Monday, February 28, 2011

Starting Salaries For Physical Therapists In 2009



Read original (click) in: -culture-guarani /

On Monday February 28, 2011, at 11 am, visited ATENEO LANGUAGE AND CULTURE GUARANI Mrs. Sady Acosta, Director Teofilo Acosta-with-the Washington DC Regional ATENEO, and Ecos del Paraguay. She was received by David Galeano Olivera, Director General of Athena, who was accompanied by several members of the entity. Sady Kuñakarai
Nanette Acosta oúkuri sapy'aitemi broom has upekuévo oĝuahêkuri Rógape omombe'úvo mba'eichaitépa Guarani U.S. hembiapokuéra ohohína guasúpe tava. Ha'ekuéra, Sady has Theophilus omoñepyrûkuri jasypateî 2010-eg, peteî mbo'esyry ñe'é rehegua Guarani, upe ha'ekuéra oikohápe. Upe mbo'esyrýpe tuicha oipytyvô chupekuéra Karai Rigoberto Gauto Vielman, Oiva Washington DC-pe nane rérape challenges. Sady
Acosta is a native of Ka'aguasu Department, whose capital: Coronel Oviedo, currently living relatives. She is a teacher and Agricultural Engineering, and several years ago is based in the U.S. capital with her husband, Teofilo Acosta. They develop an important cultural work en dicha ciudad, promoviendo y difundiendo la Lengua Guarani y la Cultura Paraguaya en los Estados Unidos y desde allí a todo el mundo mediante internet.
ATENEO omoĝuahêkuri chupe ha Teófilo-pe Guarani Ñe’ête Mbo’ehára kuatia’atâ, ohechakuaávo mokôivépe hembiapo porâita omyasâivo hikuái ára ha pyharépe ñane Avañe’ê ha ñane retâ mba’e teete.
Oî avei Guarani Rógape Karai Mario Raúl Bogado Velázquez, omyakâva Guarani Raity ha ta’ângambyry Guaraníme “Ayvu Marane’ŷ”. Ha’e ogueropojái heta aranduka kuñakarai Sady-pe. Umi kuatiañe’ê oipytyvôta has Teófilo-pe suck mbo'esyry ñemotenondépe Guarani. Notably
Sady and Teofilo Acosta ATENEO donated to a telephone with special features that facilitate direct communication and more fluid in the Washington DC Regional Headquarters ATENEO.
attended the meeting at the ATENEO: Zachary Nelson Ortiz, Secretary General of the institution, his wife, Lisa Mirian Acosta Ortiz, Maria Antonia Rojas, Mario Raul Bogart, Edgar Galeano, Jorge Galeano, Rene Fernandez, Fernando Villalba, William Aguiar and Huber Marecos. Also, Claudia Patricia Alvarez, Sady sisters. Later, he joined Forest Acosta Gallardo. Maitei
horyvéva opavavépe

David Galeano Olivera
(ATENEO Motenondehára)

Ipod Touch Extention Cord


Marshal Francisco Solano López, Ne'eman MOKÔIVE
Ohai: David Read Vikipetâ
Galeano Olivera (click) in: C3% B3pez
also read (click) in: C2% BA-de-marzo-guaranime /
also read (click) in: -the-hero-of-hill-kora-and-ends-of-war-of-the-triple-alliance Francisco Solano López

jasypokôi heñóikuri 24 1826-ie, Manor, Paraguaýpe. Itúva karai Carlos Antonio López Juan Pablo Carrillo kuñakarai isýkatu. Irundy Oguereko joyke'y, hérava: Innocence, Venancio, Rafaela was benign. Francisco Solano Lopez was born on July 24, 1826 in Manor, Asunción. Son of Don Carlos Antonio López and Juana Pabla Carrillo. His brothers were innocent, Venancio, Rafaela and Benigno. Oñemoarandu'ypýkuri
Mbo'ehára Juan Pedro Escalada ndive Parés has UPEI Pa'i ndive Bernardo. Nane ojupírô Itúva ruvichárô challenges Dr. France Omano rire, Francisco orekókuri ary 15. Heta Omoñe'ê has opaichagua aranduka. UPEI oñembokatupyry AVEI France England Ne'eman. Guarini has oikóma Imitârusúpe chugui 1845-pe suck ojehupi Colonel Bouquet. He started his studies with maestro Juan Pedro Escalada and later with the Jesuit Bernardo Parés. When his father agreed to public life after the death of Dr. Francia, Francisco only had 15 years. I read a lot, learned French and English. Very young he joined the Army in 1845 and 1853 was as Colonel-pe
oiko ichugui brigadier general has ohókuri Europe-pe nane oikuaaukávo hérava Paraguay isâsomaha challenges. Rehehápe mba'e upe oĝuahêkuri rekávo has jekupyty Britain, France, Prussia has Sardinia-pe. Nane AVEI tetâgui Umi ojogua guar yga tuicháva broom has opaichagua Mboka. Paris Oîroguare oikuaajepékuri Elisa Alicia Lynch-pe, Irlandaygua, oguerúva'ekue hendive, hembirekóramo. In 1853, with Brigadier-General went to Europe with the aim of establishing diplomatic relations with Britain, France, Prussia and Sardinia and the time to acquire ships and weapons. In Paris, he met the Irish Elisa Alicia Lynch, who from then on would be his companion and mother of his children. Ary
1862 MByte rupi ojeporavo ichupe omyengoviávo itúvape, oñembyaty Nane oiporavo'arâ peteî peve Amandaje ruvicha Pyahura challenges. 10 sittembre 1862 omanósapy'a Carlos Antonio López Francisco ojupi ita'ýra hendaguépe. Nane Uperiremínte Amandaje challenges oiporavókuri Francisco Solano-pe nane ruvichárô 10 ary pukukuerâ challenges. In mid-1862, appointed him to succeed his father in the government until a new Congress will convene to elect a new president. Indeed, on 10 September 1862, died Don Carlos Antonio López. Francisco Solano, his son, assumed temporarily, but the October 16, 1862 Congress elected him president for a period of 10 years. Guiver Ojupi
ruvichárô challenges Nane ary has mbohapy peve rire, Francisco Solano López ojapo heta mba'e Nane motenondevévo challenges, Peich: oipysove eg Piraju Railway has omoĝuahê peve; AVEI Tuvicharenda omoñepyrû Rogaguasu, Tupa has omopu'âuka Tupäsy Paraguay Paraguay Ñoha'ânga Roga. Mbo'ehaokuéra Ombohetave has omondo heta-pe oñemoaranduvévo mitârusúpe Europe. Omoheñói Campamento Cerro León, Pirajúpe, ombyaty Guarini has ombokatupyryhaguépe 5000. During the first 3 years, the government of Francisco Solano Lopez was characterized by intense activity in the public. Thus, extended the railroad to Piraju. Began construction of the Palacio de Gobierno, the Oratory of Our Lady of the Assumption and the National Theatre. I think new schools and provided scholarships to young people who went to study in Europe. Created the new camp at Cerro Leon, where he recruited and trained five thousand soldiers. Tenondeve
Gotye, 1 Oktubre 1865-eg, Karai Elizalde, Argentina-ygua; karai Octavian, Brazil has ygua Carlos de Castro, Uruguaygua; omboguapy herakuéra hikuái kuatiáre ombojoaju mbohapy Place cheap breast umi mbaretekue ojeitývo Paraguay arid, Norair guasúpe. Nane uper Amandaje challenges ojapókuri Francisco Solano López-Mariscal gui omotenonde Place cheap broom Nane Norair upe guasu aja. Francisco Solano López upémarô ova Humaita, Nane porâvévo oisâmbyhy Ñe'êmbukúpe ñorairôharakuérape challenges. Tit mbohapyve Mbeguekatúpe imbaretevéva ñandehegui oñemotenonde ñanderehe has ñanemboguevi Uruguay has Corrientes-gui. Parana has oikémakatu hikuái OHASA Paso de Patria, Ñe'êmbukúpe. On 1 May 1865 the Argentine foreign minister Elizalde, the Brazilian representative Octavian and the Uruguayan Carlos de Castro signed the Treaty of the Triple Alliance. Following the events, Francisco Solano López was appointed Marshal of the Armies of Paraguay and almost immediately he moved his headquarters to Humaitá. Rapidly advancing Allied forces. As a result, they evacuated the territory of Corrientes and the Paraguayan troops settled in Paso de Patria. UPEI
oñepyrû eg mokôiha vore. Umi Norair opytáva mandu'arâ apytépe heard: Humaita, Pikysyry has Las Cordilleras. Jajokókuri Kurupa'ytýpe-yguápe Triple Alliance. UPEI jaikejey Ambue ñorâirôme Corrales, Estero Bellaco Tujutî, Jataity Kora, Boqueron has Sauce. Humaita Ho'ávo ipoguypekuéra, Henda oguerova San Fernando López-pe, Tevikuary rembe'ýpe. San Fernando-pe, Francisco Solano López ojukauka heta Nane Nane retâyguápe oje'égui hesekuéra omotîha retâme.Umi ojejukava'ekue apytépe, haimete 400 TAPICHE rupi, has Bening oîkuri Venancio Lopez, Francisco Solano hikuái ha'éva joyke'y. Then at the beginning of the second stage of the war, which were the most memorable campaigns of Humaita, Pikysyry and mountain ranges. The victory of the Allied offensive Kurupa'yty slows. The Paraguayan army fight Corrales, Estero Bellaco Tujutî, Jataity Kora, Boqueron and Sauce. Humaitá falls and Francisco Solano Lopez moved its headquarters to San Fernando Tebicuary north of the river, where due to reports coming from Asuncion were accused of conspiracy and collusion with the enemy several fighters who are killed, among them the brothers of Mariscal, Venancio and Benigno. From June to December 1869 almost 400 people were shot. Heta
Norair oiko upe rire (Pirivevúi, Acosta Nu has ambuéva). Jepémo upéicha, Francisco Solano López noñeme'êi. Peich, 14 ferraghju 1870-pe nane ñorâirôharakuéra challenges oĝuahê hikuái peve Cerro Kora, has peteî brasilerokuéra aty, omotenondéva Gen. Correa da Camara, Concepción-gui osê'akue ipiarikuéra. Primer 1, 1870 jasyapy Brazilian has 200 Paraguay Ñemoñare Cerro hikuái oñorâirô Korápe. Francisco Solano López-pe ojekutu hu'ýpe hyeguýpe has kysepykúpe oñembovo Iñak. Ha'e Vaivaípe oĝuahêkuri Aquidabán rembe'ýpe. Ohupytyjeýkuri Upépe suck Correa da Camara ojerureva'ekue ichupe oñeme'ê Place cheap. Francisco Solano López Upépe oñembo'yjey has kysepuku iPop oñorâirôjey ndive Brazilian upe. He'i Ho'ájeývo chupékura "Amano che challenge" has upépe Brazilian peteî ojapi ikorasöme has ojuka ichupe suck. Then followed numerous other battles (Pirivevúi, Acosta Nu, others), without But the Mcal. Lopez and his army surrendered to the Allies. On February 14, 1870, the retreating army reached Cerro Kora. A Brazilian company Conception output under the command of Gen. Correa da Camara faces on 1 March 1870 with the army of 200 men of Marshal López. He was wounded with a spear in the belly and with his sword on the forehead. With difficulty he manages to reach the river Aquidabán, which is reached by the General Correa da Camara, who ordered him to surrender. Mariscal Lopez fought sword in hand until the end, falling then and uttering his famous phrase "I die for my country!". By refusing to deliver his sword, he was shot by another soldier that the last of a shot to the heart. CAMP HILL

