I went to the office of the ZOMBIES, authentic flagship GENERATION AFTER WINDSOR, to work on the secret project we're working on ... There was GUSTAVO ( which again is a single man) and EDGAR, who taught me a topic that has produced COSTA, Chiri and ROMO (rappers GENERATION AFTER WINDSOR). The next day rolled the video of the item in the Mamajuana, the trendy bar of the moment. LAURA commented on his desire to return to LA SANTI also walked around with his girlfriend (no longer the gold singles.)
At the end I went to Callao (mini Times Square of Madrid), where he stayed with JULY and MAURO, to one volt.
went to the FNAC (the gay cultural center), where I bought THE WRITER POLANSKI, one of my favorite movies last year. Perfect for a rainy Sunday afternoon.
saw a film of the 50 that was about a woman who unwittingly marries an alien. Maravilla.
I called James, who was in the area and a craving for hamburgers. Total we went into Friday's Gran Via, a former BLUE FILM.
The FRIDAY'S had a moment of letdown, but the burgers are again rich, fat and greasy.
toast to the first work of Jaime, who has finally found a job in a firm of engineers. I noticed him nervous, but I do not care about anything because that will give phenomenal.
Student life is fun, full of entries and exits, but we sometimes forget the tension and stress of exams. Working life is true that it is routine, but at least get paid later this month.
Each stage has its "one."
were talking about the new muse of the Internet, the talifan Justin Bieber. I wish the tab to save me or get into GH ...
have to see what delightfully histrionic that is youth. I, the teen was also very radical. Then you grow, you begin to understand different points of view and to play down. Yes, the ability to surprise should not lose ever.
next day stayed to eat with MARTA at TACO BELL CHANNEL Fuencarral. MARTA brought me a gift ... Tarantula by Thierry Jonquet, the novella on which it is based SKIN rooms, the new Almodovar film. I was dying to read it.
The novel is written in a dry, round. The best is the story, which is brutal, and how it is structured. With very little ALMODÓVAR sticks to that plot (full of terror, madness, sex ...) and that structure, you will get a great movie.
We ask about GSB. MARTA I talked about several projects with very good looking. The 2011 comes
Coffee JULY I took it in DAZS HÄAGEN Martínez Alonso, who has ILLY coffee, that we love. We took the subway to El Carmen, where we stayed with Inez MUÑOZ MARTINEZ MORA, guest star in our RADIOSHOCK. AGNES
is luxury. It came with a Chanel bag that looked like PESETA.
With her were talking excitedly about ETA, the GOYA, mainstreaming and listening to BERGEN WHITE. To listen
click here. After
cool radio had two plans: the video that has made the clothes of Mary BOLI Scotus and the shooting of the videoclip of the ZOMBIE KIDS Mamajuana.
I, who was crippled, I decided to pick me up.
The next afternoon I went to lunch at the Haagen Dazs, with Jaime, JULY and ELI. ELI
came from makeup to ELENA ANAYA. PABLO PEREZ
SANMARTIN That evening we had said at the opening of its new exhibition, LAST DAYS OF DISCO. As the movie.
The expo was in the basement of a library sort of wine cellar Barcelona roll in San Joaquin Street, overly bright, Call TYPES INFAMOUS (what better name triBall ...). The fact is that the basement exhibition was very good size, light and everything.
In this new exhibition, PABLO PEREZ SANMARTIN has taken a major step forward in his career as an artist.
Your new photos, your new still lifes, are wonderful. High above the rest of his earlier work, it was more graphic. Photographs of Paul
lead us to a disk environment nightmare. A dark space and color at a time ... I told him that photos were screaming so wonderful a video and installation accordingly. PAUL
told us that the day after spinning on TETAS, JARABO Party (global warming) in the STARDUST.
By then walked AVIATOR DELUXE (which said I was in love with one of his students) and many friends of Paul. Spent some time waiting for MIRALASILVIA SILVIA ESTHER and hare, but we went fast.
You have to go to see pictures of Paul.
JAIME When I got home told me they had missed a blond pimp Fame and was the first time the program a student expelled for bad behavior. I saw a video the boy and looked like a quinquillero. I do not know how they could sneak into the casting
I love how you present TANIA Llasera, so lively and androgynous, but ... PAULA VAZQUEZ me sad. What is he doing now? I love her. YOU TUBE
saw in the new video clip of the legendary ineffable CHRIS CROCKER, FREAK OF NATURE . CROCKER really is underground. It's a wonderful exploit
queer BRITNEY 2002.
