistress of RETRO CITY) ISAACYMANU, CARLOS SAEZ (multidisciplinary artist of the moment) ... and CARLA Makovsky. CARLA had the doors of Ibiza and now in winter makes MEAT. CARLA wonderful.
And there's a new kid ZOMBIE, which you can see Twelfth Night, popping zombies and MIKE NO. TOMI is called, TOMI SIKE MOLA on Facebook, and is tattooed to his eyebrows. Has more squid ink.
What's behind those tattoos? What's in TOMI ...? CAMEL Likes
BATICANO was enter in or Leki LE COCK, see Siegfried with a gin and tonic in hand and know that everything was fine.
always made a brush, with its ties to Sybille and her rebellious bangs. A dandy.
not remember who introduced me to Siegfried MARTIN Begue. I do not know if it was Vicente Molina Foix or RAFA DOCTOR. What I know is that we met the last century, in 1999, while I worked at the facility DANCE & DISKO ANA LAURA ALAEZ for SPACE ONE of the Reina Sofia.
I already knew his paintings. I loved the picture hanging on the shop Sybille.
From minute one our connection was instant.
Siegfried came to fetch me to the museum and we were out there for a drink. Once out of the Queen, saw a top banner with lithographs of the Last Supper with lights underneath. Siegfried said he liked more than the original: "Have you seen THE LAST SUPPER have left after restoring? Have left more than a dinner like a breakfast ... "he said.
I laughed so much with him ... The openings
JOAN OF AIZPURU, Rosenfeldt MARY, daughter of OUKA LELE, beat him kicked in the shin. Siegfried she started to tremble every time he saw the girl enter.
"Siegfried, how old is the Joan of AIZPURU?" I asked myself.
"Nobody knows, would be cut in half and count the rings, I answer it. Siegfried
One night he invited me to dinner at his home in Jorge Juan. "You're like a fox," he said, "like a fox with long tails ...."
In his wonderful house, Siegfried had all the films I wanted to see and all the books I wanted to read. There I saw Dawn of MURNAU ... And a wonderful short film of Walt Disney from a storm and a mill. "In TIM BURTON copied this scene SLEEPY HOLLOW mill. " Siegfried knew them all.
One night call TELEPIZZA and took two hours to bring the pizza. Call at 9 and 10 still had not arrived. Meanwhile, we took around the house, we told our lives ... "This is like Waiting for Godot; WAITING TELEPIZZA."
The order came with a chocolate truffle. Sigfried and then tested a spat, "is the density of a black hole." Siegfried
One evening he invited me to the opera, which his mother had a subscription. RAFA DOCTOR left me a dress I liked Duyos. Next to us sat the Judge Garzon is natural that one of MAD MEN. The curtain rose and Siegfried said "let's go." I looked at the scene and saw a vine that climbed up the wall, "When a designer does not know what to put, place a plant," said Siegfried.
also remember the trip we made in the patatin bus, heading to the film festival of San Sebastian, the party given by John Waters. Siegfried and I were together on the bus giving credit to the fights were taking place transvestite on those four wheels. Every time we passed a tunnel, a girl was put to mourn because he was claustrophobic ...
Siegfried was very cute, so put on a diet. A dietitian had a diet "based on seafood and gin and tonics." Siegfried said of himself that he looked like Gregory Peck, but did not look anything like and GREGORY PECK.
And that other night in the COPPELIA, when a thug snatched the dress and it BRAVO MARIETA knotted as it could ... "Your friend looks set HANNIBAL LAGUNA dressed."
have been so many nights ...
I can not believe that Siegfried is no longer. I do not think so.
To the world of culture was an important painter Siegfried, professor of Fine Arts and designer of the Opera in Florence, but for those who had the immense privilege of knowing the truth, was an intelligent, funny, brilliant and a great friend.
The last time we talked, I expressed the fear that the Tintin movie to be made by computer (it was a huge fan of Tintin).
When you go to the cinema to see much of it I remember ...
also know that one of these nights I'll be in a bar and I seem to see the end of the bar the fringe rebel Siegfried, but is not a mirage, Siegfried will be there at the end of that bar, watching everything with sly smile behind his gin and tonic.
* TOP TEN: Best male performer
film of 2010: 1 .- ANDREW
Gardfield in the social network. DIETER
2 .- THE HUMAN LASER Centipede.
in an unmarried man and the king's speech. 5 .-
Viggo Mortensen in The Road. 6 .-
GEOFFREY RUSH at the king's speech. 7 .- Carlos Areces
8 .- Source.
Best male television performances of 2010: 1 .-
Vincent Kartheiser in Mad Men.
2 .- Bryan Cranston in Breaking Bad. 3 .- Norman Reedus
6 .- LOST. 7 .- CORY
in GLEE.
9 .- Jeffrey DeMunn in THE WALKING DEAD. 10 .- TRACY MORGAN
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