Ohai: Félix Fernández
Ombopurahéi: Herminio Giménez
Camp, Camp, Cerro amoite Korápe
pyhareve ko'êtî rire ñande opa war arid Henda Place cheap
Mariscal, ij-sword-mi okápe
Victory or death! Umi ohuĝuaitî He'ihápe Kamba. Jey Mariscal Mariscal rire

mamópa oime nderahasaharâ
nembochyryry nereñe-ntregá-i
Ndeke mombe'upyrâ Paraguay. Upe Osyry
Aquidabán maidenhair-mi apytépe iñe'ême
ru ñande omombe'u omanohague
has yvyra pirutîmíre, human Hill Pa'u mbytépe
ysyrýpe omoirûvo ojahe'o ĝuaiĝuingue umi.
Omomba'ete Guyra Paraguay jepeve ruguy
nokirirîvéi maymárô
oñembo'epa each pytumby Guyra.
Battalion has regiment Tenondé sea front ... cha! "
rretumba ka'aguýre o-Marshal-nte osapukái
has oikovéva has been umi hasýva Nure ikânguekue
opu'â Mboka iPop-defends-vo or Paraguay. Naman
rire jaikove jey
Ñahendu Vove Mariscal ñe'é
umi ysyry, Tuju Karugu, López ombyasyjoa
Camp, camp, amoite Korápe
Cerro Cerro-my Pa'u mbytépe, Amambay Cordillera, Mariscal Lopez tricolor Omano
non-upe ntregá-iri-i-flag or defensible v Paraguay.
generation deadline may be extended to-hese
toñembo'e every prayer has been Cerro
Kora, Lomas Valentinas
nacherendumína Sauce, Boqueron.

Rehendusérô "KORA CAMP HILL, Felix Fernandez mba'e Herminio Giménez, Oscar Gómez opurahéiva; ehesakutu ko'ápe:

Ohai MARCH FIRST: Emily R. Ko che Fernandez purahéipe hi'ânte
amombe'u PORAM
Paraguay has oiméva oikove ñande ru yma tojapysaka tambopu
target ko nane tohendu Oiva broom
mba'épa ha'e añatôi primer Mbaraka ko che che tapyi ambojeguapa
Comb-pe tricolor ribbon March
first amomaiteívo ko'êju pytá
iru che che Rovai diamond-viva-mi pe Solano López León flawless ohayhuva'ekue
challenges Paraguay
Ohua'îva'ekue mbohapy
launches tit ñanehundipávo bayonet-ita ipopekuéra hatiâirei
oñepysânga Norair oikévo Tujutîme rekávo
upépe ohecha mba'épa o-Guarani race it has
Solano López kuimba'e Anete heta ohayhúva
rovy'ava'erâ ndeichagua arid yvy oimérô Mokoia
Koine Purahéi py'a mbytépe ndéve che on March añongatu
nde ko tyvy heñói
arid this day combing asapukái Viva Paraguay ruguápe
Chaka Place cheap López rapekuégui puraheirâmi ajapa
opoi yvytúre oĝuahê Korápe
Hill Place cheap master arid burial oîharehína Ñande
Karai has one hundred and nine years omboty this day iko'êvo
the seventies in Kora Cerro López upérôje
ñorairôhague eg white Henda-arid or defensible heta
ij vo-sword has iPop-flag i dare
guýpe galloping Ocumpli Victory or death Ileia Tupi renondépe
Colonel ta'ýra ijykére Resquin ose
AVEI kambáre okopi tatatî apytépe rayhupápe
heta-i thought no life-no mbyasyivoi
ome'êtaha Hi'ânteva oĝuahê chev first of March each
che dare jurúgui ñe'é iporâva
to-pay iporavopyre Place cheap ñande must-ha umi
veterans ñande ñande tricolor ru-hare defends
Tujuti Kurupa'yty Estero
Bellaco lta Yvate
Ytororó Cerro Kora
upépe oime Solano López.

Rehendusérô "FIRST OF MARCH, Emiliano R. Mba'e Fernández, opurahéiva Generation Group; ehesakutu ko'ápe:
(Courtesy of Victor Hugo Dominguez)

What To Wear To A Daughter's Baptism

Rosenfeldt. Rainbow brite. PROTECTED SPECIES

Rosenfeldt MARY, daughter of the Go MADRID, broke into the generations after a exalación WINDSOR. "Who is the girl is so cool flyer of the ZOMBIE?." A venus brazen rebel melenón blonde, dressed as Romanian. "She is the daughter of OUKA LELE and wants to be a designer." Since that same time we expect your collection with real anxiety, even to imagine. Know is to love. The future is yours. Us know a little more ...

- As the daughter of the Madrid movida that you are, what are the memories of your childhood? What was your home?
I have fond memories of my childhood, I traveled with my mother, thanks to that I met many people and very young I used to being in different environments and eat everything.
I have always lived in the same house, is full of memories and a thousand things. He played Barbies
under the table where my mother painted the pictures, each were in our world.

- Why did you decide to dedicate yourself to fashion and not, for example, to be a policewoman?
child I like to sew clothes made him all my dolls.
studied harp and music has always been very present in my life, but her fashion thorn stuck and the truth is that I like a lot, especially the process of making a drawing, draw patterns and to see how it all begins to take shape.

- Who do you say that you look like? Well, right now
MY LITTLE PONY with so much color in her hair, but generally never have I had similar.

- You are preparing a collection of clips quite sui generis. Everyone talks about them, how be and how did the idea of \u200b\u200bbras?
As for my underwear is like SAILOR MOON, I love drawing manga and I have a thousand sketches like that, I'm doing tests and I hope to soon have a few and to teach them, at least now I have some pictures soon see the light , well there is the essence ... Much
color, brightness and volume.

- Does fashion in Spain or if you want to be a designer you have to go out?
In Spain there are very good people, do not think it necessary to go outside, I intend to stay here for now. In Spain and in Madrid there is much to see and be seen increasingly more people eager to create.

- Siegfried MARTIN Begue, you being a girl, she started to tremble every time I saw you appear with your mother in the gallery JOAN OF MORIARTY AIZPURU or because you gave it kicked in the shin ...
The poor should catch me in my worst moments at the end of any opening in the time they began to shoot at my mother's skirt to go home.
I recently remembered him, we made a trip to Rome, to be having dinner every night and we had a thousand battles, I really enjoyed it. A great artist.

- At your funeral will sound ...
To begin SATIE Gymnopedie No.1. And to close the act LA Ride of the Valkyries

- Are you in love?
Yes, and is a wonderful feeling

- What does a man have to conquer?
A Beautiful Mind, which can learn a lot and is someone I can admire.

- Who are your favorite designers?

- You niece Esperanza Aguirre, no less, is as fierce as they paint her lion ...?
is a powerful woman, very strong.

- What idols carried in your folder on the school?.
the Spice Girls, I worked very hard with them on school days, we did dance at school with their songs. I was in the black, MEL B.
also had trading cards LEONARDO DICAPRIO.