We saw a bit of GH, which this year is boring and depressing, and we got an episode of Desperate Housewives (this series does not decay) and a MAD MEN.
sissy I love MAD MEN ...
And finally handed the Golden Globes. It was time.
The presenter, a very ugly fat, brown has been busy saying CHARLIE SHEEN mounted orgies with porn actresses, that Cher is the worst thing that ANGELINA JOLIE and JOHNNY DEPP are fatal in THE TOURIST, that Bruce Willis is the father of ASHTON KUTCHER that many actors are made Scientology to cover up his homosexuality ... The stalls could not believe when Robert DeNiro and ALEC BALDWIN crying with laughter.
mess with Hollywood starlet is as deadly mad to be ...
These are the prizes ...
Best comedy film: THE KIDS ARE WELL. Actor
dramatic: COLIN FIRTH by the king's speech
Comedian: Paul Giamatti for THE WORLD ACCORDING TO BARNEY.
dramatic actress: Natalie Portman and comic BLACK SWAN
Actress: Annette Bening and children are doing fine.
Supporting Actress: MELISSA LEO and THE FIGHTER.
Outstanding Drama Series: BOARDWALK EMPIRE.
Best comedy series: GLEE
Etc, etc ...
for everything except the award for best supporting actor CHRISTIAN BALE. It is true that an actor who takes a lifetime fighting for recognition (as a child saw him in THE EMPIRE OF THE SUN) and indeed has made great efforts to make much thinner junkie, but this award should have been for subtle and energetic interpretation of ANDREW Gardfield by the social network. Although it will take time to win many more awards since her career has just begun.
All indications are that the Oscar for best actress NATALIE PORTMAN will take him. Sounds good, I like the actresses enjoy their OSCAR still young and I think Natalie Portman deserves an Oscar from the professional, but the truth is that I like very much that this year the Oscar was for Annette Bening. When are you going to win if not? It is one of the best actresses in the world and his performance in THE BOYS ARE WELL is the best interpretation of the year. It is a beast. GLEE
has taken it all with a year late. In its worst.
And this weekend enjoying for THE GREEN HORNET . It's a beautiful movie. Hollywood is definitely recovering the magic of 80's commercial cinema, magic lost in the 90's and began searching the 00.
Michel Gondry, in his most commercial film to date, follows the trail of the genre started by KICK ASS and continued SCOTT PILGRIM, the entry into the comic world of ordinary people, the anti-heroes.
The script has moments and jokes a bit THE SIXTH, as the mood for farmhands who believe the smartest in the class, but also has moments of great cinema comic, cult classic and video art. The best of the film is Chinese, handsome, and when you call old Cameron Diaz ... There is a time when the screen is divided into ten parts and the fights are spectacular, the dreams, the whole climax the printing of the newspaper, the end credits ... Hilarious.
not miss it. Then came OT
When the show started I immediately thought that I stood at the greatest show on English television from the UN, DOS, TRES, a gala and a mounting pace atrevidísimo, with brilliant moments of embarrassment (embarrassment = pleasure), but as the night wore on it was going out of steam, to result in a soporific nominations with presenting descolocadísima PILAR RUBIO, as if he knew not where he was. PILAR RUBIO
is gorgeous, but it is too much direct. There is nothing settled.
TELECINCO should have made a good offer ...
CARLOS LOZANO best of the gala, the fat fag and blind, who came to drop a legendary phrase: "I smashed in color, well, in contrasts."
I love that Nina has become the histrionic as director of the academy. Nina is very mythical singer in the band of Xavier Cugat (who discovered Rita Hayworth), hostess of the UN, DOS, TRES, representative of Spain in Eurovision a year the orchestra stood up to applaud, actress MAMMA MIA ... And with that Laughter seems the Joker. Very muse. OT
This year is full of fags. Two of them are practically transsexuals.
MEAT Something is happening (you know, the casino on Saturday). Perhaps it was by name, as sexual, but the fact is that people will want to scrub as ...
Among Liuba, the pretty and has gotten out of "things that happen", the place has become like a kind of hetero flirting club. People entering
MEAT horny.
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