- It seems that people feel anger that one would do well if he is a child of someone famous, what do you think that is this complex ...?
is a topic that I do not understand, really we are all children of someone and have a different education ...
Parents are the benchmarks of a child, I owe my education to my mother.
Many people think that if you do something is really just plug and you do to live the story.
Each is free to think and feel angry.
The most annoying thing is that many people judge you without knowing you, but good.


- What songs do not stop to listen to your MP3?

- When was the last time you cried and why?
A week ago, making a fatal pattern I came up did not go well not stop mourn.

- you do not know anyone alive that you'd like to be your friend. QUENTIN TARANTINO

- Your favorite movie.
Romeo + Juliet Baz Luhrmann.

- Choose a superpower ...
be invisible.

- Your bedside book. THE FLOWER OF EVIL
Baudelaire and the Bible (it has a fascinating story)

- Someone dead return to life to go with him on holiday.

- Why Madrid?
I was born and here I die.
Besides that I think is a beautiful and diverse city where every day you could write a thousand film scripts ...

- What do you disguise a costume party? Alyssa
the TEKKEN character.

- What projects are you around?
finished the race, throw me hours sewing and quickly bring to light many clothes.

For any questions or requests, please click here .

Songs for the iPhone 4:

If you liked today's update ...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Kates Playground Heels



Read original (click) in:

Classes will begin on March 5


Pumbyry: (0059521) 520 276
Ogarape: Julia Miranda Cueto haimete Ytororó 1721 (Tavares Fernando de la Mora, Paraguay RETA)

1. Conception. Director: Luis Gilberto Cabrera Leite. (03,312) 42,042 -
2. Fork. Director: Hugo Barrios Ramon Jara. (03222) 2476 -
3. Yvyja'u. Director: Marcelina Muñoz Gonzalez. (036) 70 201
4. San Pedro del Ykuamandyju. Director: Carmen Denis. (04222) 2574 -
5. General Aquino. Director: Ramona Caballero Carmen Vera. (0984) 202.907 -
6. Chore. Director: Francisca Rivas Ortiz. (0451) 230.682
7. Itakuruvi del Rosario. Director: Zulma Vazquez Miryan Mareco. (0412) 10298
8. San Estanislao. Director: Zulma Beatriz Zarza Trinidad. (021) 312 052 -
9. North Jataity. Director: Juan Félix González. (0982) 278.909 -
10. Santa Rosa del Aguaray. Director: Anibal Duarte Nunez (0971)
417,094 11. Kapi'ivary. Director: Angel Martinez Gaona. (0981) 469.523 -
12. General Resquín. Director: Saturnina Díaz Molina. (04,512) 35,166 -
13. Ka'akupe. Director: Lorenzo Quintana. (0981) 760.337
14. Eusebio Ayala. Director: Mariela Cabrera Gauthier. (0981) 967.156 -
15. Puku Island. Director: Magdalena González Valiente. (0516) 252.668
16. Primero de Marzo. Director: Ruben Olmedo Ovelar. (0982) 523.275
17. Arroyos y Esteros. Director: Sabina Ovelar Antonia Cabrera. (0981) 137.425 -
18. Ambush. Director: Lorenza Marecos Morel. (0529) 20 277
19. Atyra. Director: Cristina Martinez Elva Tintel. (0981) 636.912
20. Tovati. Director: Felipe Nery Miranda. (051027) 2137
21. Pirivevúi. Director: Rosalba Otazú Melgarejo. (021) 941 435 -
22. Villarrica. Director: Emiliano Vera González paternity. (0541) 40 170 -
23. Coronel Martínez. Director: Irma Ramirez Elizabecht Chamorro. (0541) 40 973
24. Iturbe. Director: Castorina Vecco Gonzalez. (0546256) 253 -
25. Numi. Director: Juan Bautista García Bogado. (0541) 40 400 -
26. Mauricio Jose Troche. Director: Emiliano Vera González paternity. (0541) 40 170 -
27. Coronel Oviedo. Director: Eulalia Leguizamón Benitez. (0981) 161.203 -
28. Ka'aguasu. Director: Cecilio Coronel Ramón Gómez. (0981) 514.033 -
29. San José de los Arroyos. Director: Cecilio Coronel Ramón Gómez. (0981) 514.033 -
30. Field 9. Director: Reimundo Cáceres Cañete. (0983) 459.854 -
31. Grazing. Director: Ramón Cáceres Vázquez Brígido. (0524225) 291 -
32. Repatriation. Director: Maria Ezequiel Benítez Edit Robertti. (0982) 414.470
33. Yu. Director: Augusto López Martín Jara. (0981) 346.333
34. San Joaquin. Director: Augusto López Martín Jara. (0981) 346.333
35. Santa Rosa del Mbutuy. Director: Jose Fulgencio Jiménez Cabrera. (0971) 263.110
36. Raúl Arsenio Oviedo. Director: Reimundo Cáceres Cañete. (0983) 459.854 -
37. Joseph D. Ocampo. Director: Fermin Cabrera. (0983) 683.326 -
38. Ka'asapa. Director: María Antonia Rojas Aranda. (0981) 275.354 -
39. San Juan Nepomuceno. Director: Javier Arévalos Morel. (0544) 20 141 - 40
. Buena Vista. Director: Paul Ramírez Núñez (054427) 5276
41. Juty. Director: Angel Javier Segovia. (0547257) 384 -
44. Encarnación. Director: Cesar Silva Pedrozo. (071) 207 813 -
43. Ma Auxiliadora. Director: Matilde Beatriz Fernández de Molinas. (021) 520 276 44
. Natalio. Director: Matilde Beatriz Fernández de Molinas. (021) 520 276 45
. Hohenau. Director: Rita Perla Jara Silva Tischler. (07,752) 32,639 -
46. General Artigas. Director: Edgar Eduardo Gonzalez Mendez. (0985) 793.802 - edugome.artigas
@ 47. San Pedro del Parana. Director: Serafina Haidée Gómez Villalba. (0742) 20 162 -
48. Edelira. Director: Ramona Ayala Colman. (0985) 730.945 -
49. Coronel Bogado. Director: Mirtha González Alegre. (0741) 252.627 -
50. San Juan Bautista. Director: Josefina Jara Perez. (08121) 2854
51. Santa Rosa. Director: Salinas ANAIR Rosula Aponte (0975) 653.671
52. Ayolas. Director: Luciano Méndez Lovera. (0991) 561.348
53. Santa Maria. Director: Cesar Silva Pedrozo. (071) 207 813 -
54. San Ignacio. Director: Maria de los Angeles Fernandez Nursery (08223) 2619 -
IX. Paraguari Department
55. Paraguari. Director: Porphyria Orrego Invernizzi. (0971) 327.353 -
56. Piraju. Director: Rafael Chaparro Benegas. (0971) 518.502
57. Jaguar. Director: Virgil Silvero Arévalos. (021) 575 125 -
58. Sapukai. Director: Celia Beatriz Chaparro de Garay. (05,314) 32,736
59. Karapegua. Director: Pastor Leguizamón de Mafra (0981) 461.536 - pastora.leguizamon
@ 60. Aka'ái. Director: Eva Florentín Graciela Rivers. (0982) 199.131 -
61. Yvyku'i. Director: Fatima Benitez Nery Ramirez. (0981) 356.167 -
62. Ky'yindy. Director: Bernard Mirian Osorio Mendez. (0536282) 292
63. Escobar. Director: Gudelia Martínez Salinas. (0971) 243.275
X. Alto Parana Department
64. Ciudad del Este. Director: Albarenga Petrona Gonzalez. (0522) 40 819 -
65. Minga Guasu. Director: Carmen Pereira Irala (0973) 133.117 -
66. Santa Rita. Director: Albarenga Petrona Gonzalez. (0522) 40 819 - 67. Itaipyte. Director: Derlis Rubén González Gamarra (0677) 210.014 -
68. Hernandarias. Director: Early Avila Rojas. (0983) 687.714 -
69. President Franco. Director: Federico González Escobar. (0522) 40 717 CENTRAL DEPARTMENT

XI 70. Asunción-Central. Director: Jungle Concepción Acosta Gallardo. (021) 492 300 -
71. Assumption-St Paul. Director: Evangelist Atienza Rotenberg. (0985) 263.083
72. Assumption-Campo Grande. Director: Jesús Giménez Americo Vera. (0961) 511.025
73. Assumption Saxony. Director: Ernest Martinez Apodaca. (021) 481 233 74
. Assumption-Mcal. Estigarribia. Director: Eduardo Acosta Medina. (021) 282 192 75
. Assumption-Stma. Trinidad. Director: Estela Irene Segovia Villamayor. (021) 295 385 -
76. Assumption-Workers Quarter. Director: Alice Macedo de Rojas Rodríguez. (021) 390 869 -
77. Mariano Roque Alonso. Director: Eduardo Acosta Medina. (021) 282 192 78
. Fernando de la Mora. Director: Antonio Carlos Ferreira Paublino Quiñónez. (021) 514 529 -
79. Ñemby. Director: Atheneum OF CULTURE Y Lengua Guarani. (021) 520 276 80
. Luque. Director: Luis Lugo Medina. (0981) 549.471 -
81. Clean. Director: Luis Lugo Medina. (0981) 549.471 -
82. Aregua. Director: Egidia Matilde Galeano de Aguiar. (0982) 885.024 -
83. San Lorenzo. Director: Virgil Silvero Arévalos. (021) 575 125 - Sub-Regional 1: Course Director: Hermenegildo Ramírez Agüero. (0981) 547.672
Sub-Regional 2: Course Director: Miguel Angel Gómez Veron. (021) 580 548 -
84. Kapi'atâ. Director: Mary Cristina Escobar Arguello. (021) 579 692
85. J. Augusto Saldivar. Director: Flaviano Santacruz. (021) 520 276
86. Villeta. Director: Catalino Gilberto Recalde. (0981) 110.095 -
87. Ita. Director: Zachary Nelson Ortiz. (021) 973 123 -
88. Lambare. Director: Zachary Nelson Ortiz. (021) 973 123 -
89. Itaugua. Director: Juan Domingo Silva Pedrozo. (0294) 21 425 -
90. Guarambaré. Director: Gloria Esperanza Villamayor de Noé. (021) 964 166 -
91. Ypakarai. Director: Pedro Ernesto Franco Drain. (0981) 173.745 -
92. Pilar. Director: Francisco Gabriel Diaz Borba. (0862) 32,128 -
93. Pedro Juan Caballero. Director: Pedro Ernesto Franco Drain. (0981) 173.745 -
94. Bella Vista North. Director: Joaquim A. Acosta de Brizuela. (038) 301
95. Capitán Bado. Director: Ramona Ligia Calonga Pavón. (0971) 819.514 -
96. Kyha Bridge. Director: Teresa Beatriz Cardozo Chávez. (021) 524 831 -
97. Kuruguaty. Director: Teresa Beatriz Cardozo Chávez. (021) 524 831 -
98. Villa Hayes. Director: Miguel Dominguez Arbe. (0971) 375.908 and (02,626) 2597 -
99. Nanawa. Director: Miguel Dominguez Arbe. (0971) 375.908 and (02626) 2597 -
XVI. Boqueron Department
100. Filaldelfia. Director: Roland Victorian Rubén Aguilar (0981) 485.263

Regional Buenos Aires ARGENTINA
. Director: Ignacio Baez Gudelio Benítez. Ñe'êveve: Regional Rosario. Director: Ignacio Baez Gudelio Benítez. Ñe'êveve: Regional Corrientes (Capital). Director: Francisco Gabriel Diaz Borba. Ñe'êveve: Regional Itati (Corrientes). Dependent ATENEO Headquarters. Ñe'êveve: Regional Ytûsaingo (Corrientes). Director: Jorge Román Gómez, El Kunumi. Ñe'êveve: Regional Entre Rios. Director: Dora Helena Manfroni Vda. Sanz Silvera. Ñe'êveve: Regional Posadas (Misiones). Director: Carmen Gladys Bernatto. Ñe'êveve: Regional Adrogue (Buenos Aires). Director: Osvaldo Ramon Veron. Ñe'êveve: Regional
Santa Catarina BRAZIL. Director: Adair Correa de Araújo. Ñe'êveve: Regional
Foz Yguasu. Director: Antonio Cabrera. Ñe'êveve:
Regional São Paulo. Directors: David Estela Caparelli and Montenegro. Ñe'êveve:

Regional SPAIN Barcelona. Director: Christian Ojeda Raul Ferreira. Ñe'êveve:
Regional Washington DC. Directors: Sady Teofilo Acosta and Acosta. Ñe'êveve:

Regional ITALY Bari. Director: Antonio Dobrynia Tiberius says. Ñe'êveve:


-Small groups

FERNANDO Under the direction of David Villalba ( These courses are for those interested in different aspects (typing, word processing, Guarani software for writing, preparation of power point and Internet access and use, among others). ATENEO

ALSO HOST THE COURSE OF LANGUAGE GUARANI to start using the University of São Paulo
This course (see:, will commence on 11 March 2011 and will be developed by Maria Rama VILLALVA MBO'EHÁRA FILHO (, University of Sao Paulo (Brazil). Ropytáma


Maitei horyvéva opavavépe

David Galeano Olivera
(ATENEO Motenondehára)


GUARANI ATENEO LANGUAGE AND CULTURE GUARANI Italy - www.imperialclub .net / atheneo_news.htm
ñe'é Guarani /
Tekokatu --- --- --- Guarani language
http:// /
Guarani --- --- Http://

Guarani-Guarani language
--- --- http:/ Guarani's blog / / Guarani Guarani
Tekokatu --- --- --- History Cafe
http:/ / / profile / DavidGaleanoOlivera
Guarani (in E-Magister):
Guarani (in ArticuloZ) / authors/163118
Guarani (in the Historic Rede):
Guarani (in Neopolis)
Tekokatu (en Netlog):
Letras-Uruguay (en EspacioLatino):
Guarani (Authors Club en):
Lengua Guarani (en Blogdiario):
Guarani (in Facebook): # / profile.php? id = 1253341311 & ref = profile
Guarani (Sonic en):
Guarani (en Hi5):
Guarani (Orkut): # Profile.aspx? Uid = 4087812688016137833 & rl = t
LenguaGuarani (on Twitter):
ñe'é Guarani (in Tocorre):

What Is Insurance Reinstatement Value

What movie is this?. Sunday's Game Second Edition (9 + 10).

Like this week I will not be able to publish any post, I leave two frames to encourage them on my days off (as if any of you were to throw me out less ...). He who hits the two, takes an extra point, so inspired that one is easy and the other less so, but ...

The ratings go like this:
agrimensorJ, 10 points.
Scotty, David (Safari), with 9 points.
Cinexim, with 8 points.
Poptaje, Mr. Lombreeze, with 7 points. Doc
Armitage, Marguisa, Lughnasad, Trónak the Kárbaro, Diorama, Licantropunk, Mucipa, with 6 points.
dvd, with 5 points. Cecil B.
Insane, with 4 points. Lola
Fett, JA Perez, Pepe Cahiers, with 3 points.
Kenny, Dr. Quatermass, Mr. Floppy, Charlie, redrum, Baal Zak, dopzihon, Ricardo Perez, William De Xalons, Baskerville, Anro, Pedro Lopez Manzano, Black Foot, kinski,, with 2 points.
Anna Kinezoe, ricard, Lord Kamps, carlesp, Christian, Lula Fortune, Anele, Miquel Zuera Insanus, Javi, Angel Maria Martinez, @ ngel, Laura Jesso, Santiago Braida, Angelus, GabyLocura, Coltro, Kinezoe, Kenny, Jokerman, Yamete, Kinski, Putrefiction, David Navarro Amorós, Dialogist, Tarquin Winot, Ricar2, tristan, Mark Callau, Carlos Franco Ballester, Belknap, Pep, with 1 point.

And with that, what movies are they? ...


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Jc Penney Hair Salon At South Park


Maitei horyvéva opavavépe
David Galeano Olivera

Posted by
Read (click) in:

133,393 inhabitants
Ecoregion: Chaco
Department: Santa Cruz, Chuquisaca and Tarija
Province: Cordillera, Luis Calvo, Hernando Siles, O'Connor, Gran Chaco
Location: Lagunillas, Cuevo, Charagua, Cabezas
Several language families: Tupi Guarani
Main activity: Agriculture
Products: Corn, beans, beans, cassava, watermelon, banana, citrus, squash, cotton, sugarcane, rice, sunflower. Vias
Access: Air: The Guaraní have a runway at San Pablo de Huacareta Land: A Guaraní communities are accessible by dirt roads, most precarious roads, paths and trails Railway: This way, through the area in the transition zone and Machareti Tiguipa, uniting the departments of Santa Cruz, Chuquisaca and Tarija. DEMOGRAPHIC SITUATION

Evolution: There is a significant growth rate of the Guaraní population. Migration: young people migrate to larger population centers in search of better living conditions, access to secondary education and a better paying job. HISTORY

Historical Summary: The story Guaraní in the Bolivian territory, begins with three known migratory flows, which came from the Mato Grosso. Chiquitano the territory, to the Rio Grande, which came through the Chaco to the Cordillera; and you entered from the Rio Paraná and entered the River Pilcomayo. The reason for these migrations might have been the mythic search imaraä ivy or land without evil, also noted the interest in finding metals in the highlands. Scholars estimate that this migration issue was made about two thousand d. C.. The English made contact with the Guarani in the year 1521, thereafter there were different types of relationships, from confrontation and war, to evangelism and sporadic alliances. The Guarani were famous for resisting the conquest, both to the Incas as against the English. They are also considered as extremely belligerent with the tribes and peoples that were not his and appeared in installments through their nomadic way of shifting to the north, which seemed directed towards the realization of the ancient myth. Large villages they found the first English who contacted them, they cultivated corn fields. Before the English Guarani had found the Chane, Arawak-speaking group, a mongrel who dominated their women there from the current Izozog Guaraní. Guarani, during the colonial and republican were constantly persecuted and driven from their native lands. Since its inception, the history of the Colony Chiriguano presented with a series of complicated facets, which together form continued inflows of the English military failed because it always faced with the responses of the warring Indians. The war against Chiriguano, methodically began to be implemented under the rule of Viceroy Toledo, who in 1574 led not only planned but punitive actions and removal of Chiriguano, in which the English were defeated. In 1854 Luis de Fuentes, founder of Tarija, aims to exterminate the Chiriguano, because they had been committing assaults, robberies and killings to the newly settled colonists in the valley. In December of that year the Audiencia of Charcas on behalf of Her Majesty, again declared war on the Chiriguano, putting the head of it to the Governor and Captain General of Santa Cruz, Lorenzo Suárez de Figueroa. Finot, says that in 1954, the Governor appointed one of the chieftains Chiriguano "Captain General" of the Chiriguano, who became the protector of the first entries of the priests, like Father Geronimo de Andión and Diego de Samaniego. There were many entries of the religious who wanted to pacify and convert the Indians and prevent military action by the English. In 1607, there was the attempt of the Jesuits Samaniego and Oliva, in 1609 colonial history records that a group of Chiriguano came to the city of Chuquisaca, asking to give them priests, to teach them the Catholic faith, which seems to have been more for articles made of metals and others. Only in 1631 he returned to have contact with Chiriguano, contact, which killed the priests, Gregorio de Bolivar, Juan Sánchez, and Luis de Jesus. During the seventeenth century, the Jesuits and the eighteenth century Franciscan Chiriguano filed with a difficult relationship, which at times were well received religious only to be banished or killed in some cases, or were simply shunned or sought and prayed to naturalization among Chiriguano. In the nineteenth century, Chiriguana history is full of serious incidents of killings of whites and Indian massacres. The cattle ranches began to spring up with the support of the military republican over Guaraní territories, even the English had done with respect. Chiriguano battalions participated in the war of independence, with the army of General Manuel Belgrano and the guerrilla groups Azurduy Juana de Padilla. One of the two great battles against the State as staged in 1875. The second and final in 1882, with the rise of Apiaguaiqui-Tumpa, chief Chiriguano most of all, considered "God-Man, the State sent the army, with guns, almost Chiriguano term with which they could "hunt" insurgents or not, decimating and scattering the indigenous population in a manner so brutal that just for no more than twenty years, is beginning to recover from this catastrophe racist. Since the defeat of the Chiriguano Kuruyuki social victims remained farmers and ranchers who began to debt bondage and enslavement. Chaco War caught him between two international fronts, being that they belonged to the same "nation" Guarani, with its roots in Paraguay, which term unstructured.

SOCIAL ORGANIZATION The social organization of the Guarani is based on the nuclear family. Formerly performed marriages between cross cousins \u200b\u200band kin had mythical significance as headquarters lineages. Today the custom is preferred to maintain in force the extended family but in a more restricted. Your home is nuclear, but there is still everywhere family housing in the same house or best of several family homes clustered around a common courtyard, whether circumstantial or not consume the same foods, families together, place almost all their community activities, forms of solidarity within extended family and between families is very high, providing mutual security seal to all relations social and economic. The instruments of regulation of a maximum growth of the extended family are fluid, meaning that when a relationship formed deteriorates, the Guarani appeal to their natural sense of freedom and separate, to rebuild the bonds of communication again. CULTURAL ASPECTS

Religion and Mythology: The Guarani religiosity is expressed through the words of the prophets or shamans, religious specialists who communicate with the supernatural world with social, ritual manifests with different social behaviors and actions deployed in them a persistent experience of the sacred. The presence of Pentecostal faiths who wish to Guarani saturate the world, is that these cultural splicing with Guarani, insist on the "word" in "gift of prophecy" and quackery disguised gift of "healing" that could be psychologically similar to the experiences of ancestral religion that is lost in time, under the determination of a confluent collective unconscious at one point, the search for the land without evil and the encounter with the sacred ancestors, including the Liberator of all evil, Candire, the hero mythical, until now part of their beliefs, even if they are evangelized. So, the terms of the myth have rework currently adapted to modern conditions of social and national life. Most evangelists declare Guarani, which are generally fundamentalist. LAND AND LAND

Status of Access and Land Tenure: Regarding land tenure, in the case of Ava Izoceños Cordillera, possession of land available is less than one hectare of arable land per capita. The general aspiration of the Guarani, holds his lands, rather than individual parcels. A regrettable situation of some families Guarani, who live in different regions but especially Hernando Siles province, in communities NACHIP, Ipa IRender, Ukururenda, Buiter, Buena Vista, Machicoca, Takuya, Mandiote and Villa Esperanza, is that they are captive within fenced farms, their relationship with the owners of the land is typically feudal, since in return for a piece of land, have to work without pay and will is forbidden to hunt, fish or collect, they are also in debt bondage under the system of perpetual debt. State Indigenous Territory: Various communal lands have been titled in favor of captaincy and Guarani communities, now the INRA carries out processes and titling of other indigenous demands. INFRASTRUCTURE

The Guarani communities, have health posts and 1 Micro community hospital in Gap.

ACTVIDADES economic activity of the Guarani at different biases and fields is the same, predominantly agriculture and within it, the cultivation of maize, beans, beans, cassava, banana, citrus, squash, take advantage carob seeds usually to make chicha. In the case Izoceño crops are irrigated with ditch management technology, lead kilometers Parapetí River water. Practice small-scale farming, the goat is greater than the cattle. Agriculture is subsistence. They also carry out tasks of hunting and fishing to supplement their diet, if possible obtain permission Ava regional patterns that have taken over from nature. The sale of the work force is more widespread than Izoceno of Ava Before 1950, they moved Izoceño as sugar cane harvesters to northern Argentina, after the construction of sugar mills in Santa Cruz, heading north Santa Cruz annually, temporary migration, for 3 to 4 months, reaching up to 80% and more cases of the male population. Many of the cane harvesters stay for the cotton harvest, despite the danger that means for the maintenance of community integrity. Marketed products: corn, beans, watermelon, cassava, cotton, sugarcane, peanuts, sweet potatoes, wood. Subsistence activities: Production and Marketing Organizations: They have

Habitat: The environment and habitat Guarani dry forest, dominant throughout the northwestern Chaco physiography. The soils are alluvial and are considered very suitable for agriculture of maize, which is their main crop. Buffer zones, streams or slopes, agriculture is not possible, but the breeding of goats. The major resources are forestry, highlighting the quebracho, along with agriculture, livestock and oil. Only agriculture is within the scope of access to the Guarani. Others
Farm: cattle ranches, Petroleum Environmental Problems: Causes of environmental problems are due to habitat Guaraní: The uncontrolled deforestation, which degrades destructura forests and wildlife habitat and decreases the flora and fauna. Enabling land unsuitable for crops with the consequent burning of vegetation or slash is the key factor for land degradation. The failure to apply management techniques and soil conservation, crop rotation and incorporation of organic fertilizers, improved seeds or generate low productivity, which leads to unsustainable agriculture with the immediate consequences of impoverishment and degradation of soil resources. The lack of basic sanitation and sewage, causes pollution of groundwater is very significant. Contamination by organic waste is converted into sources of infection and affect the majority of the population. Oil prospecting, cause changes in ecosystems due to the fragmentation of forests, soil removal and indiscriminate hunting of forest animals by employees of oil companies. Selective logging causes degradation and affects the quality of timber forest resources, resulting in loss of gemoplasma, genetic erosion and ecological imbalance. LANGUAGE

The language family it belongs to the language of Guaraní, is the Tupi Guaraní. The Guaraní language has some differences between Ava, Izoceños and Simba. The particular characteristics that occurred in the current shape of the Guaraní language in Bolivia are partly due to the influence of a natural language Arawak speaking ethnic group Chane, and was absorbed by the Guarani on arrival at the Bolivian Chaco and on the other side to the meanings that arise from the regionalization of a matrix language. The differences between the Guarani of Bolivia and other dialects of the same family especially given some phonetic and prosodic peculiarities in grammatical morphemes and the syntactic system.

Some Terms in Guaraní
Man: aba - ava
Women: Wedge - Kuna
Head: cang - aka
Cheek: tatipi
Eye: tex - tesa
Ear: apizacua - Nambi
Hand: mbo - po
Sun: cuarací - Kuarahy
Luna: I lay - Jasy
Water: I - and
Fire: tata - tata
Hill: ibiti - yvyty

Radioshack 260-0183 Xp


breakfast in the VIP (Tumaco pan fried eggs with bacon and potatoes and pancakes with chocolate syrup) browsing COUNTRY WEEKLY; Nadal shirtless, tips for being happy , and the film that's TRUEBA MARISCAL patterned.
What could be more outdated than TRUEBA that QB and together and not say? In 1996 he had had some sense (after BELLE EPOQUE COBI and after), but what right in 2011? Another thing would be a movie Nacho Vigalondo SAEZ Juan Patterned ...

Leaving the VIPS
we look at the basket of films we caught six euros and Shadowlands, one of my favorite soap operas and the best interpretation of DEBRA WINGER One of my favorite actresses of all time.

ADVIRA I left and stayed with MIGUEL AGNES to eat in the DOMINO'S PIZZA de Alonso Martínez. MARY SCOTUS had called him late to commission music from his show HONOLULU DARK and still had much work ahead, as the parade was the very next day.
I ordered a medium with extra cheese, ham and mushrooms. I left in the MIGUEL
SENSO (the studio where we always organize CINESHOCK) and went to STARBUCKS Infantas street, where he had been with Mary ARCAS to take a MOCCA. MARY brought about very high heels of Juan Oliva Beyoncé. He said that it was time to make me a template with my name painted on to Madrid ... I love the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving graffiti ...
seems that the templates are made with X ...
MARY wanted to go take a look to see if there were reductions in Isolee. Since we bought a chocolate DOLPHIN with pink pepper faire marshmallows for a COLA CAO. Mary gave me his favorite lemon cream for a test, the LEMON CURD of WILKIN & SONS. Ideal for whole wheat crackers. Things that cheer
pantry. MARY
I left in a taxi, I had to pack up because the next day departed for Milan and I went home.

The next day came the electrician to change a plug and the bastard went on a piti, without asking or anything. Menudo
scoundrel. All day ventilating the house. I dressed and went to the IFEMA, where he stayed with JULY and LUCIA (a charming companion JULY) to go to the parade of Mary Escot.
Walking with us were young aspiring fashion stylist and blogger. Cibeles, with its finery fashionista, if they make a picture for the YO DONA.
One square.
entered the premises. It looked like a circus. ROBERTO
PIQUERAS We found that showed us his collection hanging in the showroom, where designers parade can not sell their collections.
PIQUERAS has some awesome shirts with KEN torso and other body with Barbie.
In the area of \u200b\u200byoung designers is one that touches the forty ... sponsored BURGER KING, the year before organizing a contest among all the designers who was a scholarship to Saint Martins for the better, but this year there has been such a competition, so do not know if Burger King has decided to give less money or that money you are spending someone ... I greeted
HORCAJO LUIS, MARIA Rosenfeldt, to BUMBI, JAVIER CEFERINO (returning to Madrid), CAROLINA, GUSTAVO, to the Comtesse de Noailles, in Prain LORO ... By then walked Brays with SONIA RED GEEJ, MATÍAS URIS (which just published its first photo to HOLA), CARMEN Loman, Bubi Canal with Ruby, Veronica Forqué (I've been told it is a cult) with his daughter, Miranda Makaroff, with LAURA EDGAR, ANDREA, MELANI PAN, IVAN PARLORIO ... Much
A CIBELES one is going to be seen.
catch a NESSPRESO of those they give you. I asked for the strongest, he knew to lightning and thunder, and enter the parade.

To see the most anticipated parade CIBELES, Mario Escoto, we had to swallow the ION FIZ, the total absence of personality.
A mediocrity. Luckily
could play WHO'S WHO, look at the front to see who had and who ceased to be.
And then came the most awaited; HONOLULU DARK. The reinvention of the modern femme fatale. A truly amazing collection. MARY VERSACE SCOTUS should work.
Y MIGUEL music, great. PAJARILLO not stop dancing.
A single "but" fur.
There is nothing more outdated than wear fur. I understand that there are grandmothers who have fur coats that gives you such a husband to keep you happy and I also understand that any young girl to drive, inherited from his grandmother, but it makes sense that today no one will buy a garment with a dead fox as if we were cavemen.
I think killing animals when the neck and throw it over, honestly.
After the parade we went into the room to congratulate kissing Mary. Then came the parade CARLOS Ten ten, but we were already overloaded with both backfire, so we went downtown to dine at Taco Bell.
A GSB. There

were talking about how PIXAR GOOGLE and seek to dominate the world.
wish I get and not the Chinese ... JAIME
few days earlier and I were visiting the MOMA in New York without leaving the room, thanks to GOOGLE ART PROJECT, which is like a museum but GOOGLE EARTH.
A marvel not, as follows.

Wednesday and stayed with ELI JULY List and went for a walk to El Carmen.
Speaking of 3D movies made by the Nazis and who have just found ...
Just before Manuel Becerra get to go through the Pharmacy at Mercer ANTONIO relied upon to do duty chemists. Sales crossed the Circus World and climbed up to meet Alcalá Roberto Piqueras, it came with a friend who was very much like a young Emma Suarez and Miguel. There
were talking animatedly about CIBELES, DELUXE BOX, BLACK SWAN, the end of OT, HONOLULU DARK ...
To listen click here . RADIOSHOCK
After a burger and house to see the chapter on Desperate Housewives where Susan used the excuse of dialysis to get a table at restaurants, sneak into the box super and have him remove the fines.

Tonight, first drink in FAB and then MEAT, epicenter of the POST-WINDSOR GENERACIÍON for the night of sábados.con PASCAL. And will chronicle ...

And here I leave you with advertising PP candidate for Mayor of Tarragona ... Menudo coolhunting have set ...

few weeks ago we discovered that BURN (that certainly have to see how well that goes BURN DAY a week chinese, which is like taking three coffees) was looking for skaters, bikers, skaters and artists of the asphalt in general, through their networks FACEBOOK , TWITTER , and through YOU TUBE (ah, good and most teens in this TUENTI ) to make a movie showing to the world of the occult art. This is the making of of one of the spots they have done for the season. A smoke-filled pool to skate without even seeing the tables. It is clear that being bored is because they want.
I wish I could send a video like this (at minute 2:40) ...

Masterpieces of nonsense.

1 - Showgirls.
2 - Fire Walk With Me.
3 - Mystics in Bali.
4 - Kika.
5 - Existenz.
6 - Chaotic Ana
7 - The Lady in the Water.
8 - The Lovely Bones.
9 - Bambola.
10 - The Bilingual Lover.

For any questions or requests, please click here .

Songs for the iPhone 4:
- POST BREAK-UP SEX of The Vaccine.

If you liked today's update ...

celebrate Valentine

Friday, February 25, 2011

Trading Spaces Bed Buiding

Pororoca WHAT IS?

Maitei horyvéva opavavépe
David Galeano Olivera
Pororoca? Read
(click) in: C2% BFque-is-the-pororoca /
Read original (click) in:
12/que-es-el-pororoca.html Pororoca
The voice is the onomatopoeia of the Tupi-Guarani language Pororo-ka, meaning "big bang", and is used to describe a particular phenomenon which manifests itself as a kind of wave that travels upstream the Amazon from its mouth for tens of kilometers.
is a very powerful phenomenon and the high flow of the Amazon River, which occurs twice a year.
The "big bang" is irrelevant because the Sound waves above half an hour in the arrival of waves.

CAUSES WHY Pororoca? Read
original (click) in:

The pororoca is produced by the action of the tides to penetrate the water marinas on the river at high tide or stream. The pororoca is more intense when the width of the river is narrow, so the Atlantic ocean water can penetrate more easily and with greater speed and length in the channels of the delta of the river, which gives rise to a flood that filled Saltwater many coastal areas.
Their sound, up to half hours prior to arrival, is a strong and continuous waves.
The fact that this wave of "pororoca" last as long in advance is a consequence of the enormous wealth of the Amazon: More than 100,000 cubic meters per second, causing sea water to form waves break over them, but these waves approach much to each other by the downward displacement of river water in reverse, which translates into strong opposition from both opposition that is causing the crash.
This natural phenomenon is caused by three factors: the phases of full moon or new moon, which give way to the rise of the strongest tides (tides Sizigia, which are produced when the three bodies, ie, the Earth, Moon and Sun are aligned), sea currents and the opposition of the ocean on the River.
successive waves of brown, that penetrate tens of kilometers upstream, reaching sometimes up to four meters high in some places narrow and confined to the banks and the central part of the channel itself (where the rate of river water is greater), are formed at certain intervals throughout the year, although the occurrence of unusually high tides "live" or intense is much less common. The maximum wave height is reached in time to break to build up the upper waters of the sea on the river below the curb.
The pororoca is used by surfers who come from all over the world to overcome these waves when entering the river, although not always so high that made the journey from the mouth for almost an hour. So this is not a record of surfing for the height of the waves, but in the course on a single wave.
The first world record time on a surfboard was obtained in the Amazon in 1999 Picuruta Salazar, Brazilian surfer of 43 years old at that time that he spent 37 minutes on the same wave and traveling a distance of just over 12 km.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Do Men Prefer A Hollywood Or Brazilian??


GEMS GODIVA, jellies heart and seeing the late OT. Too bad deepest OT no longer exists. There is no law. I wish to make at least one VIP OT ... I almost cried
in the last gala when they sang all the "at your side I feel safe" ...
Am I the only one who thinks PILAR RUBIO face is almost identical to Florinda Chico ...? The beloved Florinda Chico, great school of English cinema. Of those actresses who always remained secondary to the role.

This year the highlight of ARCO has been that they removed the carpet.
Now there is a tremendous ground, hopeless, full of gum stuck. Command moment that contemporary art.
Before the advent of social networks and, above all, before the jump of art galleries on the street, it made more sense to go to ARCO. Now you're going to hang out and shop around, like going to the Retreat for a walk, there are also people who go to flirt, but no longer exists once the excitement of the arrival of ARCO.
a shame.
remember when ARCO was like an adult ... JUVENALIA
This year they have removed a flag from the three he had. Fortunately, because it was incomprehensible and insufferable.

In the morning I had cited in the room CHARADE, MEAT room. DOMINIK VALVO
photographer revelation GENERATION AFTER WINDSOR, I was going to do some promotional photos along with the invaluable MEAT CARLA Makovsky, new muse of the Madrid underground, which, incidentally, comes in this LOVE month, in an editorial. There was
MAURO, Brays EFE, a very nice stylist and Franx GLASS, I made the tie.
The photos will be very sexy and very TOM FORD.
I love to take pictures. It makes me feel my time icon.
I took off my suit, I put DOMINIK MEMBERS ONLY and made me more photos for my interview in EAT ME where I go kissing myself in the mirror, in clear homage to JAMES FRANCO and narcissism in itself. DOMINIK
me out gorgeous. His camera loves me. We caught
lunchtime and Brays and I went to McDonald's Gran Via (the first McDonald's in Spain), I had to get a little questions for the interview ...

at McDonalds was a new burger, the 1955. Delicious
The vintage burger that tastes like MAD MEN. Brays
MANGO CURRY called for FAD. I love the name ... It's always
Friday afternoon, eating at McDonalds. Among
burgers and talks about and NICC GENO, Brays interviewed me happy and deep.
We parted in Callao. Princesses went to Starbucks to take a mocca (where I always feel like if I lived in or FRIENDS HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER) and then stayed with Julio to go to RADIOSHOCK.
That afternoon, as we had lunch together, I told him to come and Brays with Jimin AGNES MIGUEL SABADÚ and were mingling about Goya's face Leire Pajin, the clicking of OT, the father of Miley Cyrus, WINTER'S BONE, etc ...
The magic of radio. To download
click here. Miranda Makaroff

Lately I keep getting email asking for my opinion on the collection of MIRANDA. Here I go ...
At first I do not like the name. Miranda Makaroff FOR LYDIA DELGADO, "for?. Sounds a bit like Popy Blasco FOR ELIO BERHANYER ... Well, I love it.
What if I liked, however, was the way in which Miranda presented the collection he has designed with his mother rather than on models, on illustrations unusual size of femme fatales imagined and illustrated by Miranda herself. A success. And now it
comment clothes cute, nothing more. Perhaps you have subtracted the touch-Duyos naive, but it is certain that it was not bad. A beautiful and classy collection. Many
you write me things like "but what both announce a collection for this?". Yes, what do you expect?, "A collection of Alexander McQueen? Miranda makes the clothes that she at one point would be made.
Others also tell me, "Sure, she makes clothes designer because he has a mother, if not, what?" Well, at least make it. Could do nothing and she takes and makes. Is there anything wrong with doing things when you have a choice to make ...? If my father was ALVARADO I also make T-shirts.

Last Friday I was at the Plaza of Spain with my boyfriend and we went to eat at THE CORNUCOPIA , KIM restaurant, the hostess of ONE TWO THREE foreigner, a superb restaurant Ceesepe, very 80's fifties.
fear is eaten.
amazed by the lasagne, which actually was a scandal. And the waiters charming.
To wash it down we walked to La Latina, where we take the coffee at Cafe del Nuncio, out of time. And after the coffee
spent some time in a of my favorite spots in my city, the Prince's Garden Anglona, \u200b\u200ba hidden garden in the Plaza de la Paja, as Mina Harker.

And that night, watching closure KIKO DELUXE BOX MATAMOROS, which to me is an icon and a great example of what can be called a man.
Verle, with its look SCARFACE, crying her eyes out, causing impact.
Thanks to the boxes, I feel as if they were employees of Save me from my family.
I want to make me a box ...

next day we went to eat at home parents JAIME roast with a smooth puree that was glory. VIRGINIA
, Jaime's younger sister, told us his adventures in LA POSADA DE LA Animo Big Brother contestants.
We took the umbrella and went to the Plaza de Jacinto Benavente, the statue of the sweeper, which had been in July, Jimin, Brays and CAROLINA GALIANA to go to see IDEAL BLACK SWAN. CAROLINA
GALIANA styling has made the videoclip INVISIBLE LIGHT of the Scissor Sisters. I più. Apunto
was entering the room BLACK SWAN knees with outstretched arms. Of the nerves
I ate popcorn tank in ten minutes ...

had many expectations for this movie after seeing the trailer, for months. I had many expectations have been exceeded by far.
Two hours with my mouth open. BLACK SWAN
begins at a high pitch, fairly high, but nevertheless, in a crescendo with little precedent in the recent film, he manages to keep going up and up, without the slightest hint of arrhythmia, until entire universe created by Aronofsky obsession explodes into a truly memorable climax.
Repulsion, Eve, The Red Shoes, POSSESSION, THE PIANIST, ShowGirls and roads entering the mixer Aronofsky film leading to a completely new, unheard, unseen.
Few films have portrayed the process of madness like this. The ultimate psychological thriller. Sequences self-harm, love hate that mother and that daughter, and the drama behind the scenes everyday world of classical dance, eroticism, food pussy Mila Kunis at Portman, Portman's finger, the old man who touch the package, the nightclub scene, WINONA RYDER (absolutely gorgeous) performing his own human problems ...
Mila Kunis and Barbara Hershey are magnificent, embodying their characters to perfection, but Natalie Portman goes further, giving it everything in every sequence, providing its head on a platter full potential gestural and dramatic close all its baggage. Take the chance of this, his best role since LEON THE PROFESSIONAL taking the bull by the horns, leaving the same prison in which his character is to become the BLACK SWAN. The OSCAR is yours.
Aronofsky is the new KUBRICK. A director capable of exercising high-flying style to the general public, the mainstream. And his film is already a classic from the decade that started with her.

Leaving all absolutely fascinated with film, Sol MCDONALDS road, go for a 1955.
While having dinner, Jimin is makeup of BLACK SWAN. There was a tutorial BLACK SWAN. MCDONALDS
Leaving a very nice girl Jimin asked which party costume was, she wanted to go too.
That night there was no costume party, but there was MEAT, MEAT CIBELES the.
just say that in one corner was Esther Canadas taking shots, with his cheeks and his mouth alien.

CIBELES The first day, incidentally, gave Duyos do chest with a very elegant collection that paid homage to the golden age of PERTEGAZ seam and BALENCIAGA English. And best of all, JEANETTE sang during the parade, no less. Face to Face, BECAUSE I AM TE VAS and rebels, some of my favorite songs of all time.
Best of CIBELES undoubtedly was Mary Escoto, with HONOLULU DARK , the very risky and ultra-sexy collection that the designer of the moment has reinvented the definitive contemporary femme fatale. Vampires
in Hawaii.
A 10.

* TOP TEN: Best Movies

black swan.
2 .- Leon (The Professional).
3 .- V for Vendetta. 4 .-
Mars Attacks. 5 .- Closer
6 .- Beautiful girls.
7 .- Everyone says I love you.
8 .- My Blueberry Nights.
9 .- Heat.
10 .- The Other Boleyn Girl.

For any questions or requests, please click here .

Songs for the iPhone 4:
- LOTUS FLOWER by Radiohead.

If you liked today's update ...

Monday, February 21, 2011

Clear Plastic Cover For Countertop

When you're strange. The road to legend.

The Prophets describe what they saw in visions ... with their imaginative and immortal organs. A Spirit and a Vision are not, as modern philosophy supposes, a cloudy vapor or a nothing: they are organized and carefully articulated, beyond what it can produce deadly and perishable nature. Who not imagine better and stronger traits, and under stronger light and better than your eye perishable, does not imagine at all.

(William Blake).

I must admit I've never been a fan devotee of any particular musical, I left the obsessions and fanaticism to the world of cinema and literature. That does not mean that, like everyone else, there are bands I have liked it better than others at certain times of my life. One of them is necessarily "The Doors".
With a musical style that has its roots in blues, flamenco, jazz and psychedelia, "The Doors" (name inspired by the book by Aldous Huxley "The Doors of Perception" , itself inspired by the poet William Blake ) the group consisting of Jim Morrison, Ray Manzarek, Robby Kriegger and John Densmore , voluntarily withdrew from the mainstream musical trends of the time for, with the masterful lyrics Morrison, form one of the most challenging of the world music scene. Little did they know those four players after their disastrous first performance (to absolutely no one who did not attend), who were to become a musical historical reference (Including cultural and social if you ask me) imperishable.

The movie that made Oliver Stone at the time, this biopic with Val Kilmer become a rival of Jim Morrison (the best of flm no doubt, Kilmer most successful in his interpretation of his career) left me cold and I think I was at the height of what the group deserved (perhaps if there had been so focused on deepening the relationship for Morrison and Pamela , things would have won), come on, it's easy and necessarily forgettable (I must clarify that since I first saw that I liked enough, she had not put my eyes on her until this past weekend, I went back to her in a double bill with the documentary hand).
Few documentaries about bands that I would recommend to anyone, but certainly one would be east of Tom DiCillo, published by Avalon and name "When you're strange " (another would no doubt " The Devil and Daniel Johnston " , also published by Avalon and focuses on the figure of Daniel Johnston unclassifiable); And, the main problem with this type of work is often sin of falling into what is known as hagiography. Luckily for everyone, this documentary does not make that mistake (in fact, we must remember that DiCillo already touched on the music film "Johnny Suede" ). Tom DiCillo
not only falls in the feverish fanaticism and impartial, which would have been a terrible mistake, but some see it as no group had ever imagined they would, with a very original approach as a documentary film is concerned, as we do get like a book or movie to use it were (presentation, development and outcome), with chronological representation of unpublished material to date (such as those held frames "HWY-Highway" , experimental film that it Morrison filmed while studying film at UCLA University ), mixed with material of the period in which they develop the facts that are narrated, from its beginnings performing at the California club Whisky a Go Go (which allows us a clear perspective of the evolution of the group, seeing how Morrison happens, for timidity in his first performances, to sing with his back to the public until the provocative and foolish "performances" that came to stand atop a stage while at the end of his career).

An interesting film that serves, in addition to venture into the unfathomable depths of the group to discover a turbulent time in American history.
To take a catch, being picky, well, one wishes that the tone used by Depp for narration had been less monotonous, more effusive and, why not say so, scarce in time so have enjoyed over the group's music. Still, after viewing work DiCillo, the first behind the camera as far as documentaries are concerned, I can only wish one thing, do not delay too your next job. We all appreciate.
If you are not yet convinced that it should, try to see just the beginning. Jim Morrison driving at full speed through the desert (in a scene out of that HYW ) while the radio is announcing his own death (actual broadcast of the day in which he was found dead: "rockers around the world are mourning today. Jim Morrison, lead singer of The Doors, was found dead in his apartment in Paris " ).
Con esto, quedarán atrapados hasta el final.
A partir de ahí, la vertiginosa Historia de uno de los grupos más grandes del rock. 

 "People are strange when you're a stranger
Faces look ugly when you're alone
Women seem wicked when you're unwanted
Streets are uneven when you're down

When you're strange
Faces come out of the rain
When you're strange
No one remembers your name
When you're strange
When you're strange
When you're strange

People are strange when you're a stranger
Faces look ugly when you're alone
Women seem wicked when you're Unwanted
Streets Are Uneven

when you're down When you're strange Faces come out of
the rain

When you're strange No one Remembers your name When you're strange

When you're strange When you're strange

When you're strange Faces come out of the rain

When you're strange No one Remembers your name

When you're strange When you're strange
When you're strange. "

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Door Chime 2000 Windstar Where

What movie is this?. Sunday's Game Second Edition (8).

The ratings go like this:
agrimensorJ, with 9 points.
David (Safari), with 8 points.
Cinexim with 7 points.
Mr. Lombreeze, Poptaje, Scotty, with 6 points.
Mucipa, Trónak the Kárbaro, Marguisa, Licantropunk, Diorama, Lughnasad, with 5 points. Doc
Armitage, Cecil B. Insane, dvd, with 4 points. Lola
Fett, JA Perez, Pepe Cahiers, with 3 points.
Kenny, Dr. Quatermass, Mr. Floppy, Charlie, redrum, dopzihon, William of Baskerville, Anro, with 2 points.
Xalons, Anna, Kinezoe, ricard, kinski, Lord Kamps, Baal Zak, carlesp, Christian, Lula Fortune, Ricardo Perez, Anel,, Miquel Zuera Insanus, Javi, Angel Maria Martinez, @ ngel, Laura Jesso, Santiago Braida, Angelus, GabyLocura, Coltro, Kinezoe, Kenny, Jokerman, Yamete, PedroLópez Manzano, Kinski, Putrefiction, David Navarro Amorós, Tarquin Winot, Ricar2, tristan, Mark Callau, Black Pie, Carlos Franco Ballester, with 1 point.

And with that, what movie is it? ...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Tinkerbell Double Duvet Cover


Del "I suffer as GENO", we have passed the "GENO, first expelled and final OT winner."
closes the circle.
Tomorrow is the last program, perhaps in the history of OT. Telecinco has decided to cancel as legendary reality after four weeks of release to be is below the average for the chain. Poor guys, CORALUNA poor, poor child, poor PILAR RUBIO ... Why has played OT? Is it the fault of its host, the casting, the music selection ...?

Many blame the failure of OT to the impressive PILAR RUBIO, but the truth is that even as the host is obvious that this girl is denied for improvisation, OT presenters have never been players in the program. The success or failure of OPERATION VICTORY has never fallen (and now, too) on the shoulders of the presenter. OT actors have always been competitors, the stars of OT. And that has not gone wrong (admittedly missing participants "handsome" fan of phenomenon) and that this was a varied cast, quite charismatic and recognizable. The selection Music, as always, even more presentable than other years. The problem with this OT has been, quite simply, that its formula had been burning for some time that (the last edition was not hearing a bomb, why it took so long again.) The viewer knows that no contestant ends up succeeding as OT victory at the first edition and that makes the program has lost interest and respect. What's the big fight for the win if not finally wins one? If only the winner was to Eurovision ... and this factor combined with popular unease that has overlapped the emission TELECINCO OT with Big Brother and Fame, the public has perceived this new edition as "bit special." TELECINCO Should not have expected him to finish GH for the followers of this, orphans, reenlistment to OT?.
Anyway, I was sad to finish OT, with the good times that made me go ... just to have seen, ten years later, making LADY GAGA GENO, has won all punishment.
I believe that this latest edition, the edition having been canceled, the audience failed edition of all, it will become super cult. Everyone will be famous, like the first ...
Well, at least MANOLO the Astrud, says he will make a disc JEFFERSON ... I do not

I have meter hearings but saw OT ... Why do not I have an audiometer of those ...? What I can do to have it?
I want.
hearings are nothing until you have trusted me that peoplemeter.

My boyfriend went to work and stayed with me to eat. We went to La Mucca of the Plaza de Carlos Cambronero, uphill Square Fish Street. JAIME
asked first, a spinach salad with salmon, nuts and goodies and second a steak with potatoes and a rich sauce. I ordered a spinach crepes, second chicken breast with mushroom sauce and a dessert of carrot cake and a tiramisu. All great.
La Mucca is a very nice place, cozily decorated, but perhaps there are too many tables. We were literally glued to the next door and had issues that I felt shame about because they do not know anything and did not want to listen to my intimacies ...
Coffee ELI we took it in the Starbucks on Market Square FUENCARRAL. There were two teenagers rockabilly girls who were very smug, each with a frappuccino. JULY

left work and joined us. We went to TIGER (pronounced TY and the store is crap for the house GENERATION AFTER WINDSOR), where James and I bought a lamp like an English pub puzzle game and a wooden owl. JULY
is in love with one of the cashiers. JAIME
and I came home and made a night of tacos and nachos with homemade guacamole exciting watching DELUXE BOX LYDIA LOZANO, not forgive what Ylenia and it turns out that had a traffic accident that killed a boyfriend loved. LYDIA
was brilliant, crying as directed by Cassavetes. BETHLEHEM
After he submitted to polygraph for us to see if it was true or not how badly she behaved with ambition. He made a 50% share.
Impossible to go on Fridays.

a Saturday breakfast croissants fresh from the oven HERSHEY'S chocolate syrup. And for lunch prepared JAIME impressive zucchini stuffed with sweet rice. JAIME
recipes: Short
a large zucchini into quarters and put them to boil 10 minutes. The empty and mixes the pulp with sliced \u200b\u200bmushrooms, shredded ham and mozzarella cheese. Salt and pepper and zucchini stuffed with all this.
Badejo puts them in a dish and covered with white sauce (you know, that is made with flour, milk, nutmeg, salt and pepper), cheese gratin and baked 25 minutes, casseroles to 200 degrees.
As you make the accompanying sweet rice, boil a cup of rice with fresh thyme and salt-free when you are ready you mix in a pan with some olive oil, tarragon vinegar and honey. It blends three minutes, take out the squash and mix with the rice.
An incredible dish.

That afternoon we went to see True Grit, which I told you a couple of updates, and then all went to dinner at McDonald's Gran Via (you know, the first McDonald's in Spain), which was that Saturday night crowded with families, interracial couples, poker and fags. I made my order in EASY ORDER, with the card, I love it because every time I do I feel like a kid way of the future.

The next morning, Sunday, we woke up and down to breakfast at VIPS. A light breakfast croissant bread Tumaco and grilled, then we stayed to eat carbonara monumental JAIME's mother.
After coffee, sofa and blanket afternoon watching NINE. NINE
is a mess, but I like it. Music is a slightly UN, DOS, TRES, but there is something that I was looking for the star of THE ROSE OF CAIRO pupura when he went to the cinema to hide from real life, show, shine, songs, glam ... EP is amazing and but the musical numbers are quite unfortunate there are two of them (Judi Dench and Sophia Loren) that excite me especially as a spring intimate touch me, somehow ... And I love the ending. By zapping

casting saw Single White Female 2. A sort of sequel to infamous and super telefilm. An unexpected comedy. 2
In BORGES spent a documentary that featured him blind, recalling the yellow tigers, when he went to the zoo as a child and was awed by the color of the Bengal tigers. She told how, being blind, I remembered a lot of that color ... He took a book titled THE GOLD OF THE TIGERS ... What a great BORGES
That night was the GOYA and GRAMMY. If you want to read my opinion about this, click here . So I repeat.

For all those which fills their mouth is trash TV saying save me, I want to explain what really is reality shows and what it means to be garbage ...
Intereconomía is garbage.
A complexed facade called XAVIER HORCAJO, who calls himself "journalist", said Carla Antonelli is a "boy, girl, chique" and it would have been better than Tomas Gomez had put on the lists of the PSOE to "a syndrome Down or an AIDS patient. " Intereconomía
beyond the garbage is a dunghill. AND XAVIER HORCAJO, poor man at heart, oozing stench of putrefaction.

And finally the music video has come HOLD IT AGAINST ME, Cantaditas BRITNEY Bakala 90's. Jonas Akerlund (the RAY OF LIGHT and the TELEPHONE) runs a video clip that Britney wanted to capture it all, a ship from outer space crashes into the earth, dancers as FAME TO DANCE, BERSHKA clothing, internet, the mass media, the fight against self, madness stalking the past ... A masterpiece with choreography BRITNEY 100%. You can see
clicking here.

The best films of the Coen:

1 .- Blood Simple.
2 .- Barton Fink.
3 .- No Country for Old Men. 4 .- Arizona
baby. 5 .-
Miller's Crossing. 6 .-
7 .- True Grit.
8 .- big jump.
9 .- A Serious.
10 .- The man who was never there.

For any questions or requests, please click here .

Songs for the IPHONE 4:

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